

  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Cities and Migration: Visual approaches to the challenges of increasingly diverse cities

    "Disegnare con" issue vol 15, no 28 (2022)

    The United National estimates that by 2050, two out of every three people will be living in cities. This will have a transformative impact on urban areas in ways that may be positive, negative, or neutral: rapid urban sprawl, the rise of megacities, cultural revival through the introduction of difference, increasing inequality, growth in the arts, a more conducive environment for innovation, increased corruption, crime and human exploitation, etc. This issue will highlight new architectural and landscape/urban planning responses on migration, including strategies for reinforcing social inclusion and urban diversity.

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  • Bruxelles

    École thématique - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Visualizing archaeological data: GIS mapping and network modeling

    Archaeologists use different methods for visualizing their data – for analysis and for presentation. The international spring school will discuss successful ways to visualize these data and challenges and successes in the application of both GIS and network analysis (NA). Through an integration between theory, studies, and tutored practice, we aim to access the two learnt methods to each participant for independent use.

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  • Clermont-Ferrand

    Colloque - Europe

    Paradigms, models, scenarios and practices in terms of strong sustainability

    Bien que la notion de durabilité continue d'être associée au rapport Brundtland (1987) et au concept de développement durable, une communauté de chercheurs et de praticiens de la durabilité cherche de plus en plus à émanciper le concept pour être en accord avec les connaissances et les aspirations du moment. L'enthousiasme et les attentes à l'égard d'une plus grande durabilité vont au-delà des simples questions environnementales. Ils abordent également des questions sociales cruciales. Les communications du symposium visent à remettre en question les paradigmes, les modèles, les scénarios et les pratiques qui incarnent la durabilité. On peut se demander quel sens donner à l'idée même de durabilité et aux représentations qu'elle véhicule.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Land use changes: Trends and projections

    Land use changes: Trends and projections

    You are invited to submit a short abstract to the 3rd International Land Use Symposium on Land use changes: Trends and projections, to be held December 4-6 2019, in Paris Diderot University. It will be preceded by a pre-symposium  workshop on Urban Sprawl on December 3rd, 2019. The ILUS organizing committee welcomes the submission of original contributions with the goal of advancing our understanding of land use and land cover (LULC) changes. Submission may either fit focus themes or be on a white track.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Geomedia and the City

    Geomedia is an emerging concept that has been deployed to capture a particular technological condition, associated with recent rapid developments in digital technology. As such, it signals to the dialectics of locative media and the mediations of localities. However, the concept of geomedia carries deeper/wider ontological and epistemological registers that transcend the simple twining of geography and media. In this wider sense, geomedia gestures to the expanding interdisciplinary terrain at the crossroads of media studies and geography, where various ontologies and epistemologies of space/time, flows/mobilities and mediation/ mediatization come together. The aim of this special issue is to explore the urban as a key terrain where these ontologies and epistemologies are articulated.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Séminaire de l'Institut des sciences de la communication (ISCC) (2016-2017)

    Lancé en 2010, le séminaire de l’ISCC est axé sur les sciences de la communication, les industries et l’ingénierie des connaissances, le développement des controverses et le rôle de l’expertise scientifique, l’épistémologie comparée et, plus largement, les rapports entre sciences, techniques et société. Cette rencontre est ouverte aux chercheurs, enseignants, étudiants, journalistes et professionnels que motivent les enjeux de la communication et vise à affûter les problématiques, à susciter le débat et à développer les échanges interdisciplinaires entre personnalités de formations et d’horizons différents.

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  • Lisbonne

    École thématique - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Research methods and problem-solving

    Digital humanities summer school (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas)

    The digital humanities have been largely debated and are currently a wellestablished branch of knowledge with specific departments, research centres, journals and a growing community gathered around several national and international associations. The digital humanities have a growing impact on teaching, researching and on dissemination in the humanities, and are nowadays an almost mandatory approach for new research projects and for young researchers curriculum. This summer school aims at providing concrete answers to specific needs and challenges emerging from projects carried out by master and PhD students, and post-doctoral researchers in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

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  • Canton

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Urban China and the challenges of sustainability

    Medium conference

    This is the second international event organised in the context of the Medium project. While research conducted in the context of the project focus primarily on the medium-sized cities Hangzhou, Zhuhai and Datong, the conference will consider urban China in its diversity, with a great variety of case studies including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, the region of the Taihu lake etc. It will address the issue of sustainability from a broad perspective, tackling ageing housing, social inclusion, urban governance, environmental sustainability, participatory processes in urban planning, with a multi-disciplinary approach ranging from geography, political science, economy, sociology, computer science, environmental science, etc.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    The mediation of technologies for a new communication and representation of territory

    Session S25 of the 32nd Italian Geographers Congress

    The session, which is part of the 32nd Congress of Italian Geographers, will accept both theoretical and methodological proposals exploring the forms through wich ICTs, particularly the Web, have been changing the dynamics of territory representation in the last decades. Among other things, the proposal shoud focus on territorial communication forms for both political and administrative aims (the communication by and for citizens/investors) and tourist and cultural purposes (the communication by and for tourists/visitors).

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Digital Humanities in Portugal: building bridges and breaking barriers in the digital age

    Discussion about the role of the Humanities in academia and society has a long history. The confluence of this debate with the changes brought about by digital technology is not new either: one cannot speak of "new technologies" for the Humanities when many researchers turned to digital methods at least four decades ago, in disciplines as diverse as Linguistics, History or Literary Studies. The Conference “Digital Humanities in Portugal” aims precisely to stimulate these intersections, opening up a forum for discussion and sharing of research results or ongoing projects in this field of knowledge.

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  • Paris

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Géographie

    Serious games, participatory simulation and learning processes. A proposal for experimental evaluation

    Postdoctoral fellowship Labex Dynamite 2014

    Controlled social experimentation to evaluate the effects of varying degrees of asymmetry in the data and action assigned to participants on the learning generated by participatory simulations.

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  • Lausanne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Géographie

    Evaluation of a region’s renewable natural capital

    EPFL is offering a high-profile post-doc position

    The purpose of the post-doc research is to test and possibly validate the feasibility and relevance of ecosystem capital accounts (SCEEA-CEC) or, said differently, the contribution of natural capital to productive systems, in a regional context (the Rhone river basin). The approach should cover the following aspects: availability, collection and processing of geographic and monitoring data and statistics, relevance of the assessments in natural and social sciences, relevance of the information tools ability to support the regulatory and economic instruments of environmental governance of institutional and territorial spaces.

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  • Lisbonne

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Networks over space and time: modelling, analyzing, and representing complex data in the digital humanities

    This workshop is about interconnections between, and in space and time. But it also sees interconnections at other levels: between modelling and analysing, between theory and practice, as well as between humanities and computing.

    In the humanities, a close look at networks and relationships, whether formal or informal, personal or social, of information or of knowledge, of transportation or of communication, has always been an important subject of study and, at the same time, a powerful analytical process. In computer science, the study of networks and of methodologies for analysis and visualization of these relationships is nowadays an increasingly well understood and practiced area of knowledge. In both the humanities and computer science, researchers are well aware of the dynamic nature of data and knowledge when viewed through the lenses of space and time.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Modèles de frontières ; des frontières modèles ?

    Revue Belgeo 2-2013

    L'étude des espaces transfrontaliers se fait souvent en référence à un contexte propre, dans la mesure où chaque frontière peut difficilement être analysée indépendamment du cas toujours particulier des États en présence, des organisations régionales, locales et d'une certaine histoire. L’objectif de ce numéro spécial de Belgéo est d’évaluer comment dépasser la démarche monographique et parvenir à une modélisation de ces espaces.

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  • Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Climatic, environmental and social dimensions of the Little Ice Age (LIA) in the Mediterranean

    Special issue of Méditerranée (2014)

    This special issue will look at the climatic, environmental and social dimensions of the Little Ice Age (LIA) in the Mediterranean, between the second half of the 13th to 19th centuries. Contributions should derive from the Meditterranean area, including its mountainous borders, and can include sedimentary and palaeoecological records, in addition to written and iconographic sources. The editors particularly encourage multidisciplinary studies.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Ambiances en acte(s)

    The second International Congress on Ambiances is an international gathering for researchers, artists and players engaged in analyzing the ambiance-related dimensions of the built environment and in the sensory construction of the contemporary world. Many approaches are at work in the field of architectural and urban ambiance, and these multiple contributions nurture its rich diversity. The Congress aims to give voice to this activity, feeding on work exploring new forms of exchange between what is designed and what is experienced, between the measured and the qualified, the projected and the tested, the material and the immaterial. The Congress will be held for four days at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), in Montreal, from 19 to 22 September 2012. It will seek to express advances in learning and new hypotheses proposed by the various disciplines and fields of activity which address the question of ambiances.

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  • Marseille

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Health and Space 2012

    The colloquium is organized by the UMR 6012 ESPACE, a research team from the Department of Geography of the Aix-Marseille University. After the success of the first edition, our ambition is to provide every two years the opportunity for doctorants, postdoctorants, researchers and public health professionals to present their original research dealing with the spatial aspects of health and health care issues. Special attention is given to quantitative approaches in this field, either related to observational or theoretical studies.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Governance and economic integration in urban border regions

    Paper session: "Governance and economic integration in urban border regions", Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting 2012, New York City, USA, 24-28 February 2012.

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  • Bordeaux

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Estuarine and Lagoon Ecosystem Trajectories

    Throughout the world, estuaries and lagoons are among the most intensely modified and threatened aquatic ecosystems. Moreover, these systems are vulnerable to the consequences of global change. From a management point of view, there is a tremendous and concrete lack of knowledge regarding the functioning of estuarine ecosystems and the socio-economic relations that bind the various actors to these environments. This ECSA symposium will contribute to provide sound science on past and future estuarine and lagoon ecosystem evolution from ecological, social and political point of view. All example of medium and long terms surveys, describing how the ecosystem and socio-ecosystem is evolving are welcome.

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  • Marseille

    Colloque - Géographie

    Rencontres du groupe S4, Simulation spatiale pour les sciences sociales

    L'équipe de l'Université de Provence de l'UMR 6012 ESPACE accueille à Marseille, les 26 et 27 mai prochains, les renconcontres du Groupe de recherche Européen S4, Simulation spatiale pour les sciences sociales. Durant ces deux jours se tiendront l'assemblée générale de S4 ainsi qu'une session spéciale de présentation des activités "Inter-groupes" touchant aux avancées récentes dans le domaine de la modélisation spatiale.

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