

  • Aix-en-Provence

    Colloque - Histoire

    Écrire le désert

    Enjeux, sources, analyses

    Comment écrit-on l’histoire du désert ? Et de quel désert s’agit-il, en fonction de quelle aire culturelle ? Alors que les études consacrées aux espaces sahariens ont pris de nouvelles directions ces dernières années – notamment autour de questions négligées auparavant telles que la mobilité ou les réseaux  et l’émergence de nouvelles identités sahariennes à la suite des décolonisations, ou dans le cadre de nouvelles explorations des relations entre colonisés et colonisateurs, ce colloque a pour ambition de créer un espace de réflexion autour du matériau fondamental de toute recherche académique : d’un côté les archives qui nourrissent le travail du chercheur, et de l’autre les questions autour desquelles s’articule son enquête.

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  • Tiaret

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    The role of Start-ups and Business Incubators in Achieving Economic Development in Algeria

    ’الدور الاقتصادي لمؤسسات الناشئة و حاضنات الاعمال في تحقيق أهداف التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر’’

    Algeria, like other countries in the world, is full of many creative and innovative entrepreneurs, and at the same time they are eager to create institutions in which they embody their new ideas with the aim of creating various products and services that contribute to the diversification of the Algerian economy. Especially if they have financial support from experts and supporting financial institutions, as well as technical and administrative support from business incubators. The conference aims to answer the following question: To what extant can Start-ups and business Incubators contribute in economy diversity and economic development success in Algeria? 

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  • Hambourg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Towards a History of European Developmentalism

    Development, Modernization and Europeanization from the 19th to the 21st century

    As historical narratives on international politics of development and modernization are now consolidate, a genuinely European perspective, that considers the multiplicity of governmental and non-governmental actors, still seems to be missing. This conference aims to understand to what extent a politically integrated Europe might be understood as the result of practices of development policies within Europe and its (semi-)colonial periphery during the past two centuries.

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  • Tanger

    Colloque - Afrique

    Centenaire du statut de Tanger

    Réunissant des chercheurs des deux rives de la Méditerranée, cette conférence vise à renouveler l’intérêt pour la Zone internationale de Tanger (1925-1956). Elle aura lieu 100 ans jour pour jour après la signature par la France, l’Espagne et le Royaume-Uni du traité constitutif de la zone, le « statut de la zone de Tanger ». Cet accord, rejoint plus tard par la suite la Suède, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et l’Italie, soumettait Tanger à un régime particulier : bien que faisant formellement partie intégrante du Maroc, la ville et ses environs furent dans une large mesure soumis à l’administration conjointe des puissances occidentales.

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  • Bâle

    École thématique - Asie

    States and Statelessness in the Post-Ottoman Middle East

    Special Workshop with Prof. Dr. Laura Robson (Penn State University)

    The Annual MUBIT (Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung in islamischen Traditionen) Workshop in Late- and Post-Ottoman Studies is a two-day workshop in Basel, Switzerland, designed for international doctoral students conducting research on the Near and Middle East. The workshop consists of a two-day, intensive program in which select students work closely with invited experts. Successful completion of the workshop entitles students to 3 ECTS credits. This year, we are thrilled to host Prof. Dr. Laura Robson of Penn State University, USA, to lead our 11th annual workshop on the topic of “States and Statelessness in the Post-Ottoman Middle East.” The 2023 workshop will be held in person between 20 October (12 :00 pm) and 21 October (13 :00 pm) at the University of Basel. 

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Early Islamic Agriculture and Water Management: Talking about a “Revolution”

    Second Ḥajar Online Workshop

    In the workshop organized by Hajar, three archaeological case studies which relate to agriculture and/or water management during Early Islam will be presented, followed by responses and a discussion. These will enable another examination of Andrew Watson’s arguments from the 1980s about an “Arab agricultural revolution” or “green revolution” - this time from an archaeological perspective.

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  • Biskra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    The Linguistic Reality in Algeria

    Language, Identity and Ideology

    The First Online National Conference in Sociolinguistics on “The Linguistic Reality in Algeria: Language, Identity and Ideology”, calls for original contributions (abstracts of no more than 250 words) addressing one of the main tracks that fall within the main conference theme and special focus. In this respect, participants are invited to submit abstracts following the academic requirements and standards. The conference encourages the submission of studies / investigations that report theoretical studies, as well as practices related to the main theme.

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  • Helsinki

    Colloque - Histoire

    Speaking as the 'Other': Coloniality, Subalternity, and Political Articulations

    Calliope International Conference

    Speaking as the 'Other' is organised by the ERC-funded project Calliope: Vocal Articulations of Parliamentary Identity and Empire (University of Helsinki). This multidisciplinary conference seeks to examine performative, embodied and acoustic histories of articulating political representation and colonial ‘otherness’. To that end, we intend to extend the focus beyond established Anglophone analyses of the metropole and colony, and indeed, beyond the disciplinary pre-eminence of Anglophone postcolonial studies.

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  • Hambourg

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Fellowships (post doc) — Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”

    Starting in the year 2020, duration between 1 to 12 months

    As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, co-operative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally. The Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam. Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), invites applications for Resident Fellowships (post doc) starting in the year 2020. The fellowships are available for a duration between one and twelve months.


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  • Hammamet

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Urban and architectural identities in Mediterranean cities

    Identités urbaines et architecturales dans les villes méditerranéennes

    La diversité architecturale et urbanistique caractérisant les villes méditerranéennes est indissociable de leur identité. Il semble évident que cette diversité et cette multiplicité d'indentités sont à considérer comme une des plus grandes valeurs culturelles et humaines. La cohabitation des formes dans le temps et dans l'espace, les mélanges entre les cultures urbaines et architecturales, les influences et les contaminations voire même les contrastes et les contradictions identitaires qui se révèlent sur le territoire urbain méditerranéen traduisent traduisent la stratification de la ville dans ses implications pragmatiques et ses significations identitaires. Aujourd'hui, dans un contexet de mise en concurrence et d'attractivité des territoires, plusieurs villes méditerranéennes connaissent de profondes mutations. Face à ces transformations, la  référence à des "territoires identitaires" (Troin, 2004) et la capacité de la ville à se construire une identité et à la diffuser sont remises en question. 

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  • Leyde

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    2 PhD candidates Migration and the Family in Morocco

    The Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, Leiden University, the Netherlands, is looking for 2 PhD candidates (1.0 FTE) for the research project Living on the Other Side: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Migration and Family Law in Morocco.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Innovation, Invention and Memory in Africa

    IV Cham international conference, Lisbon, July 2019

    The Portuguese Centre for Humanities (CHAM) is an inter-University research unit of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and of the Universidade dos Açores, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. CHAM’s team includes researchers from different disciplinary fields (Archaeology, Art History, Heritage, Literature, Philosophy and History of ideas), different domains of History (Economic, Cultural, Political, Social, Religious, History of Science and History of books and reading practices) and specialists from various geographic spaces. From 2015 to 2020, CHAM’s strategic project will focus on “frontiers”. This multi-disciplinary project considers frontiers as limits that distinguished, throughout history, a plurality of societies and cultures, but also as social and cultural constructs that promoted communication and interaction.

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  • Turin

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Actors, practices and themes of resistance in the history and memory of contemporary Libya (1835-2011)

    The panel will examine the practices and themes of Libyan resistance, defined as the concrete expression of the dialectical tension between the political and institutional centers of power and the social movements, group actors, or individuals that opposed them, covering the chronological span from the Ottoman reconquest in 1835 to the Jamāhīriyya’s fall in 2011.

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  • Champs-sur-Marne

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Comparing property markets on an international scale

    While many scholars compare property markets from the same urban area or compare the way these markets distinguish urban areas within a given country, very few propose an international comparison. And yet, this is a main scientific issue. Such comparisons would provide a new angle for studying metropolitan development as well as its internal trends relating to inequality and gentrification.

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  • Naples

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Mediterranean Europe(s)

    Images and ideas of Europe from the Mediterranean shores

    The aim of the conference is to shed new light on the place and the role of the Mediterranean in shaping images, ideas, and discourses about Europe from the eighteenth century onwards. 

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  • Halle

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Connected histories? Expectations of the last days in Islam, Judaism and Christianity from the 15th to the 17th centuries

    The aim of the conference is to check to what extent we can write a connected history of messianism and apocalyptics in the monotheistic religions from the 15th to the 17th centuries. The conference is conceived as a framework for discussing hypotheses and exploring possible connections between Islamic, Jewish and Christian believes about the Last Days.

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  • Marbourg

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Representations of Change

    Time, Space, and Power in Qualitative Research on the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Region and Europe

    Since the start of the 21st century seemingly unpredictable change, in all its different guises, has fueled the preoccupations of academic and non-academic publics. The financial crisis, the “Arab Spring”, protest movements in southern Europe, the rise of Daesh and right-wing populism, as well as the environmental crisis all make it very difficult to rely on Francis Fukuyama’s theory of “end of history”, which now seems to merely reflect the euphoria of liberal elites following the collapse of the Soviet Union (1992). This workshop intends to reflect more closely on the webs of power affecting both the researcher and‚ the researched when they intend to represent change.

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  • Sétif

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    3rd African conference on research in chemistry education


    The  conference  (under  the  scientific  auspices  of  the Algerian  Chemical  Society,  Société Algérienne de Chimie, SAC, in association with FASC, the  Federation of  African Societies of  Chemistry) and IUPAC, the International Union of  Pure  and  Applied  Chemistry,  wishes  to  emphasize  the roles  of  chemistry  education  for  development  and  for sustainable  development  in  the  Maghreb region  and  in Africa,  by  offering  an  ideal  opportunity  for  sharing experiences among chemistry educators across the African continent  and  with  specialists  from  other  continents.

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  • Zurich

    Informations diverses - Éducation

    Teaching Gender. Theory and society in the classroom

    Now more than ever, gender as an analytical concept is being heavily contested from diverse quarters inside as well as outside academia. The panel discussion addresses key questions of how to teach gender as  critical theory in the light of current societal and political tensions on the one hand and institutional constraints inside the university on the other hand. How can we teach “critique”? What does teaching gender mean in terms of methods and topics? And how can we engage in critical research and teaching while responding to societal expectations as to relevant output and knowledge transfer?

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  • Zurich

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Concepts that Matter! Terminologies of women and gender in transnational perspective

    The Department of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies of the University of Zurich is organizing the first workshop of the Gender in University and Society (GENiUS) network on “Concepts that Matter! Terminologies of Women and Gender in Transnational Perspective”. GENiUS is an informal Swiss-Arab Network of academics specialized in the field of Gender Studies in and on the Arab region that aims at fostering scientific exchange on the levels of research, teaching and institution building.

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