

  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Envisioning Latin America: Power and Representation in audiovisual (re)productions

    Forma Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura, Pensament

    This issue seeks to critically address power structures in audiovisual (re)productions in and from Latin America and discuss how these play a role in the societal construction and representation of individual and collective identities, the ‘us’ and the ‘other’. By doing so, it aims at understanding how these representations – and broader discourses associated therewith – can be critically examined through media productions (cinema, television, radio, photography etc.) and their use as historical sources.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    The Presence of America in Madrid

    Art, Images and Material Culture in Transit

    As is well known, during the Early Modern period, hundreds of objects, artworks, painted and illustrated documents and manuscripts were sent from the Spanish viceroyalties in America to Iberian Spain. This circulation has been the object of renewed academic interest in recent years. In response to this trend, it seems necessary to better understand the particular place that Madrid, as both city (villa) and court (corte), occupied within this broader phenomenon. We invite proposals based on original research that can contribute to advancing the current state of knowledge and explore new questions and theoretical frameworks for our better understanding of these unique objects and works of art.

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  • Pessac

    Colloque - Europe

    Contentious Science, Tricky Politics : Experts and Scientists in Controversial Policy Debates in Europe and North America

    This conference, conceived and organized before the events of this last year, seeks to interrogate the uncomfortable, confusing, and consequential intersection of experts and politics of which the Covid-19 crisis is only the latest dramatic example.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Nouveaux mondes, anciens mondes, mondes perdus

    Représenter et médiatiser la Préhistoire dans l’art et la culture visuelle américains

    De l’Atlantide, aux « Mound Builders » précolombiens, en passant par le combat acharné entre un T. Rex et des hommes des cavernes, les visions des mondes anciens et « perdus », flottant entre les faits et la fantaisie, ont longtemps exercé une fascination sur les artistes et les acteurs de la culture visuelle en Amérique. Comment ceux-ci ont-ils dépeint la Préhistoire et à quelles fins ? Comment l’imaginaire de la Préhistoire, du XVIIIe siècle aux années 1980, a-t-il contribué à de nouvelles conceptualisations de la culture, du temps, et de l’espace ? Les contributions à ce colloque de deux jours aborderont les images de la préhistoire et leur fonctionnement dans différents médias et dans des contextes artistiques et non artistiques. 

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  • Agadir-n-Oumzil

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Le discours de la « rumeur » à l’ère du numérique

    La rumeur est un phénomène qui se manifeste par son aspect destructeur. À sa forme discursive, s’adjoint celle de sa diffusion, car le terme en question avait une connotation relevant de l’oral, mettant à l’écart l’iconique et le scriptural. On accepte néanmoins, depuis quelques temps, que le discours rumoral pourrait s’adapter à d’autres supports linguistique comme l’écrit, l’image, la caricature, surtout avec l’avènement d’Internet. Partant, cette première édition de ce colloque international essayera de survoler cette thématique en l’inscrivant dans diverses disciplines, telles que l’analyse de discours, la sémantique, la sémiotique, la pragmatique, la didactique, la sociolinguistique, la littérature, les médias et la sociologie.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Regards sur les minorités religieuses en Amérique latine et les Caraïbes contemporaines

    This session aims to enrich and open new avenues of reflection on religious minorities in Latin America and the Caribbean and on the development of a national memory and culture. We are particularly interested in research based on empirical surveys (work on archives, ethnographies, analysis of statistical data, interviews) that seek to understand the links between the nation, national identity and minority religions, explore the relationship between majority religion and religious minorities (dialogues, conflicts, borrowings, etc.) or report on concrete aspects of the presence of these religious minorities in Latin American and Caribbean countries (rituals, practices, relationship to politics, etc.)

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  • Durham

    Colloque - Pensée

    Time at the Turn of the Twentieth Century in American-British Philosophy

    Around the turn of the twentieth century, time became a major focus of American-British philosophy. Against a broadly Kantian-Hegelian backdrop, philosophers began developing new questions and theories about time. Shadworth Hodgson argued humans perceive a ‘specious present’, a short duration rather than an infinitesimally small one; this view was further developed by Mary Calkins and William James. J. M. E. McTaggart advanced a new argument for the unreality of time. A. N. Whitehead made time the foundation of his process philosophy. This event brings together philosophers from Europe and North America exploring this period that was to become defining for the contours of twentieth-century English-speaking philosophy of time. The event will deliberately be scheduled to be compatible with European and North American time zones.

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  • Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Political Mobilization in the US: New Stakes and Evolutions

    Les dernières élections présidentielles ont démontré la forte capacité de mobilisation de blocs d’électeurs bien connus depuis le début des années 1980 tels que les chrétiens évangéliques, toujours fidèles au parti républicain, mais aussi d’électeurs dont la volatilité est plus grande, sans oublier la portée de la mobilité démographique. Alors que l’État fédéral continue de se désengager du contrôle des lois et procédures électorales (à la suite de l’arrêt Shelby County v. Holder de 2013), des initiatives sont prises dans ce domaine par les citoyens (comme en Floride avec l’Amendement 4 destiné à réintégrer sur les listes électorales les anciens détenus), mais aussi par les gouverneurs comme les législateurs de certains États pour encadrer ces procédures ainsi que l’accès aux urnes. Dans ce contexte, le record de participation de 2020 et la contestation violente du verdict des urnes marquent un probable tournant pour la démocratie états-unienne. Les trois intervenants de cette journée d’étude, spécialistes de l’intersection entre politique, religion et droits des femmes et des personnes LGBT+, tireront des leçons de cette mobilisation inégalée.

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  • Londres | Grenoble

    Colloque - Amériques

    Cozinhando imagens, tejiendo feminismos. Latin american feminist film and visual art collectives

    During the last years, there has been a revitalization of feminist movements internationally. In Latin America, the performance of ‘A Rapist in Your Path’ by the collective LasTesis on 25 November 2019 put Chilean feminism in the global spotlight. This revitalization is also pushing for political and legal reforms, such as the approval of a bill legalising abortion in Argentina on 30 December 2020. The alliances between feminists, artists, and filmmakers in Latin America are not new. Fuelled by the 1970s women’s movement, several feminist film collectives emerged during this decade and instrumentalized cinema to raise awareness about women’s issues and intervene in political contexts.

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the UK

    Within the context of the Black Lives Matter movements in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 2010s and 2020s, this conference will examine antiracist mobilizations and their historical continuities, their transatlantic circulations, their political resonance, as well as the many responses they have elicited, particularly in the arts.

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  • Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Urban MetaMapping Seminar Series, 2023/24

    The UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium warmly invites you the third edition of our online, midday academic talks on issues connected to our research interests on mapping man-made and natural catastrophes, heritage, urban planning, and digital tools used for researching these.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New Monuments

    Iconoclasm, Reenactments, and Alternative Commemorations in the United States since 2000

    As demonstrated by Wendy Bellion’s scholarship, iconoclasm lies at the foundation of the United States. Yet Bellion also shows us that, rather than being sealed in the past, iconoclastic projects continue into the present. Iconoclastic destruction invariably entails creation—whether it is the construction of new monuments to replace the toppled ones, or the coalescence of a new community, movement, or nation. This conference seeks to bring together scholars interested in monuments and their destruction, public history and public art, historical reenactments, memory studies, and artistic practices across diverse media. We invite papers that evaluate recent commemorative projects, examine acts of iconoclasm and their aftermath, and study or propose novel approaches to representing historic events. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    A Different Perspective for the Atlantic Routes

    Impressions and Exchanges in Transoceanic Journeys from the 16th to the 19th Century

    After more than two years of a preparation that have been careful and laborious, but slowed down and hindered several times by the difficulties that have arisen due to the global pandemic, this project finally gets underway. It intends to go back once more to questioning issues that already count important in-depth studies, like the transoceanic relations between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, but also has the ambition of wanting to integrate the results already obtained with new reflections and achievements, and above all with a different point of view.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    When Theory Becomes Practice

    Comité international d’histoire de l’art 2024

    The thirty-sixth Comité international d’histoire de l’art congress will host more than ninety parallel sessions over the four days of conferences. This session “When Theory becomes Practice – New Materialism, Object-Oriented Ontology and Perspectivism in Contemporary Art” will endeavour to understand the impact of new philosophical and anthropological approaches on art-making.

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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Dialectological Intersections

    Dialectology, History and Language Contact in the Americas and elsewhere

    This monographic issue of Forma y Funcion Journal intends, from an interdisciplinary perspective, to complete and complement the dialectological research with inquiries carried out in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in the Americas, a territory that concentrates the largest number of speakers and varieties of Spanish in the world.


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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New Monuments: Iconoclasm, Reenactments, and Alternative Commemorations in the United States since 2000

    As demonstrated by Wendy Bellion’s scholarship, iconoclasm lies at the foundation of the United States. Yet Bellion also shows us that, rather than being sealed in the past, iconoclastic projects continue into the present. This conference seeks to bring together scholars interested in monuments and their destruction, public history and public art, historical reenactments, memory studies, and artistic practices across diverse media. We invite papers that evaluate recent commemorative projects, examine acts of iconoclasm and their aftermath, and study or propose novel approaches to representing historic events.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Mina Loy and Her Networks

    Following on the heels of the recent modernist celebrations of 1922, 2023 marks the centenary of the publication of Mina Loy’s first collection of poems Lunar Baedecker, published in Paris by Robert McAlmon in his Contact collection. This conference aims to prompt new perspectives on Loy scholarship, paying particular attention to her networks and her presence in French artistic circles and to the French reception of her work.

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  • São Carlos

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Forest citizenship for disaster resilience: learning from COVID-19

    Postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Project Trans-Atlantic Platform (FAPESP/ESRC/NSF)

    The Project “Forest citizenship for disaster resilience: learning from COVID-19” and the Department of Sociology at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) are receiving applications for one postdoctoral (PD) scholarship to develop research on forest citizenship in Amazonia. This scholarship is associated with the Trans-Atlantic Platform, supported by FAPESP Grant 2021/07558-3, directed by Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Constante Martins in Brazil, Luke Parry in the United Kingdom, and Peter Newton in the United States. The main goal of this postdoctoral fellowship, which was pre-approved by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), is to investigate how forest peoples, notably rural communities and riverine populations, have made use of specific practices and actions to face the pandemic of COVID-19, and how the strategies adopted by these social groups - outside the established institutional circuits - have been constituted as important instruments for the maintenance of their ways of life.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    The unresolved tensions of mass housing

    Session in the Society of Architectural Historians Conference 2023

    This session invites contributions that examine the diffusion and transformation of mass housing projects worldwide. It focuses on how the processes and outcome of housing projects relate to programs of social reform, restructuring or coercion, in various cultural and political contexts from the 1920s to recent years.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Theories and Practices of Federalism

    Federalism Conference 2022

    The Federalism conference is an international and hybrid conference that seeks to explore one the one hand, normative and historical theories of federalism and, on the other hand, investigate federal practices based primarily on case studies from Asia. With many countries opting for a federal structure of the government, federalism has now become a popular research topic among political scientists and constitutional scholars, leading to the burgeoning of centers and research projects at the international level. Federal ideas and the reality of existing federal states cannot be sharply divided. A comprehensive analysis of institutional philosophical roots can thus help us to further a comprehensive understanding of federal institutions as well as design appropriate analytical tools for investigating elements of multilevel governance systems.

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