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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Educação

    Sex (Mis)Education in the English-Speaking World

    Historical, Literary and Socio-political Perspectives

    This call for papers seeks contributions that will engage with the competing forms of formal and informal sex education as they pertain to the English-speaking world with a special focus on English speaking societies from the Indian ocean. Our aim is to propose varied, innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to the broad question of sex education, welcoming papers from historians, linguists, literary critics, sociologists, specialists in gender studies and others. Keeping in mind Foucault’s notion that sex is both hyper visible and taboo, we aim at providing in-depth discussions which will help better understand both formal and informal sex education taking into account the fact that sex education is fraught with cultural tensions and political feuds.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881): His Lives and Afterlives

    Celebrating the 220th anniversary of the birth of a Victorian iconoclast

    “Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881): His Lives and Afterlives” is the interdisciplinary subject chosen to celebrate the 220th anniversary of the birth of a Victorian iconoclast. The Victorian Conservative Prime Minister is still perceived today as an extraordinary politician who transformed himself, his party and the UK over a long period of time from the 1830’s to his death in 1881. The conference will aim to undercover a number of still unexplored sides of Disraeli and bring him up to date. Both his political and literary talents will be taken into account as well as the long-lasting impact of his heritage (whether mythologised or not).

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Bolsa de estudo, prémios e ofertas de emprego - História

    Museums and industry: Long Histories of Collaboration - Postdoc position

    The Laboratoire d’études et de recherche sur le monde anglophone, Aix-Marseille University (AMU), is shortly to commence a major academic research project, “Museums and industry: Long Histories of Collaboration” (MaILHoC). Working with partners in the UK, Spain, and Norway, the aim of the project is to explore the impacts of industrial patronage – with a particular focus on the ethical dimensions of this relationship – on European museums of science and industry in both comparative and historical context. The project will compare insights drawn from a wide spread of historical case studies with a range of contemporary workshops exploring the ethics of industrial patronage. This position is based at AMU’s Humanities Faculty in Aix-en-Provence. The successful candidate will carry out research in archives in France and Britain while also participating in events organised by the various partners.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Ireland, the Revolution and the First World War

    Continuities, ruptures and legacies (1913-1919)

    We are pleased to host, at the Centre Culturel Irlandais de Paris, an international conference on Ireland and the First World War as part of the national commemorations for the Centenary of the First World War.

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  • Londres

    Colóquio - Europa

    Stages of Utopia and Dissent, 50 years on...

    15 May 1968: the Odeon theatre in Paris is occupied by students and becomes the insurgent headquarters where every night militants recount the days' action in occupied factories to an audience of people camping in the auditorium. Youth rebellion was never as mythologised as that of the French students’ fight against institutional oppression. The effects were felt across the Channel, too – but the nature of those effects was, and remains, disputed. 50 years on… where are we? What remains of autogestion and emancipatory education? What remains of theatre inventiveness and sedition? What remains of a need for participatory audiences? What remains of utopia and dissent?

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  • Coventry

    Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    Between and Beyond

    Transnational Networks and the British Empire (Ca. 18-20th centuries)

    This workshop intends to bring together research scholars of history and affiliated fields working on transnational networks fostered through the British Empire. We wish to focus on how certain forms of the “empire”, the “colony”, and the “outside” mutually constituted each other. Such an approach, we believe, could illumine the dense transnational convergences that shape the political, the economic, the social, and the cultural in various locations simultaneously. 

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  • Heidelberg

    Colóquio - Europa

    The Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages

    Rolls were used in all aspects of medieval society. Key areas in which rolls were utilized include administration, genealogies, poetry, liturgy and heraldry. Despite the significance of the roll as a form for medieval writing culture, it has not received as much attention in respect to its significance. The international conference The Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages focuses on the materiality and the praxeology of late medieval rolls (1200 – 1500), particularly in England and France. The presentations deal with questions regarding the purpose and function of the rolls, the advantages and disadvantages of the roll form and why it was preferred for certain texts over other forms, such as the codex.

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  • Oslo

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in Medieval Europe (1100-1300)

    Practices, Actors and Behaviour

    In high medieval Europe, conflict took a number of different forms, from large-scale battles, such as disputes over crowns, power and lands, to more local disputes over inheritance and property. In the absence of well-developed administrative structures which could limit conflict, cultural conventions, rituals and behavioural norms evolved to moderate violence within the elite community.

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  • Pádua

    Bolsa de estudo, prémios e ofertas de emprego - História

    European Research Council project "The Dark Side of the Belle Époque" research grants

    The Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua (Italy) is offering 4 postdoctoral positions within the frame of the ERC-project "The Dark Side of the Belle Époque".

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  • Nanterre

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Society, culture, community in the United Kingdom (1970-79)

    This two-day conference focusing on British society of the 1970s seeks to enlarge and to alter perspectives on the period. The intention is to examine the dynamic of contradiction, inventiveness and tensions that is at work. The intention of the conference-organizers is to circumvent and thus question any “teleological” or linear reading of the period in terms of the necessary “coming of Thatcherism” in the United Kingdom, where the politics and culture of the period are read as so many symptoms or omens of the 1979 election result. The aim is to focus on the plurality of conflicting possibilities evident in the period, and therefore on the contingency of outcomes.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Copyright and the Circulation of Knowledge

    Industry Practices and Public Interests in Great Britain from the 18th Century to the Present

    New combinations of technology, culture, and business practice are transforming relationships among authors, publishers, and audiences in many fields of knowledge, including journalism, science research, and academia. Self-publishing, open-access, open source, creative commons, crowd sourcing and copy left: these are a few of the key words associated with recent changes in how knowledge is produced and circulated. While being celebrated for their potential to democratize knowledge, many of these changes have been accompanied by heated debates on such questions as the appropriate role of experts and ‘gatekeepers’; how to ensure that such projects are both trustworthy and economically viable; and how best to balance the interests of authors, publishers, and the general public. Copyright is often at the centre of these discussions.

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  • Londres

    Jornadas - Europa

    Creating the Europe 1600-1815 Galleries

    This conference celebrates the opening of the V&A’s new Europe 1600-1815 Galleries. It will introduce some of the new patterns of living that laid the foundations for our modern world. The papers will be presented according to the three main themes that create a narrative structure for the displays and interpretation in the galleries: first, that, for the first time ever, Europeans systematically explored, exploited, and collected resources from Africa, Asia and the Americas in their art and design; second, that France took over from Italy as leader of fashion and art in the second half of the 17th century; and third, that ways of living came to resemble those we know today.

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  • Reims

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    The circulation of popular culture between Ireland and the USA (18th-21st centuries)

    Dans le système de culture mondialisée qui caractérise les sociétés contemporaines, l'organisation d'un colloque international invite à concentrer l’attention sur un cas d’étude, la circulation des diverses formes de culture populaire entre Irlande et États-Unis. L’ancienneté, la constance et de l’intensité des échanges culturels entre les deux nations sont en effet largement antérieurs à la mondialisation culturelle ultra-contemporaine. Cette singularité inscrite dans la longue durée permet de mettre en perspective les phénomènes contemporains tout en les interrogeant.

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  • Lyon

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Defining and defying the concept of deviance and degeneration in the British Isles and North America in the 19th century

    This one-day conference aims at exploring the definition(s) and contours of deviance and degeneration as it was conceived in the British Isles and North America in the 19th century. PhD students, postgraduate students and junior scholars whose research pertains to the study of deviant groups, whether self-defined or not, are particularly welcome to participate. Speakers will be invited to focus on the processes of definition of the standards of normality – whether religious, social, political, legal, medicalor sexual – as well as what those processes entailed for those who were labelled ‘deviants’. The role of scientists, doctors but also political authorities is of considerable interest in this respect, as are the ways in which normative standards were circumvented and challenged.

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  • Oxford

    Colóquio - História

    Rethinking Right-Wing Women

    Gender, Women and the Conservative Party, 1880s to the Present

    This two-day international conference explores the relationship between women and conservatism since the late 19th century. In the media frenzy and the re-enactment of the visceral political divisions of the 1980s that greeted the death of Margaret Thatcher in April, 2013, it soon became clear that Britain’s first woman Prime Minister was being portrayed as an aberrant figure who had emerged from a party of men.  It appeared that the media and the public had not been well enough served by academics in making sense of and contextualizing the Thatcher phenomenon and, more broadly, the paradoxical sexual politics of the Right.

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  • Villetaneuse

    Jornadas - Europa

    Vers un modèle de sociabilité britannique : dynamiques et conflits

    Dans le cadre du projet interdisciplinaire HIDISOC « History and Dictionary of Sociability in Britain (1660-1832) », la journée d’étude du 13 mars 2015, organisée par PLEIADE (université Paris 13) et HCTI (UBO Brest) vise à appréhender, dans une perspective comparatiste, l'évolution de la sociabilité britannique au cours du long dix-huitième siècle, sous l'angle des dynamiques et conflits entre pratiques et modèles nationaux de sociabilité.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Voicing Dissent in the Long Reformation

    The 8th Triennial Conference of the International John Bunyan Society

    The conference will concentrate on the expression and representation of Protestant Dissent, Nonconformity and Puritanism (1500–1800), with an emphasis on the relationship between written and oral cultures. Topics might include: preaching, singing and praying; public and private devotion; conferences and disputations; epistolary conversation; religion and politics; rumour and defamation; reading and publishing Dissent; the representation of emotions...

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Época Moderna

    Scotland: migrations and borders

    Revue « Études écossaises » n°19, 2016

    The 2016 edition of the journal Etudes écossaises will focus on Scottish culture, history and politics through the prism of migrations and borders. Papers in English or French will be welcomed from specialists in all fields of Scottish studies including arts and literature, civilization studies, history, political science, culture and the media. 

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  • Villetaneuse

    Jornadas - História

    1660-1688: A Landmark Period in the History of British Sociability

    1660-1688: un tournant dans l’histoire de la sociabilité britannique ?

    Dans le cadre du projet interdisciplinaire « History and Dictionary of Sociability in Britain (1660-1832) », la journée d’étude du 14 novembre 2014, organisée par PLEIADE (université Paris 13) et HCTI (UBO Brest) vise à étudier la période de la Restauration à la Glorieuse Révolution (1660-1688) comme une période charnière dans l’histoire de la sociabilité britannique, portant en elle les germes d’une sociabilité nouvelle. Il s’agira d’identifier les facteurs politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels propices à l’essor de la sociabilité britannique et d’interroger le caractère novateur des formes, des pratiques et des vecteurs de cette sociabilité.

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  • Paris

    Jornadas - História

    Polices et ordre public en France et en Angleterre (1750-1850)

    Les perspectives de l’historiographie contemporaine

    Traditional historiography has often opposed the French police model to its English counterpart. However, for twenty years, many researchers relativized the differences of these models and focused more on the interactions between cultures of social control. Recent studies have shown the limits of approaches focused on the only national police models as well as the importance of the circulation of police knowledge and technics in the late 18th century and early 19th century. Everywhere in Europe, this period is marked by the will to reform and by reflections on the procedures for the exercise of the police. Through a panel of international researchers, the conference aims to investigate beyond the national perspective by questioning the permanence and changes in police practices on both sides of the Channel. We will ultimately highlight the major trends of contemporary historiography and identify new paths of work.

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