

  • Leyde

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Psychisme

    Post-doctorate researcher – The psychology of the ancient world: cognition, social psychology, emotions

    Anchoring Work Package B

    The concept that is central in “Anchoring Innovation” is “anchoring”, connecting what is perceived as new to what is deemed already familiar. “Anchoring” has a substantial social-psychological component. It may depend on the way in which relevant social groups categorize conceptually and linguistically what they perceive as new; it relates to the way in which new input (of whichever nature) is processed cognitively, including what emotional reactions such input elicits; and to the way in which “the new” fits into the value systems of such groups (this includes the ways in which they relate to the past).

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  • Utrecht

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Post-doctorate researcher in Coinage in Ancient Greece

    Anchoring Work Package 4

    The use of minted coins was one of the major innovations in the ancient world of the first millennium BCE. Invented in Lydia in the seventh century, coinage spread rapidly throughout the Greek world, first in the Greek cities in Asia Minor, next to Aegina and Athens and soon to the other cities across the Aegean and Mediterranean area. Before the introduction of minted coins, exchange was largely based on weights of precious metals, in smaller amounts weighed on scales, a practice to which striking fixed weights of metal seems just a small and logical step. Yet the swift success of coinage, evidenced by rapidly increasing number of Greek poleis adopting the new medium, shows that the potential of coins to surpass weighed bullion in practical use for all kinds of transactions was recognised early on.

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  • Nimègue

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Post-doctorate researcher in Anchoring in/of Greek lyric poetry

    Anchoring work package 2

    The Hellenistic scholars canonized a group of nine lyric poets who composed their poetry in the archaic and early classical period (Alcaeus, Alcman, Anacreon, Bachylides, Ibycus, Pindar, Sappho, Simonides, Stesichorus). At least by this period, but probably earlier, they became the standard of Greek lyric compositions or themes in Greek literature, such as love (Sappho), drinking (Anacreon) or praise (Pindar). The aim of this post-doc project is to investigate how these poets relate to earlier or later traditions of Greek literature.

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  • Amsterdam

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Post-doctorate researcher in "Roman women: legal changes and finances"

    Anchoring Work Package 4

    The transition from republican to imperial rule is one of the main turning points in the history of the ancient world, which had profound consequences for the lives of Roman men and women. As the first emperor, Augustus anchored his multiple political innovations by presenting them as the restoration of the Roman Republic. As part of this restoration programme he posed as the restorer of traditional Roman moral values, issuing legislation to stimulate marriages within the elite and to curb adultery (the Leges Juliae de maritandis ordinibus and de adulteriis coercendis). The ius trium liberorum, which was part of this legislation, gave women sui iuris with three or more children full legal capacity over their property, thus paving the way for women’s civic engagement and public visibility, for instance as benefactresses in numerous cities of Italy and the provinces.

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  • Nimègue

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Post-doctorate researcher in Anchoring Devices in Ancient Rhetoric

    Anchoring Work Package 1

    Ancient rhetoric offers a number of devices to anchor what is new, unfamiliar, dangerously attractive or perhaps even threatening in what is old, tried and tested, and familiar. Two concepts immediately spring to mind and they will determine the approach of this project. In the first place, loci communes in the sense of clichés, i.e., universal sayings or timeless expressions of moral beliefs commonly shared by people belonging to the same cultural community or society. These can form a background against which a particular new or controversial event or person can be framed in a positive or negative way. The second concept is oratio figurata, the umbrella term for theories and methods for phrasing particular new or controversial messages in acceptable terms, for purposes of safety, decency, or amusement.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Moyen Âge

    The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission (PhilAnd)

    3 post-doc positions at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) as part of the Advanced ERC project

    “PhilAnd” is a five-year advanced European Research Council project to start in October 2017 at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) under the supervision of Prof. Godefroid de Callataÿ. The objective of PhilAnd is to conduct a large-scale exploration of how, and under which form, philosophy appeared for the first time in al-Andalus. At the crossroads of several major lines of enquiries in modern scholarship and in line with recent discoveries having important chronological implications, PhilAnd focuses on the 10th century, a period usually disregarded by historians on the assumption that philosophy as such was not cultivated in the Iberian Peninsula before the 11th-12th centuries. Its originality is also to put emphasis on ‘ill-defined’ materials and channels of transmission, a field which remains largely unexplored. PhilAnd will be conducted in partnership with the Warburg Institute (University of London).

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  • Le Mans

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Allocation doctorale sur les crises environnementales et les traditions locales

    Regards croisés sociétés antiques / sociétés de l’océan Pacifique

    Dans l’Antiquité les récits de changements environnementaux majeurs constituent un ensemble complexe et hétérogène où les témoignages historiques bien datés de la littérature savante côtoient des traditions mythiques locales dont l’origine et la chronologie sont plus difficiles à établir. Selon une approche multi-disciplinaire et comparative, le sujet de la thèse se propose d’étudier les récits de l’Antiquité classique et les traditions orales des sociétés aborigènes d’Australie et / ou des îles du Pacifique des périodes plus ou moins récentes de l’histoire.

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  • Amiens

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Prix Robert Mallet d'histoire de l'éducation

    Le prix Robert Mallet d'histoire de l'éducation, créé en 2014 par le recteur de l'académie d'Amiens est décerné tous les deux ans par un jury d'universitaire et permet le soutien à la publication de la thèse chez un éditeur implanté de préférence dans l'aacdémie d'Amiens. Pour faire acte de candidature, il faut avoir soutenu en 2015 ou 2016 une thèse sur un sujet d'histoire de l'éducation quelle que soit la période ou l'ère géographique concernée. Le prix sera attribué fin juin par le jury et sera remis officiellement par le recteur en mars 2018, lors de la commémoration du colloque d'Amiens organisée par le Caref.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Études urbaines

    Prix de thèse de la Société française d’histoire urbaine 2017

    La Société française d’histoire urbaine (SFHU) ouvre, pour sa septième session, un concours de thèses qui s'adresse aux jeunes en histoire urbaine, ayant soutenu leur thèse durant l’année civile 2016. Par cette initiative, dotée d’un prix de 2000 euros, la SFHU vise à encourager de jeunes chercheurs·ses et à favoriser la plus large diffusion possible de leurs travaux.

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Galen (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum)

    Die Berlin- Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts mit Sitz in Berlin. Ihr wissenschaftliches Profil ist vor allem geprägt durch langfristig orientierte Grundlagenforschung der Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften. Die Akademie beschäftigt etwa 350 Mitarbeiter/innen, ihr Jahresbudget beträgt rund 20 Mio. Euro. Die Akademie sucht für das Vorhaben „Galen als Vermittler, Interpret und Vollender der antiken Medizin (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum)“ zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in

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