

  • Budapest

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Pensamiento

    Violence and Conflict in Hegel’s Philosophy

    Special Edition of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Guest-edited by Tomáš Korda, this special issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence will be devoted to reappraisals as well as critical perspectives on Hegel’s thoughts on violence and conflict.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios políticos

    The Contribution of Women to International Law and International Relations: between War and Peace

    Third Global Online Congress on International Relations and International Law of the European University of Valencia

    More than 20 years ago, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) underlined the fact that women play a key role in promoting peace, security, development, and human rights. States were invited to ensure that women are better represented at all levels of decision-making processes in national, regional, and international institutions and mechanisms for the prevention, management, and resolution of conflicts. The aim of the congress is the analyze of women’s contributions to the areas of international relations and international law in the context of war and peace processes, both from a general approach and illustrated in specific political and legal areas.

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  • Berlín

    Coloquio - Historia

    Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe

    The first conference in the framework of our “Wer ist Walter?”-project will include four panels on the history of resistance against Nazism and fascism during World War Two. Gathering historians, curators and other researchers from different countries, the main aims of the conference are to present and discuss new research on the history of resistance, with a specific focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France and Germany, in a comparative and European perspective, and to discuss about different understandings of resistance and about the relevance of its memory today.

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  • Oxford

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Body Counts: The Administration of Military Losses and Casualties in East & South-east Asian Wars, 1930s – 1970s

    This conference examines war losses and casualties during the East and South-east Asian conflicts from the 1930s (e.g. Manchurian Crisis) to the 1970s, including the Second World War and the Chinese Civil War, with a focus on military (and prisoner) casualties rather than those of civilians. These conflicts were marked by the juxtaposition of hybrid military strategies and tactical configurations; a variety of local, regional, and international actors (including non-state groups); and a high degree of violence within fluid categories of imperial/anti-imperial, civil, and global warfare. The conference seeks to draw connections between these conflicts and regions by examining the administration of war losses and casualties, including the transfer of skills, knowledge, material, and personnel associated with these practices

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  • Budapest

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Pensamiento

    Violence and Conflict in Alexandre Kojève’s works

    “Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence” - Special Issue

    Alexandre Kojève is well known for having initiated a whole generation of intellectuals into a certain reading of Hegel. From the claim that the struggle for recognition must be necessarily a “bloody” one to the assessment that the replacement of those elites whose authority has expired may call for their annihilation, not to mention his equation of biological “death” with human freedom or his interpretation of revolutionary terror as a pedagogical tool to bring forth the perfect citizen of the post-historical age, Kojève´s corpus offers not few topics in which to ground such a reexamination. The special issue of Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) seeks cutting-age articles from contributors which openly explore the aforementioned topics as well as others along the same lines.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Une Méditerranée transatlantique ?

    Circulations, influences et coopérations civiles et militaires entre les États-Unis et l’espace méditerranéen européen et turc (de 1945 aux années 1980)

    L’objectif de cette rencontre est de contribuer à une histoire transnationale et décloisonnée des circulations entre l'Europe méditerranéenne et les États-Unis entre 1945 et les années 1980, qui permette d’appréhender ces relations d’un point de vue global et d’analyser la façon dont ces liens ont pu aussi générer des circulations d’influence entre pays de la Méditerranée. Il s’agit de conjuguer les approches diplomatiques avec la socio-histoire de ces acteurs et avec l’analyse de la circulation des savoirs et des modes de gouvernementalité, en replaçant les enjeux et politiques militaires atlantiques dans le contexte plus large de mobilités intellectuelles et de pratiques croisées. La Méditerranée européenne et turque est ici entendue dans une acceptation large et politique, allant du Portugal aux confins de la péninsule anatolienne. De même, l’ambition est de voir comment ces relations entre l’Europe méditerranéenne et l’espace atlantique ont pu avoir des effets sur les rives sud et orientales de la Méditerranée, que ce soit pendant ou après la période de domination coloniale.

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  • París

    Coloquio - Sociología

    Photography of Persecution. Pictures of the Holocaust

    Rather than treating photographic images taken under Nazi rule as self-explanatory, immediate, and self-contained, this conference invites interested scholars to approach photographs as they would other documents – by treating photographs as objects of historical inquiry and interrogating the political interests authorizing their creation, the material conditions under which they were produced, the editing process out of which they emerged and were displayed, and the uses to which they were put. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe, including its overseas possessions from 1933 to 1945.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Italy and Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period

    Monographic issue of “Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea”

    The signing of the Treaty of Rapallo in 1920 made it possible to find a solution to the Italian-Yugoslav dispute over the north-eastern Adriatic border, a solution that would last substantially until the Italian invasion of the neighbouring kingdom in World War 2. Relations between Italy and Yugoslavia, particularly since the end of the 1920s, with the beginning of the more decidedly revisionist phase of fascist foreign policy regarding the structures of the Danubian-Balkan area, were never easy. However, the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo represented an undoubtedly important moment, which greatly contributed to restore a climate of collaboration between the two countries, heavily jeopardized by border nationalism and by the D’Annunzio’s “impresa di Fiume”, interrupted precisely by the Treaty of Rapallo.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Alps and Resistance: conflicts, violences and political reflections (1943-1945)

    Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    What is the relationship between the Alps and the Resistance during the Italian Social Republic? The focus of the book is to deepen the function of the Alps as a “centre” of battles, violences and opposition to fascism, as well as the cradle of political debate destined to forge the modern Italian and European democracy.

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  • Budapest

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Pensamiento

    Oswald Spengler

    Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) - (Special Issue)

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) welcomes contributions concerning the role of conflict and violence in Spengler’s conceptual system(s) and its political legacy. This special issue is intended to contribute to the ongoing reappraisal of Spengler’s thought and its influence through the analysis of themes of conflict, struggle, turmoil and violence both within Spengler’s historical and philosophical writings, and with regards to the impact of his writings on wider society.

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  • Bucarest

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Transnational Biographies. Destinies at the Crossroads throughout the 20th Century

    This call for papers seeks methodological and case-study perspectives on 20th century biographies, interpreted within a framework of cross-national/transnational connections, surpassing the nation-centered apprehension of history. The contributions should acknowledge and interpret destinies and existences as subjected to transnational spaces and structures, while considering actors as non-state (or multi-state) entities. Moreover, we seek contributions that surpass the “center-periphery” paradigm, focusing on a “horizontal” approach, while also reversing the spotlight from diplomatic and political history towards the social and cultural dimension of it. Editors welcome contributions from different fields of research: history, political science, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, gender studies or any other related areas of interest.

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  • Nueva York

    Beca, premio y empleo - Europa

    American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives Fellowship Program

    The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for its 2020 fellowship program.

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  • Budapest

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Beyond Trianon

    The exit from war in Danubian Europe: a new era? (1918-1924)

    Using the Hungarian case as a springboard, and broadening the perspective to the whole of Danubian Europe, the conference seeks to address the following questions: the new social bonds emerging from the transformation brought about by the Paris Peace Conference; social, intellectual and (or) regional impact of changes, conflicts and international confrontations between 1918 and 1924. The conference aims to rise to the challenge of writing comparative social histories of this historical moment.

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  • Praga

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Reshaping the Nation

    Collective Identities and Post-War Violence in Europe 1944–1948

    The conference will analyze the composition of nationalities (who belonged to the national community?), the legitimizing function of nationalism, and its relation to acts of violence at the end of war and to the reshaping of postwar societies. At the same time, we want to address the differences between countries. How did a specific occupation policy in a specific place, with its specific national and racist criteria, influence the “responses” of the occupied society? Is there any evidence of a biological understanding of nationhood? How did competing concepts shape a new understanding of the “nation”—particularly taking into consideration the different political and cultural developments in various nation-states after the war ended? We are interested in papers that touch upon violent acts occurring at the end of World War II and stemming from nationalism as reshaped by previous war experiences.

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  • Ypres

    Coloquio - Historia

    To end all wars?

    Geopolitical aftermath and commemorative legacies of the first world war

    Taking worldwide perspectives, this unique and prestigious conference brings together international specialists including Jay Winter, Nicolas Offenstadt, Carole Fink, Stefan Berger, Bruce Scates, Pieter Lagrou, Piet Chielens and many others. They will discuss and reflect upon the consequences of the new geopolitical order that came into being after the First World War, and how that war and its legacy have been remembered up to the present day.

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  • Roma

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    The European Left and the Jewish question

    Zionism, anti-semitism and the Arab-Israeli conflict (1789-1989)

    The seminar on contemporary history of the Department of social and economic sciences of Sapienza University of Rome will organize a conference that will take place from 13 to 14 December 2018 in Rome titled: “The European Left and the Jewish question: Zionism, anti-Semitism and the Arab-Israeli conflict”. The goal is to explore the relationship between the Left and Jews in the two hundred years’ history of the political left, considering three major themes: the Jewish question as seen by left-wing authors; Anti-Semitism and its representations in left-wing culture; The Arab-Israeli conflict as a node of comparison between the Left and the Jewish question.

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  • Pau

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Sociología

    Pluralizing perspectives? Truth and Reconciliation in societies emerging from conflict and/or violence

    This is a one-day workshop on the plurality of reconciliation practices in post-conflitc societies.  What various meanings are assigned to the word ‘reconciliation’ in the different communities where such initiatives have been implemented? How may conflicting interests or views be reconciled? The organisers also wish to study the influence of historical factors, and assess how the accounts of those seeking reconciliation have evolved over time. An analysis of past initiatives will also be relevant. Finally, a distinction between nationally and locally devised initiatives may be made to better assess the policies implemented, their sustainability, and their impact on the local communities. This is a cross-disciplinary workshop and submissions by researchers in Humanities or Political and Social Sciences will be welcome.

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  • Ginebra

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Divided memories, shared memories: Poland, Russia, Ukraine

    History mirrored in literature and cinema

    In Central and Eastern European countries, memorial questions appeared right after the demise of the communist regimes in 1989–1991, revealing long-denied processes. The phenomenon of the rise of repressed memories along with the rewriting of history, and the political uses of the past are noticeable in Poland, Russia, and Ukraine, three countries whose histories are as often shared as their memories are divided. The “memory wars” in which these three states have sometimes been engaged since the end of the 1980s have been the subject of an abundant historiography.

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  • Roma

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Religiones

    Les effets de la première guerre mondiale sur les églises chrétiennes

    11 November 1918 saw the end of the First World War, known at the time as the “Great War” (1914-1918) for its global scale, extreme destructivity and unseen casualty rates. On the one hand, wars evoke heroism and patriotism and bring people and groups to alter their mental boundaries and abilities. On the other hand, wars also elicit hatred, envy and violent behaviour, the settling of hidden accounts, the abandonment of ethical standards, and deep divisions and confrontations between families and societies. Since effects of the first world conflict were enormous and the shock waves were felt for years and generations to come, the question arises about the impact of the Great War on religion and the established churches.

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  • París

    Coloquio - Historia

    Home as a place for anti-Jewish persecution in European cities, 1933-1945

    Anti-Jewish persecution didn’t only happen in specifically designed or transformed spaces such as camps and ghettos. It invaded spaces of everyday life in European cities: public spaces, work places and private spaces such as homes. In this landscape not only Jews and agents of persecution appear but also their immediate residential environment: concierges, neighbors, nannies, landlords, property managers, sub-tenants, local administrations, etc. These figures have an essential place in the memories of Jewish survivors. Though, so far, scholars have hardly addressed their role. The spatial turn that occurred during the last fifteen years in Anglophone Holocaust studies focused on the symbolic places of genocide. It mostly neglected apartment blocks and ordinary cities as spaces of persecution. This conference thus intends to focus on urban housing as a place for anti-Jewish persecution.

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