

  • Cagliari

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    « Imago mundi ». Un regard sur la métaphore : créativité, phraséologie et discours

    The guiding question of the conference will therefore be to try to specify the linguistic and conceptual functioning of the metaphor. More generally, the conference will welcome any contribution aimed at bringing out the relationships between metaphor and the three concepts in question: creativity, lexicalization and discourse. The analysis of metaphor can proceed from both a diachronic and synchronic perspective and address different types of corpora and texts. The conference will pay particular attention to the analysis of different types of discourse, in particular scientific, technological, media, tourism, advertising, political, legal, philosophical, historical, literary, artistic and educational/didactic discourse.

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Penser, pratiquer et vivre le plurilinguisme

    Third edition

    Reflétant les grandes lignes de ce troisième colloque, les trois verbes – interconnectés et complémentaires – de l’intitulé permettent d’élargir la sphère d’investigation des recherches portant sur la didactique des langues et la construction d’identités plurilingues, majoritairement liées aux lieux d’apprentissage institutionnalisés comme les écoles ou les universités, à d’autres terrains et approches, à d’autres métiers et profils engagés dans l’exercice de l’interculturel et dans l’aménagement ou la gestion d’espaces plurilingues. Ce colloque international réunira des interventions de spécialistes en didactique des langues/du plurilinguisme et en politiques linguistiques dans la perspective d’un échange fertile.

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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La politesse, la discourtoisie et la communication interpersonnelle

    Revue Verbum et Lingua

    Verbum et Lingua lance un appel à contribution pour son vingt deuxième numéro spécial sur la politesse, la discourtoisie et la communication interpersonnelle. Les articles peuvent couvrir n'importe quel aspect de ces pratiques sociales et les sujets possibles peuvent inclure, sans s'y limiter, la gestion des relations, l'atténuation, les commérages et les banalités. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de se concentrer sur les pratiques de politesse en espagnol. Les propositions relatives à la politesse et à l'impolitesse dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères seraient également particulièrement bienvenues. 

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  • Buenos Aires

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Rythme dans l’art

    Rhythm is a central element in the creation of meaning in art, and its configuration is such that it requires a multi, inter and transdisciplinary approach. The difference of materials, procedures and events masks the resemblance of rhythmic phenomena that are similar in different arts and hides their identity or their homology. In the work of some scholars, the concepts do not seem to belong to a particular artistic discipline, being rather characteristic of the rhythmic phenomenon. The objective of this conference is to provide an instance for exchanging knowledge, concerns and aspirations for those who have been devoting themselves to the study of rhythm and artistic creation on the subject.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The legacy of the arts: ideas and representations

    The transmission of knowledge through tradition, orality and Academia

    The second edition of the conference on doctoral studies in art and musicology aims to focus on research on the transmission of knowledge through the arts as a means and source of knowledge in the art world. The images and musical documents that have been preserved from ancient times to the present day - throughout the world - have made it possible to understand aspects of the social, cultural and religious life of many civilizations and also to be the same reflection of these. In this way, Art and Music, as resources, have been one of the key elements to be able to understand a culture since it has been the mechanism through which humans have been able to capture and transmit ideas and knowledge.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Cultural coordinates in present-day museology

    Five neologisms

    The International Conference Cultural Coordinates in present-day museology: Five neologisms is aimed at research that focuses on analysing the contemporary museological discourse and its effects on cultural communication. Numerous questions arise, for example, regarding curatorial practices, the new formulas of knowledge transmission, museology’s potential contributions to social cohesion, the mediation made possible by the new technologies and the critical contribution to be expected concerning issues such as gender demands, environmental sustainability and others. The sections are headed by the corresponding neologisms into which the themes that are the subject of debate and analysis are divided.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Langues minoritaires vocales ou signées et espaces inclusifs

    L'objectif de ce colloque international est d'interroger la manière dont les espaces sociaux qui se veulent inclusifs (école, université, espace culturel, service public ...) prennent ou non en compte les langues minoritaires. Il vise à faire émerger et discuter des initiatives originales et innovantes dans leurs dimensions psychologique, sociale, glottopolitique, anthropologique, linguistique, pédagogique, didactique et digitale.

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  • Taipei

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Études sinophones en Europe et Amérique

    Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan (CCS) will be holding 2019 “Sinophone Studies in Europe and the Americas”(SEA) International Young Scholars Conference at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2019. The conference invites both critical scholarship and creative writing in various fields of Sinophone studies.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Colloque - Géographie

    The Epoch of Space. State and new perspectives

    The next 8th, 9th and 10th of April it will take place at the University of Santiago de Compostela the international conference "The Epoch of Space. State and New Perspectives", where researchers from around the world will meet to discuss the spatial turn of humanities. This interdisciplinary event will bring together geographers, philologists, historians, philosophers, and other interested disciplines to review the current state of spatial humanities, share different approaches, research methods and discuss their future.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The epoch of space. State and new perspectives

    For centuries, the study of time was one of the main academic interests in the field of Humanities. However, in the second half of the 20th century, most scholars and philosophers shifted their focus to the question of space. The interest in studying this in the field of the arts has increased significantly in recent years, and is especially noticeable in the case of literary creations.The growing influence of ecocriticism and geocriticism is especially noticeable in digital humanities. The bridges recently built between these fields are already proving to be productive, as they have led to the development of new tools, approaches, and methodologies, such as deep mapping techniques and the spatial humanities. How have the disciplines evolved in recent years? Do we need to redefine the key concepts regarding space and place? Has our relationship with territory changed? Have we produced new ways of inhabiting space?

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Envisioning Latin America: Power and Representation in audiovisual (re)productions

    Forma Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura, Pensament

    This issue seeks to critically address power structures in audiovisual (re)productions in and from Latin America and discuss how these play a role in the societal construction and representation of individual and collective identities, the ‘us’ and the ‘other’. By doing so, it aims at understanding how these representations – and broader discourses associated therewith – can be critically examined through media productions (cinema, television, radio, photography etc.) and their use as historical sources.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    What remains of postmodernity?

    Since the 70s, the word postmodernity has articulated a tendency, a state of mind, and a condition that resists conceptualization or complete definition. Although the intellectual community has agreed to situate J. F. Lyotard and his key work, The Postmodern condition (1979), as the origin of the debate on this phenomenon, the truth is that the literary theorist Ihab Hassan had already used the word systematically in 1971. Since that date, the notion has spread across the fields of Literature, Architecture, Visual Arts, and the Social Sciences. These are two of the problems that one faces when approaching the surface of the postmodern phenomenon: its lack of definition and its ambiguous periodization.

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  • Washington

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Franciscans in Mexico

    Five Centuries of Cultural Influence

    Generations of scholars have studied the multi-faceted experiences of the Franciscans in Mexico and the ways in which the Franciscan order shaped New Spain and the early Mexican republic. This conference examines the range of Franciscan influence and analyzes new scholarship that focuses on the multiple discourses with which friars engaged native peoples, creole populations, the vice-regal authorities, and other actors throughout the Spanish empire.  The conference brings together junior and senior scholars to study the long Franciscan experience in Mexico on the eve of the commemoration of the quincentenary of the Spanish — and thus the Franciscan— presence in Mexico.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Pouvoirs et médias, pouvoir des médias

    Regards sur les Amériques

    A l’occasion de son 11ème numéro, RITA propose d’interroger dans sa section théma les liens entre pouvoir et médias dans les Amériques. Plusieurs pistes de réflexion peuvent d’ores et déjà être évoquées sans pour autant êtres exclusives. Des articles qui porteront sur l’analyse critique des médias officiels ou sur les médias d’opposition, dans des contextes historiques et géographiques variés, seront naturellement les bienvenus. D’autres contributions pourront porter sur les effets des différentes formes de traitement médiatique réservées aux mouvement populaires. Des analyses critiques sur les relations entre médias et pouvoirs économiques sont également encouragées. Le dossier pourra également intégrer des réflexions sur la diversification récente des médias d’information, en se focalisant par exemple sur l’émergence des médias « alternatifs » sur Internet, ou traiter également du pouvoir des fake news dans la construction des représentations collectives. 

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Transatlantic Embrace: Spanish Civil War in America’s Intimate Distance

    "Forma" Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament

    Spanish Civil War has been studied under its multiple angles. This can also be said about the literature concerning this topic: novels, poems, and all literary forms generated by this armed conflict (both by Spanish and foreign intellectuals) have been commented by academic criticism from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. However, fewer approaches have set the axis of their critical focus on the importance of the Spanish conflict in America and its decisive relevance as a part of a phenomenon that is also American. This special number of the FORMA journal sets out to give a voice to all types of contributions able to shed a new light on this fundamental aspect of the war, whose causes and consequences are clearly rooted in Spain, but whose horizon overflows the peninsular and continental borders and requires an inevitably transatlantic point of view.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    IV Congrès international de mythocritique

    Mythe et émotions

    Il existe une logique rationnelle mais aussi une logique émotionnelle, responsable de nombreuses actions que nous réalisons. La mythocritique aborde souvent les récits mythiques depuis une perspective structurelle, sociale, historique, etc. Cependant, elle ignore souvent le composant émotionnel. Il semblerait que la dimension affective, particulièrement présente dans notre société contemporaine, ne soit pas pertinente dans les études de mythologie. Le Congrès examinera le rôle que jouent les émotions aussi bien dans la structuration des récits mythiques que dans les procès de mythification de personnages et événements historiques. Le cadre de travail est l’étude des mythes anciens, médiévaux et modernes dans la littérature et les arts contemporains (depuis 1900).

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  • Medellín

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Rewriting: logic of repetition?

    III International Conference in Narratives

    The third International Conference in Narratives, organized by Universidad EAFIT (Medellín, Colombia) and Università degli Studi di Padova, proposes rewriting as an object of reflection from the arts, humanities, social sciences and communication sciences. To interrogate the gesture of writing a text again, it involves accounting for an operation that, in its apparent simplicity, shows the experience of time and repetition, the recording of memory, the tension between imitation and difference, and the means of reproduction and creation. Along its relationships, objects and notions that it implies, the gesture of rewriting is exemplary and heuristic; it has become a model for understanding various phenomena and cultural practices.

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  • Avanca

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Avanca | Cinema 2015

    Conférence Internationale Cinéma – Art, Technologie, Communication

    Durant 5 jours, dans le village d’Avanca, le cinéma est avant tout rassembleur et provoque des rencontres fructueuses entre les participants, transformant ainsi Avanca en un véritable Village du Cinéma, une scène de partage, de débat et de dissémination de la recherche. La conférence Avanca | Cinema affirme son importance tant au niveau national qu’international, de par la moyenne des participants mais aussi grâce à la diversité thématique qui la caractérise tout au long de ces  5 éditions. Organisée en parallèle avec le Festival international de cinéma d’Avanca, ceci en fait un événement complet, qui offre aux chercheurs, membres du milieu académique, réalisateurs, producteurs, acteurs, critiques, techniciens, et cinéphiles, entre autres, un programme diversifié comprenant des workshops, des séances de cinéma, des présentations de livres, des tables rondes, ainsi que des séances parallèles et plénières.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le pur et l’impur

    Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies, nº 2

    Pur et impur constituent des catégories structurantes dans l’islam et le judaïsme, concernant des vecteurs aussi différents que le corps, l’alimentation, le vêtement ou l’espace lui-même. Le deuxième numéro de la revue Hamsa sera consacré à cette vaste thématique, avec la volonté d’aborder des perspectives historiques diachroniques. En ce sens, du reste, on prétend analyser les relations interconfessionnelles dans les aspects où pureté et impureté se manifestent dans le contact avec l’Autre. Cela ne concerne pas seulement les minorités elles-mêmes, mais se reflète également dans la Christianitas, du fait de l’intériorisation de ces concepts et de leur application aux communautés minoritaires, comme c’est le cas par exemple avec la « pureté de sang ».

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  • Anvers

    Colloque - Pensée

    Microfinance and New Left in Latin America

    The conference brings a number of stakeholders from the microfinance sector, social and political movements, New Left governments as well as academics together in order to discuss and clarify these issues.  We expect to contribute to a common frame of analysis and to identify avenues for a more fruitful articulation of microfinance strategies with the emancipatory agendas of Latin American governments and social movements. The conference is a joint organisation of the Latin American and Caribbean Forum for Rural Finance  (FOROLACFR), the French Microfinance Network  CERISE (Comité d’Échange, de Réflexion et d’information sur les Systèmes Épargne- Crédit), the Center for European Research in Microfinance (CERMI, Mons University) and the Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB, University of Antwerp)

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