

  • Lisbonne

    Séminaire - Europe

    The Colonization of Portugal

    Todos os anos, investigadores do Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHAC, NOVA FCSH) e da Universidade de Drexel reúnem-se para pensar em conjunto novas formas de escrever a história de Portugal. O workshop de 2023, com o título “The colonization of Portugal”, tem como objetivo olhar para as dinâmicas coloniais na construção do Portugal metropolitano.

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  • Vienne

    Colloque - Europe

    Racism, Justice, Environment

    Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond

    The conference Racism, Justice, Environment : Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond is dedicated to the topic of environmental justice. People in Eastern Europe have higher chances of dying as a result of pollution than those in Western Europe. The highest rates of pollution-related deaths are in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Romania, all countries with significant Roma communities. Across Europe, numerous Roma communities live in environmentally hazardous areas. Critical Romani Studies therfore proposes a paradigm shift and challenges the dominant academic and policy discourses and suggests inquiries into forms of oppressions Roma are facing, highlighting the importance of structural forms of injustice.

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Labour and Global Solidarity during the Long 20th Century

    History of Communism in Europe Journal, no. 12/2021

    The current call for papers seeks new, transnational, methodologically innovative perspectives on labor and workers, stressing on the transformations work and work relations have undergone during the 20th century.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le patrimoine industriel européen de la première guerre mondiale

    The First World War marked the history of Europe. It has been characterized by an unprecedented effort in industrial production, which today constitutes a common European heritage. The industrial heritage of the First World War, however, seems to be invisible: it is not identified or even defined as such, whereas this war was characterized by the massive use of industrial technology, both in the field of the production of weapons, aircraft and chemicals for military purposes as well as in the civil sector, particularly for agri-food production. It is interesting to note that conversely, the industrial heritage of the Reconstruction could be the subject of work. The organization of a European symposium, the first on this theme, is essential in order to establish an inventory of the material traces that still exist today and to draw the attention of the public authorities to the need to ensure their conservation.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    CIDEHUS - Colecção Biblioteca: Estudos & Colóquios

    CIDEHUS has one book collections with peer-review: Biblioteca: Estudos & Colóquios which aims to publish monographies on CIDEHUS site on the platform OpenEditionBooks. This collection has an international scientific committee and an editorial committee, as well as an individual assistant for the edition process. Once a year, CIDEHUS opens a call for book proposals to general academic community and not only to the members of our research center.

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  • Rennes

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Industrial Heritage in the UK

    Mutations, Conversions and Representations

    The chosen perspective for this one-day conference is an inter- and pluri-disciplinary one and it is therefore articulated around a variety of approaches such as cultural geography, cultural history, art history, media studies, urban studies, heritage studies, architecture, etc.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Fabrications: Designing for Silk in the Eighteenth Century

    Joubert de la Hiberderie’s Le Dessinateur d’étoffes d’or, d’argent, et de soie (1765) was the first book to be published on textile design in Europe.  In preparation for the publication of an English translation and critical edition of the text this one day conference calls for papers that will analyse, critique, contextualise, review or otherwise engage with the Le dessinateur in the light of its themes: production, design, technology, education, botany and art.  Joubert’s manual argues for both a liberal and a technological education for the ideal designer. Such a person must, he argues, have detailed knowledge of the materials, technologies and traditions of patterned silk in order successfully to propose new designs; he or she must also have taste and an eye for beauty, which call, he says, for travel in order to see both the beauties of nature and those of art gathered in the gardens and galleries of Paris and the île de France.  

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  • Mayence

    Colloque - Europe

    Regional producers or global players? The internationalization of companies in the 19th and 20th centuries

    An international conference on economic history dealing with the question "Regional producers or global players ?" will take place in Mainz on October 6-7 2014. Until now neglected, research on the economic history of the Rhineland-Palatine area will be presented. However, the conference is not limited on the history of this region - in fact, companies from this origin will be compared to producers from other regions and countries. The increasing internationalization of companies is currently an important field of research among historians. From the second half of the 19th century to World War I, the interdependence of the West European economy grew strongly. In the second half of the 20th century, we can observe another globalization push. We were able to win internationally renowned researchers for the papers. Conference language is predominantly German, partly English. Please notify us in advance of your coming via email (

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    Democracy and Technology. Europe in Tension from the 19th to the 21st century

    Public debate, social media demonstrations, participative assessment, technocracy and transparency: these are just some of the issues on the growing list of multiple and evolving interactions between technology and democracy in Europe since the middle of the 19th Century. The sixth Tensions of Europe conference aims historicizing and exploring these complicated links in long-term perspective. It will address key contemporary issues such as the democratization of technology and the vulnerabilities of technological democracies. The conference will close the ANR funded project « Large technical networks and democracy: innovations, practices and interested parties in long-term perspective, from 1880 to the present day ». The conference will also feature the official presentation of the Making Europe book series, more than 40 panels, and of course the traditional untraditional Tensions events – this time in Parisian style!

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Pour une histoire comparative de la régulation des risques industriels, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles

    If comparison between national or regional contexts has been a driving force for the historiography of the « industrial revolution », and if environmental history has been immediately written on a global scale, the evolution of environmental and risk regulation is often studied according to the national, regional or local scales of the institutions producing the regulations. The aim of this workshop is to invite historians to consider how comparison could advance our understanding of the different ways of regulating risk and environment.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La loi de 1898 sur les accidents du travail et l’émergence de la tarification des corps en Europe

    Le programme de recherche « Histoire des risques et des accidents industriels, France, Grande-Bretagne, fin XVIIe – fin XIXe siècle » propose de réfléchir à la loi de 1898 sur les accidents du travail, en l'intégrant dans une perspective comparative et de long terme. Cette journée d'étude a pour but de nourrir les réflexions actuelles sur les douleurs de l'industrie, tant au sein des espaces de travail que dans l'environnement extérieur aux lieux de fabrication.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Retour sur le Gilded Age

    Monde des affaires et classe politique à la fin du XIXe siècle

    La période de l'histoire des États-Unis allant de la fin de la guerre de Sécession au tournant du XXe siècle a connu un très profond renouvellement historiographique, à tel point que nombre d'historiens remettent en cause le terme de « Gilded Age » (Âge du Toc) souvent associé à ce moment. Malgré tout, ces réinterprétations oublient ce qui était au cœur de l'expression elle-même: à savoir les nouvelles relations, vues comme problématiques, entre des élus politiques à la tête d'un État fédéral renforcé par la guerre, et des hommes d'affaires dont le poids et la fonction sont transformées par l'industrialisation très rapide du pays. Nous cherchons donc des propositions de communications pour une journée d'études qui explorent, à la lumière de nouvelles recherches et de cette nouvelle historiographie, les liens entre monde des affaires et monde politique aux États-Unis, mais également dans d'autres pays (dans une perspective comparatiste) dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Équiper la santé

    l’économie de l’instrumentation médicale en Europe et dans ses colonies, 1600–1850

    L’histoire de la médecine est-elle celle de ses instruments (Henri Sigerist) ? En dépit de l’importance des techniques pour le diagnostic et les pratiques thérapeutiques depuis l’Antiquité, nous avons une connaissance insuffisante de l’équipement médicale, ses usages et sa production pour la période moderne. Pourtant, des études récentes ont souligné l’importance des forceps dans la prise en charge des naissances difficiles, le rôle de la céramique dans le stockage et la commercialisation des drogues dans l’Europe moderne, le développement parallèle de la petite métallurgie (toyware) et des bandages en métal largement commercialisés dans les colonies, ou encore les techniques visuelles ont associé les cadavres anatomisés, les images imprimées, les cires et les instruments du diagnostic visuel, pour donner quelques exemples.Le colloque vise à présenter des recherches neuves sur la culture matérielle et les pratiques médicales de l'Europe moderne, au carrefour de l’histoire de la médecine, l’histoire des techniques et l’histoire économique.

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  • Bielefeld

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A West German governance compromise?

    Stakeholder relations from the ”Wirtschaftswunder“ to the industrial structural crisis - 1950’s to the 1980’s

    This workshop for PhD candidates aims to reassess how far stakeholder relations in different companies prove the existence of a specific West German governance compromise from the 1950’s through the 1980’s. Therefore, we would like to invite contributors who are researching companies in Germany as well as in other countries.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Transferts de technologies. Étude du cas suisse, XVIIIe-XXe siècle

    Appel à contributions et colloque

    Alors que le problème des transferts de technologies et de la circulation internationale des innovations a fait l'objet de plusieurs synthèses et débats sur le plan international, l'historiographie suisse n’a pas encore abordé ces questions de manière systématique. Ce désintérêt est d’autant plus étonnant que le transfert technologique, bien plus que l’innovation, est à la base du développement économique de ce pays. En tant qu’économie « suiveuse », la Suisse a, en effet, emprunté quantité de cheminements afin de s’approprier certaines technologies mises au point dans d’autres pays européens et, dès le 19e siècle, de nombreux producteurs suisses sont parvenus à s’inscrire dans un processus d’innovation pour devenir à leur tour des exportateurs de technologies, notamment par l’intermédiaire des multinationales. Ce colloque, qui souhaiterait réunir des chercheurs suisses et étrangers, se propose de fournir une première contribution à cette dimension encore peu étudiée dudit "miracle helvétique". Un choix de papier sera publié dans la revue d'histoire Traverse, publiée par Chronos, à Zurich.

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