

  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Five research assistant positions for the project "Decoding Antisemitsm"

    For a 3-year research project on anti-semitic hate speech and hate images on the internet, research assistants are wanted. A qual­it­at­ive lin­guistic con­tent ana­lysis of social media com­ments and analysis of image mater­ial and text-image rela­tion­ships related to anti­semitic con­tent is planned. In addi­tion, quant­it­at­ive lin­guistic meth­ods will also be applied to the social media cor­pus. For the coun­try teams we are seek­ing two doc­toral stu­dents for the Eng­lish lan­guage area, two for the French lan­guage area and one for the Ger­man lan­guage area.

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Two post-doctoral positions for the projet "Decoding Antisemitism"

    In the three-year pilot pro­ject "Identi­fy­ing the Real Dimen­sion of Anti­semit­ism 2.0 in Europe", an inter­na­tional research team will invest­ig­ate anti­semitic lan­guage and image use on news web­sites and social media plat­forms of the polit­ical main­stream in three European coun­tries (Ger­many, Great Bri­tain and France). First, the object of invest­ig­a­tion is ana­lysed in detail. In the second step, all of the examined phe­nom­ena are invest­ig­ated in their breadth by means of quant­it­at­ive ana­lyses. Main tasks of the post-doctoral positions will be, on one hand, the qual­it­at­ive lin­guistic con­tent ana­lysis of social media com­ments and ana­lysis of image mater­ial and text-image rela­tion­ships in rela­tion to anti­semitic con­tent; on the other hand, the applic­a­tion of quant­it­at­ive lin­guistic meth­ods to the social media cor­pus.

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  • Tours

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Post-doctorat en méthodes qualitatives sur les pratiques ordinaires de vérification de l’information

    Projet ANR-VIJIE « Vérification de l’information dans le journalisme, sur internet et dans l’espace public »

    Dans un contexte de diffusion massive des fausses informations en ligne (improprement nommées sous la vulgate « fake news »), la mission consiste, par des méthodes qualitatives (en particulier focus groupes et entretiens), à interroger les pratiques ordinaires de vérification de l’information (autrement dit : celles des usagers eux-mêmes).

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  • 2020

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi

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  • Histoire et sociologie des médias

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