Página inicialCalendário2016

Página inicialCalendário2016

  • Cambridge

    Jornadas - História

    The Circle of Money

    Practices, Politics, and Policy in Premodern Societies (6th-17th Centuries)

    Money is at once elusive and concrete. As a mode of economic exchange it exists within a relatively fixed playing field, with clearly delineated boundaries of benefits and costs. However, poor handling, bad advice, or even a bad turn at a game of chance can swallow money up in one fell swoop. The workshop will investigate this wide array of pre-capitalist, western and non-western contexts from the English Isles, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, and China between the Middle Ages and Early Modern times.

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  • 2016

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  • Arqueologia

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  • Extremo oriente

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