

  • París

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Architecture et arts décoratifs au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient (XIXe-XXe siècles)

    Que les contours en aient été déterminés par la colonisation, par des « modernités indigènes », par les conditions de la guerre froide ou désormais par le système de la « starchitecture », l’architecture et les arts qui lui sont liés sur les pourtours sud et est méditerranéens, et au-delà dans la Péninsule arabique, constituent un vaste champ d’étude encore largement en friche.

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  • Berlín

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Refugees in the City

    The Urban Studies Seminar is a joint activity of the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) and 'Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe' (EUME), a research program at the Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin. It is part of the EUME research field, «Cities Compared». The seminar aims at presenting and discussing ongoing research of scholars working on cities in regions with Muslim societies with an emphasis on Urban Studies in a comparative perspective.

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  • París

    Seminario - Etnología, antropología

    Corps, villes, pouvoirs. Écriture cinématographique et sciences sociales

    Comment les corps habitent-ils, investissent-ils les villes ? De quelles expériences politiques sont-ils les porteurs et les témoins ? Que ce soient l’occupation de la place Tahrir en 2011, les passages clandestins de migrants en escale à Athènes ou les nuits des travailleurs itinérants des chantiers de Bangalore, les documentaires projetés dans le cadre de ces rencontres se saisissent de ces questions en dialogue avec les sciences sociales.

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  • Berlín

    Seminario - Historia

    Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar (2009-2010)

    Post-Ottoman Cities

    What is the historical experience of cities in the former territories of the Ottoman Empire - in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, and North Africa - in dealing with the impact of global changes and the transformation from Empire to nation States? How did people of different cultural, social and religious backgrounds live together? How are such examples of conviviality, conflict, migration, and urban regimes of governance and stratification conceptualized? And how have urban traditions been reinterpreted, and what bearing does this have on modern conceptions of civil society, multicultural societies, migration, or cosmopolitanism. These and other questions will be addressed in this year’s Seminar in Ottoman Urban Studies. Séminaire organisé par Ulrike Freitag et Nora Lafi.

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  • Berlín

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar 2008-2009

    Daily Life in Ottoman Towns

    What is the historical experience of cities in the former territories of the Ottoman Empire - in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, and North Africa - in dealing with the impact of global changes and the transformation from Empire to nation States? How did people of different cultural, social and religious backgrounds live together? How are such examples of conviviality, conflict, migration, and urban regimes of governance and stratification conceptualized? And how have urban traditions been reinterpreted, and what bearing does this have on modern conceptions of civil society, multicultural societies, migration, or cosmopolitanism. These and other questions will be addressed in this year’s Seminar in Ottoman Urban Studies, with a specific focus on daily life issues. This seminar is supported by the research program ‘Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe’ EUME with funds of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.

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