

  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Mobilizing Voters in the United States and the United Kingdom: political strategies from parties and grassroots organizations (1867 – 2017)

    Following two different and yet complementary approaches (one from the top down with parties and the other from the bottom up with grassroots organizations), we propose to compare how potential voters have been appealed to, through the use of different strategies and tools of communication”. Whether it be organizations or parties, it will be interesting to analyze how these groups either (re)connect citizens with politics or give birth to social movements which durably occupy the political landscape of the United States and the United Kingdom. Common features may be observed along with distinct approaches particularly adapted to the specificity of each country concerned.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Student movements and (post-)colonial emancipations

    Transnational itineraries, dialogues and programmes

    This one-day conference investigates the role of student movements in individual and collective emancipations, from the struggle for colonial liberation to the challenges posed by contemporary globalisation. This conference seeks to bring these various approaches together, in order to discuss the transnational and connected history of student engagements in colonial liberations and the critical reflection on the multilateral management of conflicts in the postcolonial period. It will investigate internal and external tensions, and the reorganisation of these movements in relation to pacifism, revolutionary struggle, conflict prevention and peace making. 

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Cultures of Conservatism in the United States and Western Europe between the 1970's and 1990's

    The conference will examine the cultural history of conservative ideas and movements in Western Europe and the United States between the 1970s and the 1990s. Focusing on cultures of conservatism, the conference will rethink the general contours of conservatism. It will pay close attention to the intersection of culture, politics and economics, in order to broaden our understanding of the processes of change that have unfolded since the 1970s.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Questioning Spaces of Citizenship in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Latin American History Graduate Student Conference

    Scholars often invoke citizenship as an analytic frame to understand the history of Latin America and the Caribbean. While the concept can encompass a broad range of topics, this conference will focus on the spaces where individuals and groups come into contact with the institutions and symbols of the state. These spaces may be physical places, institutional settings, discursive realms, or other fora. In this graduate student conference, we will ask how such spaces of citizenship are constructed, delimited, and at times rejected, and how the terms of interaction and negotiation in these spaces are defined and re-defined.

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  • Santiago du Chili

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Rethinking the Political and the History of Politics in Chile: Languages, Discourses and Practices of Power

    The objective of this colloquium will be to debate and analyze politics and the political by means of the different forms of language, discourse and practices that intervene in the construction of the social world. There are myriad examples of this in Chilean history. Taking history, political philosophy and political economy as the starting points, we invite doctoral candidates, researchers and academics to participate in this truly trans disciplinary  space of debate, reflection and feedback whose goal is not only to unite a community of researchers into “the political” in the republican period but also to select the best works presented for a future publication in the format of a collective work or a special dossier of a scientific publication. 

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  • Caen

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Cultures orales, histoires et mémoires des révoltes et des contestations populaires (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)

    Dans le cadre de ces journées d’études, la réflexion portera sur l’apport des sources orales pour l’histoire et la mémoire des révoltes, révolutions et contestations des XVe-XVIIIe siècle. L’objectif est de faire le point sur les travaux réalisés par des chercheurs issus de différentes disciplines et de stimuler de nouvelles recherches à partir de ces sources souvent négligées par les historiens modernistes.

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  • Anglais

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  • Amériques

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  • Histoire politique

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  • Mouvements politiques et sociaux

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    • Anglais

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