

  • Meknès

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Gender and education amid Covid-19

    Impacts, responses, and prospects

    The present conference aims to examine the devastating impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on gender equality and quality education, two sustainable goals identified by the UN, and the kind of responses which were triggered as forms of activism, self-expression, and creation of new meanings. Furthermore, it explores the prospects which may be unlocked for future professionals through learning different skills and values which foster equal opportunities for both genders in leadership and in the labour market, eventually and hopefully resulting in an equitable, unbiased, and fair labour culture for all.

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Labour and Global Solidarity during the Long 20th Century

    History of Communism in Europe Journal, no. 12/2021

    The current call for papers seeks new, transnational, methodologically innovative perspectives on labor and workers, stressing on the transformations work and work relations have undergone during the 20th century.

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  • Bucarest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Études du politique

    Consolidator Project Transnational Advocacy Networks and Corporate Accountability for Major International Crimes (CORPACCOUNT) - Associate Postdoctoral Fellows

    The Department of Politics at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania) invites applications for 2 positions of Associate Postdoctoral Fellows to work within the interdisciplinary ERC Consolidator Project Transnational Advocacy Networks and Corporate Accountability for Major International Crimes (CORPACCOUNT), led by Dr. Raluca Grosescu.

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  • Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Transversal Skills for Work and Life: Strengthening Guidance and Validation

    Transval-EU Research Conference

    Both in work settings and in daily life, there is a growing need for individuals to develop high-level competences to address complex challenges. Transversal competences set the foundation for personal development, resilience, the ability to communicate and work constructively with others, problem-solving skills, and the ability to manage one’s learning and career. Yet transversal competences are. not always valued or made visible in guidance and validation processes for adult learners. TRANSVAL-EU, one of the largest policy experimentations in Europe, has aimed to bridge this gap in guidance and assessment in the area of validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL).

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  • Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Préserver la santé et la sécurité des enfants en agriculture

    Webinaire 2023

    Au niveau mondial, l’agriculture est l’une des industries les plus dangereuses et aussi l’une des rares qui implique constamment des enfants. Que les enfants travaillent ou soient simplement présents sur l’exploitation agricole, ils sont exposés à un large éventail de risques liés à l’agriculture. De ce fait, ces enfants connaissent des taux élevés de blessures et de décès par rapport aux enfants de la population générale. Comprendre et résoudre les problèmes de santé et de sécurité des enfants du milieu agricole est important du point de vue de la santé publique et de la défense des droits des enfants. La protection des enfants dans l’agriculture est également liée à la durabilité sociale et économique des systèmes agricoles. Ce séminaire invite à faire la lumière sur la santé et la sécurité des enfants dans l’agriculture dans les pays du Nord et du Sud, en mettant l’accent sur les systèmes d’exploitation familiale et à soutenir le développement d’un réseau de chercheurs et de praticiens travaillant sur ces sujets.

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  • George Town

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Social Changes in Contemporary Southeast Asia

    Exploring New Forms of Labour Regimes

    As social, ethnic or religious, identity or position in the political hierarchy is more often pronounced in Southeast Asian societies, labour is rarely at the centre. In particular, labour does not often appear to be at the root of the formation of inequalities. In reality, the labour factor - including migrant labour - clearly fuels the regional dynamics of growth, and enables trade specialisation just as its mobilisation has, in the colonial past, enabled insertion into the international division of labour. This conference seeks to bring labour back in at the centre of the analysis. Offering a rare opportunity to pay tribute to the main oeuvres and pioneering authors in the field in Southeast Asia, it will open space to recent ongoing research on social changes with respect to  labour relations, working conditions, labour norms, and wages.

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Polarized Societies? Challenges for Sociology

    XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

    The challenges that polarization brings to sociology now extend to crucial domains of social processes and action, reaching, among others, the arenas of consumption, religions, identities, sexuality, childhood, culture, and science. In this context, the digitization of society and the economy creates and emphasizes dynamics of polarization, while simultaneously opening up new possibilities. Beyond the general impact on social interactions and practices, to what extent are the new social media a factor that promotes expressions of polarization?

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    How platforms change food value chains?

    The aim of this seminar is to explore to what extent the development of marketing platforms modifies the interactions between the actors of the agricultural sector. The scientists' view will be confronted with that of Mr. Christophe Alliot, expert at the BASIC office. In a recent report, he emphasized the inevitability and necessity of digital development, but also demonstrated that this dynamic is not without consequences for consumers' eating habits and farmers' production practices. Mixing his expertise with that of researchers and professionals will allow a comprehensive view of the impacts the development of platforms has on the scale of the value chain actors, but also on the scale of the agricultural sector as a whole.

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  • Journée d'étude - Économie

    Transformations in food systems and agrifood value chains: How do work and employment come into play?

    International Association on Work in Agriculture’s Webinars

    Les transformations des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires et des systèmes alimentaires, tant au Nord qu’au Sud et dans leur articulation Nord/Sud, impactent et questionnent les dynamiques du travail et de l’emploi en agriculture et tout au long de la chaîne. La recherche sur les systèmes alimentaires et les chaînes de valeur aborde les questions de travail et d’emploi de différentes manières. D’un point de vue global, elle est principalement liée aux normes sociales et au travail décent. D’un point de vue local, d’autres questions relatives au travail et à l’emploi sont soulevées. L’Association internationale sur le travail en agriculture (IAWA) vous invite à partager vos connaissances et vos recherches actuelles sur la question clé suivante : comment les stratégies et les mécanismes de transformation des chaînes de valeur et des systèmes alimentaires abordent-ils les différentes questions relatives au travail et à l’emploi ?

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Digital Labor in the Wake of Pandemic Times

    The last few years have been marked by a global economic crisis, strains on both institutions and labor markets, and unprecedented disruptions in the mobility of goods and people. Covid-19 has profoundly affected the way we work, causing an increase in people turning to digital labor platforms to deal with the uncertainties of an unstable economy. Even in the formal sector, remote work and automation have led to dramatic changes in the workplace. In navigating this new reality, it is crucial to examine how these changes are impacting workers, businesses, and society as a whole. By bringing together researchers, workers, policymakers, and practitioners, the INDL-6 conference “Digital Labor in the wake of Pandemic Times” addresses the latest developments and challenges in the fields of technology-mediated labor, platformization, and automation.

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  • Appel à contribution - Économie

    Approches socio-économiques de la traduction littéraire

    L’objectif de cette journée d’étude est d’explorer le secteur, les professions et les trajectoires professionnelles de la traduction littéraire sous un angle socio-économique.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Competition and solidarity networks in contemporary South Asia's Labour Market

    This workshop, organized by the AJEI (Association des jeunes études indiennes) and the CESSMA (Centre d'étude en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques), aims at investing the dynamics of competition and solidarity networks in contemporary South Asia's Labour Market.

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Social Rights and Democracy

    Prim@ Facie, Vol 15, No 29 (2016)

    We are especially interested in manuscripts on social rights and democracy. Our intent is to prepare a set of discussions on how democracies promote social rights today, i.e., to what extent social movements, legal institutions, parliaments and executive power are able to find solutions to the challenges of democracies today? Have, for example, affirmative action, housing and health care programs, and even direct financial assistance to the poor actually reduced inequality? In addition, what are the most effective solutions for poverty? Are courts the best way to ensure social rights today? We are also interested in papers that address the costs of social programs. These are some of the possibilities, but many other questions may be brought to the table. We encourage submissions based on historical approaches carried out by jurists, political scientists, historians, sociologists, and other professionals in fields that have particular focus on legal problems.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Histoire des théories du salaire

    Théories, analyses théoriques et histoire du salaire de subsistance au revenu de base

    The Centre Walras-Pareto is organizing a workshop on the history of wages. The workshop will take place at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 29-30 September 2016. Much has been written on wages within economics. In his classical account of the history ofwage theory, Dunlop (1957) refers to three time-periods: the wage-fund theory domination,the rise of marginal productivity distribution theory, and the “contemporary setting”, startingin the 1930s and characterized by a diversity of theoretical arguments; but much has changed.

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  • Hambourg | Sønderborg

    Colloque - Géographie

    Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) 2016

    The objective of the 15th Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) Conference organized by the University of Southern Denmark, the University of Hamburg and the HafenCity University Hamburg on May 17-20 2016 is to rethink the complicated relationships that bind cities, urban development and state borders. The conference will offer a unique opportunity to explore the collaborative or competitive strategies of this odd couple under the current circumstances of globalization.

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  • Igoumenitsa

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Foreign Language Teaching in Tertiary Education IV

    Business and Foreign Languages

    The economic crisis has led to high unemployment in Greece and in the European South in general and therefore many young people leave their country in order to work in businesses either in Europe or on other continents. This mobility however, if regarded as a factor that promotes the professional competitiveness of young people, enriching their knowledge and skills abroad and allowing them to transfer their interlingual and intercultural experience to other businesses or back to their country, leads us to the conclusion that the knowledge of one or more foreign languages is one of the pillars of young people’s creativity and adaptation in the workplace.

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  • Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education

    Quality et conduite de la valeur pour l'enseignement du supérieur (pédagogie, organisation etc.)

    This book will aim to provide identified and relevant proposals of good practices to promote the outcomes and favor the issues of Higher Education providers; proposals that integrate all stakeholders dialogic expectations (the clients: trainers, trainees, companies and society) in a resolutely innovative optical within the sense of sustainability and the EFQM Excellence model. Within theoretical results into perspective by the concrete practice work, clues will be presented to help quality through design process, pedagogy, organization and management for WIL in Higher Education. Value management principles and standards are considered as a global framework to develop such trainings to achieve success in a European Environment (European Standards and Guidelines) but not only: facing uncertainties and constraints. Obviously strategy, policy and leadership have to be considered.

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  • Dudelange

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Migration and Gender

    La 15e conférence internationale sur les migrations se tiendra du 18 au 20 juin 2015 à Dudelange au Luxembourg. Portée par un réseau d'institution germanophone, cette conférence accepte les communications en anglais et en allemand. La thématique retenue cette année porte sur « Migration et genre » et cherchera à faire le point sur la recherche sur les rapports de sexe et de genre dans les migrations. Les perspectives suivantes seront particulièrement appréciées par les organisateurs : approche théorique sur la thématique du genre et des migrations ; représentations publiques et médiatiques du genre et des migrations ; sexualité, corps et identité en contexte de migration ; migration, genre et culture de la mémoire.

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  • Athènes

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Customer-facing service work as a moment of truth?

    European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) 2015 – Subtheme n°64

    The proportion of people working in jobs where dealing with a client/customer is essential has grown considerably (e.g. MacDonald & Merrill, 2009). Although this could encourage the investigation of differences and singularities of service work, managerialist approaches rather tend to assume universal management models, based on a prescriptive set of human resources practices and a harmonious vision of the relationships between management, customers and employees. Writing within this tradition, Norman (1984) labeled the point at which client/customer and service worker interact as the 'moment of truth' for the service firm. This sub-theme asks scholars to critically reflect on what kind of truth claims are put forward, enacted and experienced within service interactions, and on how we, as scholars, mediate these truth claims. A different set of answers to these questions are suggested, for instance, within sociological approaches that analyse service settings as based on potentially antagonistic relationships leading to contradictions and tensions between the parties involved (e.g. Korczynski, 2002; Lopez, 2010).

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    States in Crisis

    Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics – University of Milan 2013

    The 2013 conference theme, "States in Crisis," is an opportunity to ask and answer a broad range of questions about the contemporary state, from its role in and reactions to economic and fiscal crises to the way in which its contours have or have not adapted and changed in concert with the modern economy to its place as a bulwark against or a catalyst for the construction of more market-driven societies. Within the well-established remit of SASE, participants are invited to submit theoretical and empirical contributions, at multiple levels of analysis from the local to the global, drawing from multi-disciplinary socio-economic frameworks.

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