

  • Barcelona

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Etnología, antropología

    Ethnographier le racisme aujourd'hui

    Nous recherchons des personnes pour participer à notre panel, ce panel porte sur la manière de faire et de défaire une ethnographie du racisme dans l’anthropologie d’aujourd'hui. Il est ouvert à de nouvelles formes et manières d’ethnographier et d’aborder le racisme en anthropologie.

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  • Potsdam

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Europa

    Authenticity in European Cities

    Creating, Visualizing, and Contesting Urban and Built Heritage

    The conference in Potsdam will analyse how the urban and built heritage were and are perceived as “authentic”. Contributions presenting case studies on European cities as well as comparative approaches are of special interest.

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  • Nantes

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Migrant Atmospheres

    Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain

    This special issue of Ambiances explores the transfers and creation of atmospheres and materialities caused by migratory movements, and how urban and architectural spaces develop, emerge or are transformed when specific migrant spatial practices intersect with specific hosting environments in the globalised contemporary city.

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  • Padua

    Coloquio - Europa

    Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality

    A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History

    PhD students from the XXXIV cycle of the joint PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical, Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari Venice, Verona) are happy to invite you to their conference, titled "Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality. A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History". We will be exploring the interactions between various examples of Crises and Infrastructural response, trying to push for an interdisciplinary dialogue. We aim to reflect not only on the role of infrastructures as means of problem-solving, but also on the varied outcomes of critical moments. For more information, please see the detailed program attached.

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  • Palermo

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Etnología, antropología

    Cinema and the City

    Interdisciplinary perspectives

    The conference aims to explore the relationships established between cinema and urban areas. We want to stress the connections woven between cities and cinema, films, fiction and documentaries – important unconventional sources for the understanding of social and cultural contexts. We intend to focus on the modalities used in films to tell stories – through images and speech – concerning cities, territories, and places, residents’ lives in relation to spaces, to buildings, to landscapes, as well as to its urban culture as a whole. The perspective we have chosen for this conference is interdisciplinary and cinema will be considered as a medium to be understood and interpreted in several, possibly comparative, ways.

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  • Ixelles

    Beca, premio y empleo - Etnología, antropología

    PhD in Anthropology of youth and public space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam

    EASt, centre for East Asian Studies, invites applications for 1 PhD in Anthropology of Youth and Public Space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam - deadline: 27 June 2019. EASt is a research unit within the Maison des sciences humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

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  • París

    Coloquio - Estudios urbanos

    Cosmopolitanism revisited

    Comparative Perspectives on Urban Diversity from the Gulf and Beyond

    This conference aims to revisit the notion of cosmopolitanism in Gulf cities and other regional areas from a comparative perspective. It will be a unique opportunity for scholars of the Gulf and other world regions to engage with cosmopolitanism or otherwise probe the intersection of global studies, urban studies and migration studies from a range of disciplines. More specifically, panels will be organized around the following research themes:“cosmopolitan canopy”, cosmopolitanism in theoretical and comparative perspectives, new geographies of cosmopolitanism in Gulf cities.

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  • París

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Migrants in Global Metropolises

    Séminaire de recherche et doctoral MAGMET

    L'objectif de ce séminaire consiste à articuler transformations urbaines, migration et mondialisation pour mieux comprendre la fabrication des villes-mondes plurielles, marquées par de très forts taux d’immigration et de part de population étrangère. Partant des pratiques et des représentations des différents acteurs sociaux, économiques et politiques qui produisent et vivent dans ces villes, il s’intéresse aux modalités d’incarnation socio-spatiales de la diversité, ainsi qu’à sa gestion. En pensant simultanément les connexions et les ancrages, en jouant systématiquement sur l’articulation des échelles, l’enjeu du séminaire est d’élaborer un cadre analytique théorique comparatif afin de réfléchir aux modes de transformation des métropoles plurielles, engagées dans des dynamiques de mondialisation, en fonction de leur insertion dans les réseaux globalisés, de leur taille démographique et de leurs héritages et contextes politiques.

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  • Oporto

    Seminario - Época contemporánea

    Another Music in a Different Room

    Resulting from a series of developed works in the last decade within the framework of social sciences (namely Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Arts, Sociology of Youth, Urban Sociology and Sociology of Music), in this advanced seminar we will have the opportunity of deepening the understanding around the importance, functioning, process, the agents, characteristics, genres and subgenres of the current urban music scenes. The ANOTHER MUSIC IN A DIFFERENT ROOM will be a fruitful space for ideas, discussions and, therefore, for a great developments on scientific knowledge. So, it’s our intention to share all this scientific dynamic with the world in order to contribute to a larger debate on music, youth, lifestyles, culture, cultural scenes, music scenes. In this context, the ideas and discussions held in the Advanced Seminar, both by lecturers and participants, will be published in a Collaborative e-book.


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  • París

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Derecho

    Conférence droit et limites

    Annual International Conference / Sciences Po Paris / May 19th and 20th 2014

    La conférence cherche à réunir des jeunes chercheurs et doctorants qui travaillent sur les questions aux confins du droit et des autres disciplines. Le projet a été initialement conçu comme une réponse au silence de la discipline juridique s’agissant des causes, des effets, et des solutions à apporter à la récente crise économique. Plus généralement, nous souhaitons mettre en place un cadre permettant de débattre sur la manière dont les juristes européens peuvent s’approprier les problématiques posées par la gouvernance globale. Cette année la conférence se tiendra à sciences politiques Paris les 19 et 20 mai 2014.

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  • Lisboa

    Seminario - Sociología

    Fado Seminar

    The Fado Seminar will be held in room 3 at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), on Friday, July 12, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

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  • Guimarães

    Coloquio - Época contemporánea

    Structures du XXe siècle : patrimoine architecturale et patrimonialisation

    The evolution of the architectural languages of the XX century, from modernist to post-modernist, has often stressed the importance of structures in expressing and fostering innovation. However, in the patrimonialization processes identities, memories and languages, prevail on structures and materials, due to new uses, new norms and standards adaptation.

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  • Nottingham

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Época contemporánea

    Le flâneur à l'étranger

    Perspectives historiques et internationales sur un archétype urbain

    Ce colloque veut rassembler des communications qui suivront les transformations (et les origines) du flâneur à travers des médias divers, et au-delà des boulevards et rues de Paris.

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  • Anglais

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  • Estudios urbanos

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