

  • Helsinki

    Colloque - Histoire

    Speaking as the 'Other': Coloniality, Subalternity, and Political Articulations

    Calliope International Conference

    Speaking as the 'Other' is organised by the ERC-funded project Calliope: Vocal Articulations of Parliamentary Identity and Empire (University of Helsinki). This multidisciplinary conference seeks to examine performative, embodied and acoustic histories of articulating political representation and colonial ‘otherness’. To that end, we intend to extend the focus beyond established Anglophone analyses of the metropole and colony, and indeed, beyond the disciplinary pre-eminence of Anglophone postcolonial studies.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études du politique

    Modernité, transition et réforme en Chine

    D’un vieux totalitarisme à la façon de Mao vers un néo-totalitarisme numérique à l’époque de la mondialisation ?

    Quel est le modèle politique chinois ? Le facteur politique est la clé pour saisir les enjeux des changements permanents de ce gigantesque pays dans tous les domaines. Les intervenants tenteront ainsi d’analyser certains événements majeurs qui se sont produits ces dernières décennies, événements dont l’impact a été déterminant dans le parcours politique de la Chine contemporaine. Une attention particulière sera portée aux tentatives des autorités en vue de moderniser les institutions étatiques ainsi que les rapports entre la société et l’État, entre le pouvoir central et local. Ces évolutions interviennent dans le cadre de la grande transition de la Chine depuis l’époque moderne et dans le contexte de la transition post-communiste propre à la Chine.

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  • Zurich

    Colloque - Études du politique

    The Pillars of Rule

    The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia

    Max Weber famously argued that states lay claim to the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence over certain circumscribed territories. However, historical and anthropological research has challenged his ideal-typical vision by showing how the idea of the unitary state is a fiction that can only be produced through the action of interrelated but partly autonomous agents. States, and the various institutions that constitute them, face the strategic task of identifying and domesticating the social networks that are necessary for them to secure control over particular territories and their populations. Local strongmen and notables can in turn use their own local influence in order to gain recognition from higher-level, more powerful, state institutions. In this international conference, scholars from a variety of disciplines will explore the ways in which dynastic power and/or the rule of the state is asserted, negotiated and contested across both the Middle East and South Asia.

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  • Asie du Sud-Est

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  • Histoire politique

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