

  • Fribourg

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Que nous apprend l'enseignement religieux ?

    Was lernen wir vom Religionsunterricht?

    La Chaire de science des religions de l'Université de Fribourg organise une conférence de deux jours sur les aspects historiques et sociopolitiques de l'enseignement religieux. Cette conférence met l'accent sur l'importance de la recherche sur l'enseignement religieux pour comprendre l'évolution des relations entre Etat, communautés religieuses et société civile.La conférence aura lieu à Fribourg (Suisse) le 25 et le 26 juin 2010. Les papiers peuvent être présentés en français, allemand ou anglais. Délai pour les résumés (via e-mail, max 200 mots) : 1er décembre 2009. Dr. Ansgar Jödicke ( ; Lic. phil. Andrea Rota (

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  • Vancouver

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Institutions et travail

    Le développement de la notion de travail institutionnel constitue l'un des courants les plus prometteurs du néo institutionnalisme en théorie des organisations. Le but de cette conférence est de réunir un ensemble international de chercheurs venus d'horizons divers et désireux de contribuer à ce courant en s'intéressant aux relations entre institutions et travail et désireux d'échanger autour de ce thème.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    South Asian Culture "à la barre"

    Word of experts in transnational case-law

    « South Asian Culture à la barre » est la première réunion d’une section du projet ANR « JUST-INDIA » ( consacrée aux conflits de droit dans les cas judiciaires transnationaux. Les participants à la journée examineront comment les tribunaux de différents pays s’approprient la notion de culture lorsqu’ils sont amenés à se prononcer dans des cas impliquant des ressortissants d’Asie du Sud, et quel est le rôle de cette notion dans les procédures judiciaires correspondantes. Les exposés et les discussions seront en anglais.

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  • Louvain

    Colloque - Droit

    Undoing law, framing contexts

    Normativity across the disciplines

    This conference represents the final stage of the “European Doctorate in history, sociology, anthropology and philosophy of legal cultures in Europe”, a multilingual PhD programme financed by the European Commission and conceived to deepen the links between law and social sciences. The topic of the meeting, “Undoing law, framing contexts. Normativity across the disciplines”, aims to encourage a reflection on the concepts of law and context, bringing together scholars with different academic backgrounds but with a common interest in law.Many feel that a line has to be drawn between what is law and what it is not, between the text of law and its con-text. It is precisely this activity of distinguishing between the legal and the non-legal that we would like to examine more closely.

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  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Syndicalisation et formation. Renouvellement des perspectives et approches comparées sur le syndicalisme

    Colloque international de clôture de l'équipe ANR « Formasynd »

    Les communications devront s’inscrire dans trois axes principaux de réflexion. L’un porte sur la construction et la mise en œuvre de dispositifs de formation dans lesquels les enjeux de la syndicalisation, et plus largement de la diversification des publics-cible du syndicalisme, sont posés. Le second interroge les usages individuels et collectifs qui peuvent être faits de ces formations. Le troisième oriente le regard sur la circulation des savoirs entre les organisations syndicales et d’autres champs de réflexion sur le salariat, le travail et les relations professionnelles. Les propositions de communication d’une longueur maximum de 5000 signes ou 1000 mots rédigées en français ou en anglais sont à adresser aux organisateurs avant le 1er mai 2010 à l’adresse mail suivante :

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  • Appel à contribution - Droit

    Droits sociaux et développement. Relations et antagonismes

    La revue Prima Facie est une revue internationale publiée deux fois par an par le programme de post-graduation en droit de la « Universidade Federal da Paraíba » (UFPB, Brésil). La revue recherche des articles jusqu'à la fin du mois d’août 2011, concernant le sujet « droits sociaux et développement : relations et antagonismes », dans une perspective double : au prisme des relations de proximité et / ou des relations d'antagonisme. Le numéro spécial est dirigé par le professeur Maria Aurea Cecato.

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  • Ottawa

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Droit

    Bourse post doctorale Gordon F. Henderson en droits de la personne

    Le mandat du Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne (CREDP) de l’Université d’Ottawa repose sur la reconnaissance du besoin d’appréhender les questions des droits de la personne dans une perspective multidisciplinaire et interdisciplinaire afin d’en respecter et d’en explorer les exigences dans un monde complexe et interdépendant. À cette fin, le Centre porte une attention particulière aux enjeux de politiques publiques qui concernent notamment la paix, les migrations et l’immigration, la santé, l’environnement, le commerce et l’investissement international, la pauvreté et les groupes vulnérables.

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Mineurs non accompagnés sans protection en Europe

    Appel à communications pour le colloque international « Mineurs non accompagnés et sans protection en Europe: Quelles raisons expliquent leur manque de protection? », MSHS, Poitiers, 23-24 octobre 2012. Merci de nous envoyer vos propositions de communications sur l'addrese avant le 13 février 2012

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Direito(s) e desigualdades

    O CES organiza, nos dias 23 e 24 de Abril de 2012, o Colóquio Internacional “Direito(s) e Desigualdades” que decorrerá na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Na semana em que se comemora os 38 anos do 25 de Abril, que abriu as portas a importantes conquistas no âmbito dos direitos fundamentais, e no espírito de interdisciplinaridade que caracteriza a investigação produzida no Centro de Estudos Sociais, três projectos de investigação reúnem-se num importante momento de reflexão e debate, que se integra, ainda, no programa de doutoramento Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no séc. XXI.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Norms in the Margins and Margins of the Norm

    The Social Construction of Illegality

    The conference "Norms in the Margins and Margins of the Norm, The Social Construction of Illegality" proposes to reflect on the relations between the dynamics of criminalization and the construction of state powers, on the one hand, and on criminal strategies – legal or not –, moral economies in the illegal spheres, the ploys and tactics of “deviant” groups on the other hand.

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  • Coimbra

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Alice - Strange mirrors, unsuspected lessons

    Leading Europe to a new way of sharing the world experiences

    The Centre for Social Studies (CES) –Associate Laboratory– of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, has an open competition to two Post-Doctoral Grants within the scope of the project “ALICE - Strange Mirrors, Unsuspected Lessons: Leading Europe to a new way of sharing the world experiences” (, funded by the European Research Council (269807), under the supervision of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, in social sciences.

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Legal Education

    Current Trends, Challenges and Crises

    Special issue on Legal Education Prim@ Facie calls for submissions of scholarly papers dealing with legal education: current trends, challenges and crises. The deadline is January 10th, 2013.   

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  • Appel à contribution - Droit

    Realism, Rhetoric and Legal Studies

    Prim@ Facie journal is soliciting papers for its end-of-year issue: this thematic edition will focus on Realism, Rhetoric and Legal Studies. We aim to bring critical focus to a subject that deserves greater attention in the legal literature. We welcome papers on a topic of your choosing since it has been related with this call and journal's criteria.


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  • Bakou

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    XXe conférence annuelle du programme « Partenariat avec les universités dans le domaine de la recherche et du développement en matière douanière » (PICARD)

    The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Azerbaijan Customs are pleased to announce the 10th annual WCO PICARD conference. The conference will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 8 to 10 September 2015. Papers should focus on Customs or, more globally, the regulation, dynamics, and practices of the international trade of goods. The WCO encourages attendance and paper submissions from anthropologists, economists, geographers, historians, lawyers, and political scientists. The WCO is particularly interested in interdisciplinary approaches regarding contemporary systems of regulation and control at borders.

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  • Tallinn

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Social divisions, surveillance and the security state

    43rd Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control

    Despite the existence of widespread public discourse about equality and human rights, social, racial, sexual, ethnic, religious, political and economic divisions continue to mark societies across the globe. In many countries, these divisions have even widened under the pressure of competing nationalist and populist discourses which highlight difference rather than common humanity. Today, new technologies of surveillance are used on both a national and supra-national level to classify, segregate and control all those who are thought to threaten the mythical cohesion and security of nation-states. Whilst it was thought that the end of the Cold War and the spread of globalisation would lead to the erosion of boundaries of all kinds, on the contrary old boundaries are being rebuilt and new ones created. These boundaries have spread far beyond the traditional borders of nation state as surveillance and security have come to dominate the agendas of international organisations.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Profile, Predict and Prevent

    Data-driven policies, markets and societies

    Algorithms are increasingly used, both by States,market actors and citizens, for the purpose of profiling. Through big data analysis and inference techniques, an attempt is made to better understand, predict and, in certain cases, prevent citizen behaviour. Data analysis techniques are deployed in many sectors of society, from cyber-security and police investigations to judicial decision-making, from product customization and personalisation to marketing strategies and targeted advertising, from self-monitoring to lifestyle improvement. For this conference, we invite researchers, experts and practitioners from different backgrounds to reflect upon the legal, ethical and social implications of data-driven policies, market transactions and quantified-self techniques. We welcome empirical, theoretical and philosophical contributions regarding profiling, prediction and prevention.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    The dark sides of the law in common law countries

    The Panthéon-Assas University “Law and Humanities” research centre (a part of CERSA) is pleased to announce its first international conference to be held in Paris (France) on June 15-17, 2017. As an interdisciplinary group working on the connections between law and politics, economics, and literature, we are seeking papers exploring the dark sides of the law from a wide range of perspectives in the United Kingdom, the United States and Commonwealth countries.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Private actors in politics and policy-making

    Czech Sociological Review, special number

    In recent decades, a body of literature has documented the growing involvement of private actors in politics and policy-making at different levels of government. This has been seen as related to changes in modes of governance towards more horizontality and flexibility, but also to the state’s changing regulatory modes and capacities. This issue will reflect on what these changes mean for making the distinction between the private and public spheres, and will do so based on empirical research on the actors and practices that transcend the frontiers between the two.


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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Europe

    In Search of Cultural Conformity

    The New Integration and Migration Policies in Europe

    MAM is a network of scholars from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) who have been working together for almost ten years on Migrations, Asylum and Multiculturalism (MAM). This research tested the hypothesis that the citizenship regime mutated since the 2000s. While between the 1980s and 2000 integration policies followed the logic of establishing migrants’ rights through the granting of formal status, since the 2000s a new regime of probationary citizenship seems to focus on the principles of merit and of cultural conformity. The results of this research, which includes comparative analyses of the policies, analyses of the their origins and implementation, and analyses of the attitudes of different groups towards the policies, will be put in comparison with the researches of different international experts.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    International Family Migration and Normative Languages

    International Sociological Association, Congress 2018. Panel Research Committee 25, Language and Society

    Family reunification, mixed marriages and other forms of international family migration are highly politicized topics depicted as threats for national identity. In some countries, the conditions to access the family rights have been reformed complicating the processes of applications for visa, residence permit and nationality. In other countries, migrant and binational families encounter administrative and religious constraints to formalise their unions, to pass on nationality and rights to the children or simply to be socially accepted. This session explores the language employed to define family migration ‒ and the social-administrative processes that go with ‒ by politicians, media, bureaucrats, civil society actors and by family members too. The session welcomes papers from a broad empirical perspectives that explore the changing (or the persistence) of normative languages related to family migration over time.

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