

  • Târgovişte

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Pensamiento

    Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation

    Cultural heritage is not just a testament to our past; it is a living testament to the diverse cultures and histories that enrich our global tapestry. Yet, it faces numerous challenges in the contemporary world, from natural disasters and climate change to urbanization and the pressures of globalization. Our conference embraces a multidisciplinary perspective, acknowledging that the preservation of cultural patrimony cannot be accomplished through isolated efforts. It calls for the convergence of expertise from diverse fields, from archaeology and conservation to law, technology and new technologies, management, marketing, and social sciences. By doing so, we reflect the spirit of our consortium, which is firmly rooted in the belief that innovative and sustainable practices are essential for the effective safeguarding of our rich cultural heritage.

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  • Lausana

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Swiss Mobility Conference

    L’objectif de la conférence est de proposer un lieu de discussion et de débat pour les chercheur·es en sciences humaines et sociales qui travaillent sur les différentes formes de mobilité. Les présentations aborderont les mobilités dans leur diversité. Elles peuvent s’inscrire dans les domaines de recherche suivants: les débats théoriques; les innovations méthodologiques; l’action publique et les processus de décision en matière de mobilité; la régulation de la mobilité et ses outils; les acteurs et leurs logiques d’action; les normes et valeurs sous-tendant les mobilités et les inégalités sociales; les temporalités et spatialités des mobilités; la prospective de la mobilité.

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  • Erkner

    Escuela temática - Estudios urbanos

    Residues of the Past: (De)constructing urban histories

    2023 IRS Summer School

    The focus of the summer school is to examine how historical strata have been understood, constructed, and interpreted in different European cities from the post-war period to the present day. On the one hand, the participants will learn how historic buildings were integrated into the post-war reconstruction plans on both sides of the “Iron Curtain”. On the other hand, we will discuss how historical authenticity has been established in the preservation of monuments and what might have been overlooked in the process. Finally, participants will debate how people (individually and in groups) remember and what this means for our understanding of the past. The students should also investigate how digital methods can help to understand today’s memory landscapes.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Jornada de estudio - Epistemología y métodos

    Regards critiques sur le développement

    Les journées doctorales « Regards critiques sur le développement » visent à promouvoir les synergies entre les jeunes chercheur·euse·s (jeunes docteur·e·s, doctorant·e·s et masterant·e·s) en sciences sociales contribuant à la recherche critique sur le développement, à l’étude des politiques et des institutions qui prétendent l’incarner et le mettre en pratique, ainsi que leurs fondements idéologiques, dans les Nords comme dans les Suds. Ces deux journées seront par ailleurs l’occasion d’ouvrir la discussion et de favoriser les échanges entre membres de diverses unités présentes sur le site Condorcet. De cette manière, les journées doctorales seront de riches moments didactiques pour les jeunes chercheur·euse·s, quel que soit l’état d’avancement de leurs travaux.

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  • Grenoble

    Beca, premio y empleo - Estudios urbanos

    Still on the Map!

    Les communautés du delta du Mississippi à l’épreuve de la disparition des sols

    « Still on the Map! » prend pour cadre d’étude le delta du Mississippi quinze années après le passage de l’ouragan Katrina et environ cinq ans après la mise en service des principales nouvelles infrastructures de protection contre le risque d’inondation « centennale ». Exprimé dès son titre – un énoncé de résistance / résilience scandé par nombre d’habitants lors des manifestations à caractère écologique en Louisiane –, ce projet de recherche ambitionne de décrire les liens et « attachements » (Latour, 2017) que différentes communautés du delta entretiennent avec leur milieu géographique en situation de forte bascule écologique, intégrant dans la définition des écosystèmes les infrastructures naturelles et artificielles du bassin hydrographique comme autant d’acteurs socio-politiques à part entière.

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  • París

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Época contemporánea

    Displaying the social history of migrants: content, scenography, public engagement

    Donner à voir l’histoire sociale des migrations: contenus, scénographies, médiations

    Le Centre d’histoire sociale des mondes contemporains invite des soumissions de la part de post-doctorants, de récents docteurs et de doctorants à un stade avancé de leur recherche, notamment dans les domaines de l’histoire sociale et des études migratoires, surtout pour autant qu’ils croisent ceux de la muséologie et de l’histoire publique. Les participants discuteront notamment comment donner à voir l’expérience quotidienne des migrations du passé dans toutes leurs dimensions sociales.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Fractures territoriales, ruptures, discontinuités, frontières : quels enjeux pour les aménageurs et les urbanistes ?

    Le groupe franco-britannique de recherche en aménagement et urbanisme / French-British Study Group in Planning qui depuis 20 ans œuvre au tissage intellectuel dans le champ de l’aménagement et de l’urbanisme entre les communautés scientifiques des deux pays, ne pouvait que s’interroger sur l’impact territorial d’un éventuelle sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne, mais aussi de toutes les formes de discontinuités et de ruptures territoriales à toutes les échelles, du cadre national au niveau local en passant par la dimension régionale.

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  • Lausana

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios de las ciencias

    Multiple Matters: From neglected things to arts of noticing fragility

    5th STS-CH International conference

    STS-CH, the Swiss Science and Technology Studies (STS) association, lauches the call for contributions to its 5th International Conference. Taking place at the University of Lausanne, by the Lake Geneva, from 7 to 9 September 2020, this 3-day event aims at bringing together scholars interested in STS across all disciplines, at all career levels. The overarching topic, “Multiple Matters: From neglected things to arts of noticing fragility” highlights the salience of research which addresses the fragility not only of the Earth and its ecosystems, but also of large technical systems, forms of life, human bodies and scientific knowledge.

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  • Lisboa

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Urban audiovisual festival

    Second edition

    Up to a certain point, the way we move to cities is the way we live cities. We choose our transportation based on the time, the safety of the way etc. From home to work or to the school, from work to a leisure activity, to visit a friend, regardless of where we are going, we always think about the best way to commute and get there. However, getting around the city is not a democratic act, yet. Living in the periphery is not the same as living in the city center, and such a distinction implies the time of travel, the costs and the supply of the types of transportation that we will have access to. On the other hand, and simultaneously, new forms of mobility emerge every day that are not always consensual in the urban context where they arise.

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  • Santiago de Compostela

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Representaciones

    La época del espacio. Estado y nuevas perspectivas

    A lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX se produjo una reorientación de la mirada humana y del interés científico, que pasó a observar y a observarse más en el espacio que en el tiempo, como ya había ocurrido anteriormente. En los últimos años, ha crecido enormemente el interés por el estudio de las creaciones artísticas, especialmente literarias, poniendo el foco en la simbología o la relevancia de los lugares. El crecimiento de disciplinas como las mencionadas puede ser percibido a través de su contacto con otras disciplinas emergentes, como las humanidades digitales, también de reciente aparición. La simbiosis entre ellas ha dado lugar a las humanidades espaciales o al deep mapping, entre otras. Sin embargo, más allá de las nuevas metodologías o procedimientos, internet y el desarrollo de la informática también han generado nuevos hábitats, nuevas espacialidades, que nos obligan a reformular el "nido" bachelardiano y el modo en que construimos identidades en el espacio. ¿Cómo han evolucionado estas teorías en los últimos años, qué ha cambiado en nuestra concepción del término o cómo vivimos o nos relacionamos con el territorio?

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  • Londres

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Institute of advanced studies talking points seminar

    Taking her recently published book Ethnography of Urban Territories (2018) as a starting point for this Talking Points Seminar, Monika Streule invites exploration and discussion of the experimental, critical and self-reflective use of differing methods in today’s urban studies.

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  • Génova

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Multi-ethnic cities in the Mediterranean world

    History, culture, heritage

    This meeting aims to foster a discussion about the continuities and disruptions which have conditioned the multi-ethnic dimension of Mediterranean cities. We would like to focus on the specificities of places and time in our millennial history that have produced both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. We would like to broaden the traditional horizons of our disciplines under the issues of our times, questioning the role of historical research and the forms of scientific communication nowadays, when old practices seem more challenged than ever by the overwhelming expansion of new technologies.

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  • Zúrich

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Etnología, antropología

    No country for anthropologists?

    Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East

    Many parts of the contemporary Middle East are confronted with war, sectarianism, transnational interferences, uprisings, and a comeback of authoritarian regimes. This brings about various difficulties for ethnographic research as a practice of knowledge production based on the immersion of researchers in given social contexts and the subsequent writing up and publishing of texts. The international conference No country for anthropologists? Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East explores the obstacles to do ethnography in the Middle East and take them as the starting point for reflection upon the role of anthropology with a view to the Middle East of today.

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  • Ixelles

    Beca, premio y empleo - Sociología

    Chercheur expérimenté pour deux projets de recherche sur la participation citoyenne à Bruxelles

    You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, investigating the potential of new approaches to  urban civic participation, such as by experimenting and developing new methodologies, design interventions and technological approaches. You will be mainly responsible for exploratory research and inquiries, in-depth field studies, and for evaluating and reporting of the action-research.

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  • Lisboa

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Urban audiovisual festival (UAF)

    The urban audio-visual festival – UAF emerges as a place for discussion and dialogue between professionals who work on urban life. This scientific meeting aims to promote the production of quality and the dissemination of the audio-visual work carried out by researchers and filmmakers in the field of urban studies, as well as other related disciplines.  We encourage the submission of projects made by students as part of their thesis, professional productions and artistic works.

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  • Oporto

    Escuela temática - Época contemporánea

    What difference do DIY cultures make?

    KISMIF Conference 2018 will be preceded by a Summer School entitled ‘What difference do DIY cultures make?’ (KISMIF Summer School 2018) on 3 July 2018 in Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto. The summer school will offer an opportunity for all interested persons, including those participating in the conference, to attend workshops led by specialists in these fields. Specifically, the Summer School offers thematic workshops expressly focused on the hands-on, music making, and place making of contemporary DIY cultures. Its approach will be methodological and focused on research for action.

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  • Girona

    Coloquio - Estudios urbanos

    Cathedrals and Mosques: Building Urban Memories and Landscapes in Southern Europe (12th - 14th centuries)

    This international conference will discuss interdisciplinary questions regarding the importance of cathedrals and mosques in the definition of memory and urban landscape in the medieval Mediterranean from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. Our research aims at analysing the role these two buildings played in configuring the urban fabric of the Mediterranean world. One of our primary objectives is to understand how these buildings defined medieval landscape and urban space. How did they modify and condition the social and functional organisation of their urban surroundings? What architectural features contributed to their place in civic memory (decoration, architectural style and building techniques)? We are interested in the place they occupy in their cities’ urban planning and topography.

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  • Berlín

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Geomedia and the City

    Geomedia is an emerging concept that has been deployed to capture a particular technological condition, associated with recent rapid developments in digital technology. As such, it signals to the dialectics of locative media and the mediations of localities. However, the concept of geomedia carries deeper/wider ontological and epistemological registers that transcend the simple twining of geography and media. In this wider sense, geomedia gestures to the expanding interdisciplinary terrain at the crossroads of media studies and geography, where various ontologies and epistemologies of space/time, flows/mobilities and mediation/ mediatization come together. The aim of this special issue is to explore the urban as a key terrain where these ontologies and epistemologies are articulated.

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  • París

    Coloquio - Estudios urbanos

    The Black Metropolis, between past and future

    Race, urban planning and African-American culture in Chicago

    The colloquium will celebrate the centenary of the “Great Migration” and explore the social and cultural life of Chicago South Side and West Side from the end of the Thirties, which were marked by the cultural zenith of Bronzeville neighborhood and a series of measures for the Black community inspired by the New Deal, to the present, which is characterized by numerous private and public initiatives in favor of an urban renewal. This international and multidisciplinary colloquium seeks to reevaluate the contribution of the South Side and the West Side to the definition and evolution of the African-American identity from the beginning of the XXth Century until the contemporary moment.

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  • Varberg

    Escuela temática - Estudios urbanos

    Interdisciplinary Urban dialogue in the city of Varberg, Sweden

    Summer academy for students and practitioners within Architecture, Art, Archeology, Cultural heritage and Urban planning

    In relation to its current urban transformation project the City of Varberg invites students, teachers and practitioners within architecture, art, archeology, cultural heritage and urban planning to experiment interdisciplinary approaches of exploration, representation, design and building common urban spaces through practice and theory.

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