

  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Historicisme, éclectisme et régionalisme en Catalogne aux XIXe et XXe siècles

    Ce numéro bilingue, français et catalan de la revue numérique Patrimoines du Sud, porte sur le patrimoine catalan de part et d'autre de la frontière, et plus particulièrement sur l'historicisme, l'éclectisme et le régionalisme aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

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  • Limoges

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains

    La Société française des hispanistes et ibéro-américanistes célèbrera son XLI congrès du 5 au 8 juin 2024 à l’université de Limoges. Il aura pour thématique « la forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains ». S’adressant prioritairement aux spécialistes de l’aire ibérique et ibéro-américaine, ce congrès se veut pourtant aussi résolument ouvert à d’autres approches autour de la thématique. Ainsi, si les études littéraires et artistiques, linguistiques et historiennes semblent s’imposer, les approches sociologiques, géographiques, anthropologiques, philosophiques seront également les bienvenues dès lors qu’elles portent sur le thème et l’aire culturelle ibérique et ibéro-américaine.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    To the rescue of minority groups. Gender, migration and racism in heritage and museums

    The gradual transformation experienced by museums in the last few years has fostered the incorporation into exhibition spaces of social minorities hitherto barred from them due to their social invisibility, exclusion and marginalisation. Occidentalism and European-centred perspectives gave rise to decontextualised, distorted and racial exhibition criteria constructed from a biased view of otherness.

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  • Gérone

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Geographical Mobility and Cultural Itineraris during the Late Miggle Ages

    This congress seeks to take an interdisciplinary approach to a specific aspect of geographical and cultural mobility during the Late Middle Ages: the relationship between the geographical routes and itineraries taken by texts, books, artworks, and, in their wake, cultural ideas and tendencies. It will give special consideration to the Occitan-Catalan area as the starting, middle, and final points of these journeys. To investigate this topic, the focus will be on figures who are often left on the margins of study: the intermediaries and agents responsible for the transfer culture. Oral accounts, music, written texts, and artworks were all physically and intellectually transported by agents who were often under the cover of anonymity; this includes scribes, translators, minstrels, cantors, artists, and patrons or promoters, but also other figures such as pilgrims, students, clerks, diplomats, and merchants. These all played a fundamental role in developing, disseminating, and circulating ideas, and encouraged cultural and intellectual mobility in Europe.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    "Forma", 14th issue, Comparative Studies in Art, Literature, and Thought Journal

    Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura i Pensament's "Forma" numero 14

    FORMA privileges the dialogue between disciplines and critical traditions. The subject matter of the articles is open. All the texts, as specified in the System of Arbitration section, have to comply with the guidelines established by the entities in charge of indexing scientific journals, with regard to the plurality of the editorial and scientific committees as well as the selection process and revision of published texts. All articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process.

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  • Català

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  • Histoire de l'art

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  • Esprit et Langage

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