

  • Abu Dhabi

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    L’archivage numérique dans le monde arabe

    The first-ever International Conference on Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW), held in Abu Dhabi in 2019, organized to spark off a series of conferences on the subject. Four years later, and following a global epidemic, it is time to reassemble for exploring and move ahead with the practises, experiences, and challenges of digital archiving in the Arab World. The inaugural colloquium/conference examined the issues of data preservation in the Arab world and eventually resulted in a publication release that continues to serve as a reference for researching the subject today (Bayoumi & Oliveau, 2020). At DAAW|2024, we aspire to address it through the more focused standpoint of the digital management and preservation of data and documents, without foregoing a broader reflection, concerning both historical and future documents and data in danger whether physical or natively digital.


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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Rocky Landscapes at the intersection of people and rocks

    The past human activity of digging rock outcrops produced different features, among which quarries and rock cut sites. Quarries and rock-cut features often coexist within the same rock formation, or overlap with one another, creating a complex landscape in which the interaction between human communities and the bedrock is enhanced. The conference aims at exploring the landscapes and environments of human-rock encounters.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Studies on Semiotics of Art

    “Arts” journal

    Semiotics theory provides a framework for understanding how humans use signs to create meaning associated with the world around them. An important assumption of semiotics theory is that signs do not convey a meaning that is inherent to the entity being represented. Semiotic analysis identifies some of the factors involved in the process of sign making and interpreting, and it develops conceptual tools that help us to grasp that process as it goes on in various areas of cultural activity. One such area is the semiotics of art. Semiotic analysis acknowledges the position, or role, of the individual in terms of a challenge to any notion of fixed or unitary or universal meaning of a work of art.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Framing the Virtual: New Technologies and Immersive Exhibitions

    As our lives and planet continue to be shaped by complex technological materials, systems and processes, the practices of technology and media-engaged artists are vital to understanding what lies behind the ‘front end’ of our contemporary digital condition. Although diverse in scope, new materialist philosophies share a common approach to flat ontologies that invite thinking across human, nonhuman, virtual and material actors connected via networks of agency, affect, power and desire. These terms provide a powerful way to counter the immaterial malaise as well as the disconnect between our planet and technological existence.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Andalusi Architecture: Shapes, Meaning and Influences

    “Arts” journal

    The goal of this special issue of Arts is to gather knowledge regarding Andalusi art and inspire readers to learn more about it. Indeed, the importance of Andalusi art in its developmental stage and in the evolution of Hispanic architecture is undeniable. At present, a large group of monuments and archaeological remains continue to remind us of that great period of history in the Iberian Peninsula (from the 8th to the 15th century). Accordingly, and in consequence, a few years ago, Arts published a Special Issue titled “Andalusi Architecture: Shapes, Meaning and Influences” to highlight the importance of Andalusi art in the scientific community, and numerous prominent international specialists participated. The importance of this publication lies in the dissemination of artistic elements of Andalusian art, not only during the 8th and 15th centuries, but also in later centuries as a reminder of their influence.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    New Articulations of Identity in Contemporary Aesthetics

    Over the last several decades, vibrant conversations have unfolded around existing constructions of identities—often seen as fixed, narrow categories—and a movement toward fluid and intersectional conceptions of the self and community, these discourses having greatly impacted both the theory and practice leading to a radical shift in contemporary aesthetics. Critical debates that destabilize fixed notions of identity have engendered new perspectives, particularly in work critiquing issues of essentialism, heterosexism, monolithic affiliation, and other culturally imposed limitations. This Special Issue seeks to magnify the questions of belongingness raised in contemporary art and generate a multicultural and interdisciplinary discussion that centers around visual practice as a crucial site of social and institutional commentary.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Autonomy in Art

    « Arts » – Special issue

    This special issue of Arts aims to explore this notion of autonomy across all art forms and politics and the ways that we might both reassert and critique the autonomy of art from social purpose; to paraphrase Adorno, perhaps the social function of art is not to have a social function. We welcome papers that address these key debates and critiques.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Art and Performance

    This Special Issue of Arts focuses the many strands of tradition and highlights the emergent themes that occupy the territory between art and performance. There are a range of historical reference points that inform this interface today. The relation between Art and Performance is a dynamic one that has arguably retained its vitality and unexpected agility to resist being tied down to organisational structures, institutions and agencies that attempt to provide enabling support structures but which often result in restrictive and limiting frameworks.

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  • Jérusalem

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    History of prehistory in Palestine – Israel

    International workshop

    Cette journée d'étude portera sur l'histoire de l'archéologie préhistorique, les acteurs et les institutions qui s'y sont investis ainsi que les réseaux développés au fil du temps à l'échelle locale et internationale. La journée sera aussi l'opportunité de présenter les différentes sources utiles pour écrire l'histoire de la discipline et souligner différents usages pour la recherche.

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  • Aubervilliers | Delhi

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Engaging with categories in South Asia: processes, challenges and implications

    22nd International Workshop by the Youth Association for Indian Studies

    As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorization is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes. In any case, categorisation can leave a lasting imprint on social and political structures, as in the South Asian context.

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  • Lahore

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Understanding Gradients of Political Engagements

    Citizenship and Identity in South Asia

    Historian and political scientists of South Asia have been dealing with the ascent of postcolonial state and the form of citizenships in South Asia. The meteoric rise of postcolonial theory, subaltern school of historiography to be precise made efforts in bringing the role of ideas and culture in shaping state, community and political narratives. Notwithstanding these insights still this literature failed to bring in one very important thing; a comparative lens to study informal politics in the region. The social transformation and process of democratization has appeared to be inching ahead across the region from Nepal to Bangladesh. Therefore, increasingly a cross country perspective is required combining interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative) to develop a comparative perspective of way social and cultural factors influence informal politics in South Asia.

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  • Haïfa

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Travelling Matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean

    The workshop “Travelling matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean” intends to tackle objects as sources and subjects of the history of cross-cultural encounters in innovative ways. We intend to discuss a most diverse array of objects flowing in all directions and to concentrate on the “second-handedness” of displaced objects: how and why moving objects acquire new functions and new meanings, and with what consequences for the relations between the communities involved? These perspectives demand a broad chronology, extending from antiquity to the present-day, and for the intersection between different time frames, from the relatively narrow scale of individual objects being displaced across the Mediterranean to the much larger one of the histories of their reinterpretation and repurposing.

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  • Holon

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    The Multidisciplinary Grid 2020 Conference

    The conference is aimed at examining the ‘grid’ as a cross-disciplinary theme with a multiplicity of expressions in terms of definitions, concepts, perceptions, representations, and histories. The ‘grid’ has played a significant role in shaping the spatial imaginaries of a wide range of fields: from Hippodamus of Miletus to the Cartesian revolution in mathematics, from the visual arts to archaeology to 'smart cities' and artificial intelligence. As the 'grid' has become an all-encompassing term, signifying a vast array of infrastructural and communication networks through which contemporary life is mediated and controlled, it is commonly viewed as a quintessential symbol of modernity. The conference strives to explore a new horizon of relationships and fusion of the ‘grids’ in these areas as manifested between humans, between machines, and between humans and machines ‒ bridging philosophical, cultural, pedagogical, technical and ethical issues.

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  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Beyrouth, la reprise

    L’appel à propositions interroge la catastrophe et la reprise, nécessaire, de la tragique explosion du 4 août, à Beyrouth. La reprise s’oppose, par définition pour Søren Kierkegaard, à la pure répétition — impossible — du même. La reprise est recréation sous un autre visage, en assumant les aléas de la mémoire, ses failles, ses imprécisions. Reprendre Beyrouth, c’est déjà se trouver sur un terrain miné, à ramasser des éclats de visages, de sens, de chronologie rompue. Reprendre Beyrouth, c’est aussi la repriser, en suturer l’architecture, l’histoire, l’héritage, la sauver de sa propre béance. L'appel, interdisciplinaire, s'ouvre à l'image (photographie, caricature, bande dessinée, illustration, dessin, collage) et au textuel (textes en prose, poèmes, réflexions).

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  • Erevan | Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Balat: Living Together

    Memory book. Collective monograph

    The Cultural and Social Narratives Laboratory (CSN Lab.) together with the City Detective - Palimpsest Center for Space and Memory announces a call for academic contributions to the “Balat: Living Together” project that aims at researching the peaceful dwelling experiences and the memory of multicultural community in Balat district, Istanbul, Turkey.

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Travel to, in, and from the Ottoman World and Turkish Republic

    Turkish Journal of History (Tarih Dergisi)

    For this special issue of Tarih Dergisi, the Turkish Journal of History, we invite original research addressing questions arising from travel to, in, and from the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic. Essays may focus on the place of travel writing in historiography. They may also address any and all aspects of travel. We particularly welcome studies of travel works in any format – books, manuscripts, letters, diaries, journals, reports, log-books, cartography, web-blogs – by Ottoman, Turkish, Arab, Asiatic and African travellers of any period. Essays need not, however, be restricted to conventional travelogues by individual travellers. We welcome studies concerned with modes of travel (pedestrianism, equestrian travel, trains, cars, planes, boats), and with questions involving mass travel (migrancy, nomadism, deportation).

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  • Amman

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Puppets on screen

    In this symposium project, puppets are considered through their tangible links with a manipulator who could be visible, hidden by a classical stage device (curtain, base...) or acting off-camera, “between the frames” (stop motion). It excludes, at first glance, the 3D modeled figurines, even if they often are mentioned as “puppets”. These creatures, made of foam, wood, paper, and who can be realistic or abstract, are considered through a media existence (television, cinema, web) which has enriched the subgenres of post-war fiction, deals with subjects that could not be filmed in real capture, or offers the opportunity to experiment a great variety of tones and points of view in video practice, without geographical or temporal restrictions. Thus, the symposium will provide the opportunity to explore fields on the margins of research as well as to present the current knowledge on the topic, eventually opening new perspectives in the studies.

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  • Koweït

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    La culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique

    Arabian Humanities n° 14 (Printemps 2020)

    La production en sciences sociales sur la culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique est particulièrement limitée. Si une littérature importante se consacre à l’analyse des cultures orales et de la poésie vernaculaire, rares sont encore les études des nouveaux media dans la Péninsule Arabique, des cassettes audio aux applis en passant par la production télévisée et YouTube. Ce numéro d’Arabian Humanities veut combler ce vide et analyser la culture pop en Arabie Saoudite, au Yémen, en Oman, aux Émirats Arabes Unis, au Qatar, à Bahreïn et au Koweït.

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  • Abu Dhabi

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    L'archivage numérique dans le monde arabe

    Digital archiving in the Arab world acts as a major channel of knowledge transmission in the present day. As the practice grows, new archival challenges emerge and act as a catalyst for innovation and development of new technologies. The International Digital Archiving Conference in the Arab World is to be held in Abu Dhabi, October 26-27, 2019. It is the first Digital Archiving conference to be organized by the CEDEJ, Egypt (Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales) in collaboration with Bibliotheca Alexandrina and CEFAS (Centre français d’archéologie et de sciences sociales). The conference’s aim is to provide an exploratory gateway of the fast-growing interdisciplinaryfield of digital archiving in the Arab world.

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  • Manille

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Disasters, Indigenous Knowledge, and Resilience

    The Center for Applied Research in the Social Sciences (CARESS) is an autonomous research center created through a consortium of international universities geared towards initiating and coordinating multi-disciplinary and inter-university research endeavors in various fields in the Social Sciences. Disaster studies have emerged in the past thirty years in different social sciences. The objective of the Conference is not just a simple superposition of disciplines, but an increased interaction seeking to understand local problems...

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