

  • Incheon

    Beitragsaufruf - Recht

    Eurasian legal systems in a world in transition

    Economic prosperity or disparity, and the return of politics in international law

    The pace of history has accelerated in recent years and even months, well beyond a new cold-war dynamic. Trading nations entertain friendly commerce relations but they also engage in trade- and information-wars, thereby mixing regional construction and inter-regional deconstruction; that is, merging economic integration and political disintegration. Eurasia, with half of the world population, would represent, if economically and regionally integrated, the greatest consumer market and productive capacity on earth. Considering this geo-political/economic background, the question is simply whether such a Eurasian economic integration is achievable or not. Here, the “return of politics” through the neo-role played by States in Covid-management and, from 2022, in international economic law and other wider issues, is proving a challenge for analysts of the ‘legalisation’ of regions.

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  • Seoul

    Beitragsaufruf - Asien

    Voyages, voisinages

    Revue Croisements (2014) n°4

    Le quatrième numéro de Croisements portera sur le thème « Voyages, voisinages » en Asie de l’Est. Les pays, les territoires, les espaces se trouvent aujourd’hui au cœur de jeux d’influences multiples qui brouillent l’idée de limite ou de frontière. Les sphères culturelles, politiques, stratégiques, économiques entretiennent entre elles des relations étroites à travers lesquelles il est souvent difficile de définir des identités stables.

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