

  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Les espaces touristiques

    Entre pratiques et théories

    In our conference we intend to question the modalities according to which tourist spaces are lived, analyzed and interpreted. The interventions not only of anthropologists, semioticians and geographers, but also of other specialists, are particularly welcome to examine different tourist phenomena starting from the perspective of space. The fundamental principle upon which we wish to base our interrogation is founded on a precise anthropological conception of space. Besides being an abstract concept, in our perspective space constitutes an active element of cultural modeling: space is not a neutral container within which human actions are accomplished independently from its cultural shaping, but a real and true meaningful feature contributing to structure human actions and give them sense inside a society. If we follow this hypothesis, the reflection on tourist spaces takes on a particularly decisive role for many disciplines and for the definition of culture(s) in a more and more globalized world.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Photographie et enquête sociale sur l'habitat : une affinité élective ?

    L'objectif de cette journée est de revenir sur les enjeux sociaux, politiques, culturels et scientifiques que soulève la proximité entre les démarches documentaires et scientifiques à partir de travaux portant sur les transformations de l'habitat dans les grandes métropoles occidentales.

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  • 2011

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  • Études visuelles

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  • Sociétés

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  • Géographie urbaine

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