

  • Limoges

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains

    La Société française des hispanistes et ibéro-américanistes célèbrera son XLI congrès du 5 au 8 juin 2024 à l’université de Limoges. Il aura pour thématique « la forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains ». S’adressant prioritairement aux spécialistes de l’aire ibérique et ibéro-américaine, ce congrès se veut pourtant aussi résolument ouvert à d’autres approches autour de la thématique. Ainsi, si les études littéraires et artistiques, linguistiques et historiennes semblent s’imposer, les approches sociologiques, géographiques, anthropologiques, philosophiques seront également les bienvenues dès lors qu’elles portent sur le thème et l’aire culturelle ibérique et ibéro-américaine.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Les femmes sur scène : Des coulisses aux feux de la rampe

    Women in theatre until the 19th century

    Since its origin, the History of Theatre has been built by male names. However, it is unthinkable that women have not also had an important role in this construction. Besides existing as characters, their contributions as performers, playwrights, composers, entrepreneurs, patrons, scenographers or costume designers, among a broad range of other functions, were fundamental to the development of the theatrical practice. This conference aims to recover the place of women in theatre since its origin until the 19th century, covering a wide variety of topics, which have women at their centre, either as the focus of a show or as marginal, as star or tertiary figure, as part of the audience or as producer of the cultural object. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive and transdisciplinary debate in order to rediscover the place of women in theatre in a global and historical approach.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Revolution and Cinema: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution

    The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by the deepening of social inequalities, the anachronism of authoritarian regimes and the political exhaustion of democratic systems. It should invite us to analyze the traces, myths, outbursts, failures, and eventual successes of past revolutions so we can attain a better apprehension of the links between cinema, art, and politics. This special section aims to contribute to the constitution of a “cine-geography” (Gray and Eshun 2011, 1) of the forms of “making” cinema and revolution. The aim is to update historical and aesthetic analyses that address the encounter between cinema and revolution.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The Materiality of Modernisms

    Within the framework of intertwining multiple approaches to the material and medial dimensions through which modernisms have been – and are being – studied, the conference will also offer an opportunity to revisit through this angle three events whose 100th  anniversary takes place in 2022. The publication of Joyce’s Ulysses, the organization of The Week of  Modern Art in São Paulo and the premiére of the Triadisches Ballett by Oskar Schlemmer, can be in fact set as clear examples of a broader and heterogeneous «discourse of the legitimation of change» (Osborne 2013), that only much later became known as “Modernism”. Round tables with guests and experts will be dedicated to these three topics as part of the conference program.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Brazil: 200 years of Independence (1822-2022)

    The call for papers for the thematic dossier “Brazil: 200 years of Independence (1822-2022)” is open until 30 June 2022. The aim of this dossier is to publish texts on the antecedents and consequences of Brazilian independence in its several domains (political, social, economic or cultural), identifying permanences and ruptures. The articles, subject to scientific review, will be published in issue 19 (January 2023).

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Beauté de l'Amérique, de ses identités, de ses territoires

    Représentations dans les arts visuels (XIXe-XXIe siècle)

    Pour le prochain numéro de la revue Amerika, qui sera plus spécifiquement consacré aux arts plastiques, nous souhaitons interroger le concept de beauté, en lien avec les Amériques, à travers le rapport à l’émerveillement, à la fascination, mais aussi à la violence et à la manière dont l’art transcende l'horreur.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    José Saramago : création, dialogue et critique

    À l’occasion de la célébration du centenaire de la naissance de l’écrivain portugais José Saramago et dans le but d’analyser et de débattre de sa création littéraire dans ses multiples dialogues et dans sa portée critique, est organisée une journée d'étude sur le thème « José Saramago : création, dialogue et critique ».

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Imago, Actus et Verbum. Challenges and Questions in Medieval Studies

    A crossdisciplinary dialogue between philology, philosophy, history, art and literature

    On the outset of the 21st century, cross-disciplinary studies on the Middle Ages seem to be in need of a careful reconsideration of their nature, scope and aims. This is specially so after the series of "turns" undergone by historiography in the last four decades. Despite their differences, philosophy, history, philology , literary studies and art are also bound through their work on texts; and all are currently faced with both methodological and substantive issues raised by important shifts in contemporary society. This congress is devoted to a global assessment of the current state of affairs in medieval studies, but also the upcoming challenges.


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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Symposium international de cinéma et analyse filmique

    Son objectif premier sera d'approfondir les échanges de recherche autour de l’analyse filmique, en rapprochant différentes perspectives, développements théorico-méthodologiques et ses emplois en multiples disciplines. Il nous intéresse l’étude des images et sons en mouvement, les définitions d’analyse filmique, les études de cas, les transformations tout au long des temps, les approches les approches au-delà des frontières du cinéma, ainsi que les dialogues avec d’autres arts et domaines des Sciences Humaines.

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  • Londres | Grenoble

    Colloque - Amériques

    Cozinhando imagens, tejiendo feminismos. Latin american feminist film and visual art collectives

    During the last years, there has been a revitalization of feminist movements internationally. In Latin America, the performance of ‘A Rapist in Your Path’ by the collective LasTesis on 25 November 2019 put Chilean feminism in the global spotlight. This revitalization is also pushing for political and legal reforms, such as the approval of a bill legalising abortion in Argentina on 30 December 2020. The alliances between feminists, artists, and filmmakers in Latin America are not new. Fuelled by the 1970s women’s movement, several feminist film collectives emerged during this decade and instrumentalized cinema to raise awareness about women’s issues and intervene in political contexts.

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  • Saragosse

    Cycle de conférences - Époque contemporaine

    Autores e textos críticos em espanhol e português

    V Fórum Ibérico de Estudos Museológicos V Congresso Internacional da Associação Espanhola de Críticos de Arte

    Depois das inúmeras contribuições sobre a história da crítica dos museus e do sistema artístico no IV Congresso Internacional da Associação Espanhola de Críticos de Arte realizado no MNCARS, e do sucesso do IV Fórum Ibérico de Estudos Museológicos (Porto, 2020), que tratou da evolução da museografia expositiva, ambas as plataformas juntam-se para abordar os contributos daqueles que escreveram tratados ou estudos sobre museus no contexto cultural ibérico, num encontro dedicado ao tema «Autores e textos críticos em espanhol e português». Para além deste âmbito, também poderão ser aceites ensaios de/sobre autores latino-americanos.

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  • Appel à contribution - Information

    "Vista" Journal - permanent call

    Vista is a scientific journal in the field of Visual Culture that aims to the promotion of a transdisciplinary debate around culture’s visual mediation processes (photography, cinema, television, advertising, videogames and digital media and so on). 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Fields of collaboration in contemporary art practices

    Can all art be considered collaborative? What has motivated so many artists, in recent decades, to organize in collectives and participate in collaborative projects? Does collaboration in the arts play a major role in redefining the art world and in the production of new subjectivities? How do collaborative art practices challenge the myths of creative genius and artistic individuality?

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Colloque - Géographie

    The Epoch of Space. State and new perspectives

    The next 8th, 9th and 10th of April it will take place at the University of Santiago de Compostela the international conference "The Epoch of Space. State and New Perspectives", where researchers from around the world will meet to discuss the spatial turn of humanities. This interdisciplinary event will bring together geographers, philologists, historians, philosophers, and other interested disciplines to review the current state of spatial humanities, share different approaches, research methods and discuss their future.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Quand les femmes filment : le documentaire dans la péninsule ibérique et dans le continent latino-américain

    Ce colloque international et interuniversitaire aura pour objet l'étude de la production documentaire réalisée par des femmes des pays de la péninsule ibérique ou du continent latino-américain. Il a pour visée de repenser, dans une perspective transdisciplinaire, les cadres épistémologiques de l’analyse de l’image documentaire. Il réfléchira aux manières dont les films documentaires, maintenus dans une double marginalité, celle du documentaire et celle due au statut des femmes, ont agi comme des opérations d’intelligibilité du monde.

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  • Batalha

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Hydraulics in Monumental Buildings

    The hydraulic system is an architectural subsystem that can only be understood in view of the dual constitution of its structure: one at ground level, that referrers to potable water (lower hydraulic subsystem), and other concerning rainwater (upper hydraulic subsystem). They both involve aspects of major importance for the functioning of any building: catchment, distribution and evacuation of the waters. In the last decade, research was carried out on the hydraulic component of historical architecture, either religious or civil, considering technical and artistic issues, not only in Portugal, but throughout Europe.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The epoch of space. State and new perspectives

    For centuries, the study of time was one of the main academic interests in the field of Humanities. However, in the second half of the 20th century, most scholars and philosophers shifted their focus to the question of space. The interest in studying this in the field of the arts has increased significantly in recent years, and is especially noticeable in the case of literary creations.The growing influence of ecocriticism and geocriticism is especially noticeable in digital humanities. The bridges recently built between these fields are already proving to be productive, as they have led to the development of new tools, approaches, and methodologies, such as deep mapping techniques and the spatial humanities. How have the disciplines evolved in recent years? Do we need to redefine the key concepts regarding space and place? Has our relationship with territory changed? Have we produced new ways of inhabiting space?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    African Ivories

    In the Atlantic World, 1400-1900

    Since April 2015, the international team working on the project “African Ivories in the Atlantic World: a reassessment of Luso-African ivories” (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: PTDC/EPH-PAT/1810/2014), composed of 27 researchers from the University of Lisbon, the University of Évora and the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, has been researching the trade, circulation and production of raw and carved African ivory in the Atlantic area from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. The team has identified and listed objects from Portuguese and Brazilian (Minas Gerais) collections, also collecting references and descriptions extant in written Portuguese sources. For the first time a selection of ivory pieces was subjected to lab tests with a view to helping establish their age and origin. The project research team has submitted proposals for re-interpreting material culture in the framework of its African contexts of production. 

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  • Madrid | Alcalá de Henares | Pozuelo de Alarcón

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Myth and Audiovisual Creation

    V International Conference on Mythcriticism

    Le V Congrès International de Mythocritique “Mythe et création audiovisuelle” est une initiative du Programme de Recherche Acis&Galatea, financé par la Communauté de Madrid et le Fonds Social Européen. Le Congrès s’organisera au tour de 4 sièges selon le thème: “Mythes germaniques” à l´université de Alcalá, “Mythes classiques” à l´université Autónoma, “Mythes bibliques” à l´université Francisco de Vitoria et “Mythes modernes” à l´université Complutense. Les chercheurs peuvent envoyer leur proposition de communication à un des 4 sièges. Leur objectif consistera à analyser le rôle du cinéma, les séries télévisées, les jeux vidéo dans la création et adaptation des mythes anciens, médiévaux et modernes et notre monde contemporain. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Through, from, to Latin America networks, circulations and artistic transits from the 1960s to the present

    The project Through, from, to Latin America: networks, circulations and artistic transits from the 1960s to the present seeks to explore the tensions and interrelations between local inscription and connectivity, habitation and circulation, present enunciation and revisiting the past.

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