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  • Lisbonne

    Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Relações luso-italianas nos séculos XV-XVIII

    Balanço e novas linhas de investigação no âmbito da celebração dos 150 anos da União de Itália

    Em 1998 a saudosa Professora Carmen M. Radulet organizou, no Instituto Italiano de Cultura de Lisboa, um colóquio internacional sobre as relações lusoitalianas e sobre a presença italiana em Portugal nos séculos XV-XVIII. Os contributos, ao aprofundar aspectos peculiares da actividade económica da comunidade italiana em Lisboa, proporcionaram aspectos inéditos das relações comerciais e culturais luso-italianas.

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  • Rome

    Informations diverses - Sociologie

    Net Powers. Freedom and Control in the age of the web

    « Poteri nella rete. Libertà e controllo dell’informazione nell’era di Internet ». Nel seminario Enrico Pedemonte e Glauco Benigni dialogano con Teresa Numerico e Domenico Fiormonte. L’incontro, aperto a tutti, è l’occasione per riflettere sulle contraddittorie tendenze dell’informazione e del giornalismo in rete, sempre più in bilico fra entusiasmi libertari e politiche securitarie. I due invitati, entrambi scrittori e giornalisti per testate come Repubblica e L’Espresso, offrono nelle loro recenti pubblicazioni prospettive diverse e originali sull’evoluzione del quarto potere in rete.

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  • Rome

    Journée d'étude - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Recherches en cours sur les entrepôts romains

    Dans le cadre de l'ANR Entrepôts, journées d'études de l'Atelier archéologique Ostie-Portus de la Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, in collaborazione con l'École française de Rome, l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, l'Institut de Recherche sur l’Architecture Antique, le Centre Camille Jullian, Rome, 13-15 avril 2011.

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  • Bielefeld

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Renaissance of Mineral Springs in Italy and Europe 1200-1600

    History, Culture and Ideas/Imagery

    From the 14th century thermalism flourished in Italy, Europe and, last but not least, in the German Empire. Because of the elitist patients, who come from afar to visit the baths, ancient springs are revitalized, new ones developed, and extended with a sophisticated infrastructure. Simultaneously to a changed body culture an autonomous balneological discourse emerges for the first time, which feeds on ancient and Arabic sources and on empirical observations made at this time. In addition to the miraculous, the special social conditions one experiences during a stay at a spa far away from home are reflected upon primarily in contemporary literature, but also in painting, in which the ancient tradition plays an important role. Our conference aims at bringing together different disciplinary and national approaches to a topic that is flourishing, but has so far been treated only sporadically.

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  • 2011 - Avril

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  • Italie

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