

  • Tokyo

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Spirituality, Healthcare And Social Movements In East Asia

    A Transnational Perspective

    East Asian Network for the Academic Study Of Esotericism - EANASE's first conference aims to offer the chance to reflect on the intertwined relationship between spirituality, healthcare and social movements in East Asia from a trans-national/local/cultural perspective. The emergence of new religious movements like Theosophy, Falungong and Taireido, or the worldwide popularisation of, for instance, acupuncture, reiki and hypnosis, challenge reductionist binary views of East/West, tradition/modernity, science/religion. Likewise, the recent dissemination of New Age practices across East Asia or the ongoing study of Buddhist meditation by American and European psychiatrists seem to reflect broader concerns that, for the past two centuries or so, have ignored national and cultural borders – and whose wider social implications are now more visible than ever.

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  • Timişoara

    Colloque - Histoire

    History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns

    Figures, Trends, and Perspectives

    The 20th Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (IUPPS) will be held in Timişoara (Romania), from the 5th to the 9th September 2023. The IUPPS “History of archaeology” commission is organising a panel entitled “History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns. Figures, Trends, and Perspectives”.

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  • Berlin

    Colloque - Représentations

    Art History for Artists: Interactions Between Scholarly Discourse and Artistic Practice in the 19th Century

    The development of art history as a discipline during the 19th century has been variously associated with the politics of national identity, the needs of a growing bourgeois public in search of cultural capital, or of an expanding art market. However, the role of art training, and art practitioners themselves in the shaping of the discipline remains unexamined. Courses in art history had been systematically introduced in the curricula of art and architecture academies since the late 18th century, and spaces of art education count among the first institutional homes of the discipline, well before the establishment of autonomous university chairs. This conference aims to explore the interactions and productive tensions between art practice and art scholarship in the 19th century. 

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  • Lyon

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Policing port cities during the colonial era : Tianjin and Shanghai interaction between Western and Oriental police forces, 1860-1945

    Limits of the western police model in China

    In the past 20 years, the Research Center on Shanghai History (ECNU) and the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO) have established close cooperative relations : joint projects, joint publications, joints conferences, as well as the co-training of graduate students have become significant and regular markers of increasingly close relationships. On this basis we hope to further co-promote Shanghai and Tianjin as centers of new urban history and social order. This project will avail new archival materials (municipalities archives), memoirs of policemen, photography, illustrated journals, correspondances, police reports etc…

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Exploring 19th and 20th centuries historiographies of mathematics in the ancient world (2015-2016)

    Seminar of the European Research Council Project "Mathematical sciences in the ancient world"

    The organization of this seminar marks the beginning of the third and last phase of the SAW project. Our aim is to explore various facets of 19th and 20th century historical research about ancient mathematical sciences, especially those attested to by sources written in Chinese, the languages of the Indian subcontinent and cuneiform script.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études des sciences

    History of Science, History of Text (2011-2016)

    In 2015-2016, the seminar "History of Science, History of Text" will keep exploring textual problems related to the ERC Project SAW (“Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World”) As in previous years, the seminar will address the following issues regarding scientific sources: how textual sources bear witness to the social groups that produced them; how textual sources testify to knowledge; history of compilations; how actors structure their texts and knowledge into parts; how textual sources reflect the material environment in which they were produced In line with the beginning of phase 3 of the project SAW, devoted to facets of the history of the historiography of ancient mathematics, the seminar will pay special attention to the sources attesting to work in the history of mathematics.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Asie

    Histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine en Asie orientale

    Ce séminaire se veut un lieu de présentation de leurs travaux en cours par des chercheurs travaillant sur l’histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine en Asie orientale, région où le chinois classique a longtemps été le principal véhicule des savoirs d’élite. Il s’adresse aux chercheurs et étudiants spécialistes de l’Asie ou historiens des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine. Nous nous y intéresserons autant aux savoirs « traditionnels » de la Chine impériale et de ses voisins qu’aux périodes moderne et contemporaine.

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  • Zhuhai

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Translation History Matters

    1st East and West Conference on Translation Studies

    This conference aims to provide a biannual forum for East and West dialogue on Translation Studies.  This inaugural edition will be dedicated to “Translation History Matters” and welcomes contributions addressing issues related (though not circumscribed) to translation history, historiography and metahistoriography. Centred on translation understood as an intentional phenomenon of human and mostly intercultural communication, this conference aims to focus on the role played by translation in Eastern and Western cultural practices and encounters through history as well as on the role of history to understand both translation and translation studies.  By bringing together Eastern and Western views on a multitude of translation history matters, this conference aims to stress why, how and for which purposes translation history matters.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Liens de causalité. Divination et autres enquêtes sur la nature et les hommes

    Colloque international en l’honneur de Geoffrey E.R. Lloyd

    Dans le cadre du PRI « Pratiquer le comparatisme : terrains, textes, artefacts », ce colloque international réunit ethnologues, philologues et philosophes autour des travaux de Geoffrey Lloyd et de leur apport à la pratique du comparatisme. En prenant appui notamment sur son ouvrage Cognitive Variations (2007), nous souhaitons interroger le problème de la coexistence de causalités autour d’un même événement, en mettant en perspective des pratiques rituelles saisies en contexte divinatoire et des savoirs prédictifs constitués en corpus de connaissances.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Histoire des sciences, histoire du texte

    Le séminaire se penche sur les divers types de documents produits dans le contexte de pratiques savantes en vue de saisir en quoi la fabrique de formes textuelles et d’inscriptions est partie prenante de l’activité scientifique. Le séminaire vise également à comprendre en quoi ces travaux permettent de mieux interpréter les sources sur la base desquelles les historiens des sciences mènent leurs recherches.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques

    Le séminaire d’histoire et de philosophie des mathématiques est le point de rencontre des différents axes de l’unité travaillant autour des mathématiques. Il entend favoriser le dialogue entre philosophes et historiens en prenant soin de toujours revenir aux sources textuelles – les orateurs sont vivement encouragés à fournir les documents permettant aux participants d’y accéder.

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  • Paris | Angoulême

    Colloque - Représentations

    Les savoir-faire du papier en France et au Japon

    Connaissance, usages et conservation

    Les savoir-faire du papier en France et au Japon, connaissance, usages et conservation : Projet d'étude comparée et de publication d'un glossaire des termes descriptifs des procédés de fabrication du papier en France et au Japon. Intervenants : des scientifiques, des papetiers et des restaurateurs du patrimoine. 2011 : inauguration du projet par une première rencontre internationale : pérennité des traditions au Japon, situation de la papeterie traditionnelle en France et au Japon, utilisation du papier japonais en restauration d'œuvres d'art occidental, l'affinage, le battage, les filigranes et la classification générale du papier (voir programme ci-joint).

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Asie

    Savoirs techniques et patrimoine culturel immatériel, XVIIe-XXIe siècle (2011-2012)

    Formation, tradition, transmission

    Série de conférences dans le cadre du séminaire « Savoirs techniques et patrimoine culturel immatériel (XVIe-XXIe siècle) en Chine : formation, tradition, transmission » de Caroline Bodolec, chargée de recherche CNRS, Frédéric Obringer, chargé de recherche CNRS, et Françoise Sabban, directrice d'études EHESS.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Itinéraires individuels et circulation des savoirs scientifiques et techniques en Asie orientale (XVIe-XXe siècle)

    How did individuals' geographical mobility contributed the circutation of  knowledge in East Asia (16th-20th centuries)? In China, Korea and Vietnam, the bureaucratic systems dictated a specific mode of mobility of the elites. But the ways in which individual itineraries shaped the circulation of knowledge need to be studied not only for civil servants, but also for various socio-professional groups, such as the scholars privately employed by high officials, craftsmen, medical doctors, traders, Buddhist monks, and emperors themselves. To these groups should be added the actors of the globalisation of knowledge during this period.

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