

  • Ljubljana

    École thématique - Europe

    Eastern Mediterranean coastal and island environments

    Natural resources, their uses and perceptions (15th-18th centuries)

    The workshop invites mainly, but non-exclusively, Master’s, PhD students and early career researchers of history, archival studies, archaeology, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, palynology, and palaeoclimatology. Three main themes will be examined: Primary sources, be they written documents, paleodata, or archeological material; Environmental transformations in periods of political, social and economic change; Connections between regional and local environmental transformations.

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  • Haïfa

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Travelling Matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean

    The workshop “Travelling matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean” intends to tackle objects as sources and subjects of the history of cross-cultural encounters in innovative ways. We intend to discuss a most diverse array of objects flowing in all directions and to concentrate on the “second-handedness” of displaced objects: how and why moving objects acquire new functions and new meanings, and with what consequences for the relations between the communities involved? These perspectives demand a broad chronology, extending from antiquity to the present-day, and for the intersection between different time frames, from the relatively narrow scale of individual objects being displaced across the Mediterranean to the much larger one of the histories of their reinterpretation and repurposing.

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  • Nice

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Venice, a Mediterranean regional power

    Economic, maritime and political perspectives, 1669 – 1797

    The Mediterranean has always been at the heart of Venice’s interests during the Early Modern Period. A main source of its prosperity, the Inner Sea maintained its vital role even after the “northern invasions”, the battle of Lepanto and the “downturn” of the 17th century. This seminar aims to explore the relationship between Venice and the Mediterranean between the loss of Crete, the last major dominion of Venetian maritime empire in 1669, and the end of the Republic in 1797.

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  • Split

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Images and Borderlands: Mediterranean basin between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Age

    Following in the footsteps of Fernand Braudel, an increasing number of recent studies show that the Mediterranean basin might be considered as a “borderland”, “borderscape”  or “Frontier” suggesting that this area is not strictly a border between Christian and Muslim civilization, but a basin in which the two traditions and cultures meet and overlap, with an extraordinary variety of reactions to the hegemonic practices (acceptance, conflict, refusal, dissent). The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars who will discuss, from different perspectives and with a multidisciplinary approach, the variety of themes (topics) which revolve around the common issue of reflecting the problem of borderlands as a consequence of the encounter between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early modern Mediterranean. The starting point of examination will be images, i.e. the usage of images (pictures, mental images, literary images and other visual representations …) as historical evidence.

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  • Nice

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Venise, puissance régionale méditerranéenne

    Perspectives économiques, maritimes et politiques, 1669 – 1797

    Cette journée d’études vise à explorer le rapport entre Venise et la Méditerranée entre 1669, date qui consacre la perte de l’île de Crète, dernière grande possession maritime vénitienne, et 1797, qui marque la fin de la République. Après la guerre de Candie, Venise se trouve définitivement reléguée au rôle de puissance régionale. À travers l’analyse des échanges économiques et commerciaux, de sa présence et de son action navale et maritime et des rapports diplomatico-militaires que la Sérénissime a entretenus en Méditerranée, nous nous proposons de réfléchir aux dynamiques de transformation et d’adaptation d’une puissance moyenne comme la République de Venise face au défi d’une mer intérieure sur laquelle s’activent désormais une série de concurrents avec des moyens économiques et militaires nettement supérieurs.

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  • Venise | Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A global history of free ports

    Capitalism, commerce and geopolotics (1600-1900)

    Exactly how free ports arose in early-modern Europe is still subject to debate. Livorno, Genoa and other Italian cities became famous as major examples of a particular way of attracting trade. Between the late eighteenth and the nineteenth century the existence of free ports – as specific fiscal, cultural, political and economic entities with different local functions and characteristics – developed from an Italian and European into a global phenomenon. While a general history of free ports – from their first emergence to the present-day special economic zones – has never been written, this research network aims to pave the way for such an enterprise. The history of free ports research network is organising a number of conferences in the next years, in order to work towards a standard publication and interactive research platform for the history of free ports from the XVIth to the early XXth century.

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  • Nice

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Connecting Mediterranean and Atlantic History

    2nd meeting of the Atlantic Italies Network

    The Atlantic Italies Network – a developing network of scholars working on economic entanglements and related cultural phenomena that emerged between Italian-speaking territories and the Atlantic world from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century – aims at examining connections related to European states without colonies as well as their links to sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas and at contributing to current attempts to analyse early modern Italian territories in their global contexts. The second meeting of the network will particularly appreciate papers involving economic dimensions related to shipping, trade and economic interconnections, but we welcome all proposals contributing to our overall perspective.

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  • Naples

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Credit. Trust, solidarity, citizenship (14th-19th century)

    IV seminar of doctoral studies history and economy in the Mediterranean countries

    The objective of the seminar will be to understand the importance of intense credit activities at all levels of society, both in urban and rural areas over the long term, from consumer microcredit to the specific problem of the foundation of the Monti di Pietà in the various regional typologies, and to the forms of solidarity credit that, over the centuries, gave rise to more modern forms of banks.

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  • Florence

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    Circulation of people, objects and knowledge across South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean (16th-19th Centuries)

    Through the prism of objects and material culture, the workshop intends to highlight broad patterns of transregional circulation of people and goods crossing the boarders of Ottoman, Venetian, Russian and Habsburg Empires. The papers will present and discuss a wide variety of unpublished textual and visual sources related to luxury consumption, fashion and dress codes; diplomatical and political exchanges; dowry contracts and travel journals.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Colloque - Histoire

    Relations climat-sociétés en Méditerranée pendant les deux derniers millénaires

    État des connaissances et perspectives de recherche

    L’objectif de cette conférence de deux jours est de mettre en avant des travaux interdisciplinaires récents et innovants sur les relations historiques complexes entre climat et société(s) en Méditerranée au cours des deux derniers millénaires. En effet, si les questions relatives aux conséquences futures du changement climatique pour les sociétés méditerranéennes sont nombreuses et variées, l’analyse de l’impact des fluctuations hydro-météorologiques passées (e.g. épisodes de sécheresse) sur la dynamique et la vie des populations urbaines et rurales, à différentes époques, peut permettre de mieux saisir le rôle de l’environnement dans l’apparition de conflits locaux ou régionaux, le déclenchement d’épidémies, l’apparition de disettes ou de famines, de migrations. Elle peut aussi permettre de faire ressortir les réponses et adaptations sociales, politiques ou technologiques mises en œuvre.

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  • Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Urban spaces, mobility and "citadinité" in the Mediterranean cities (14th to 18th century)

    The panel focuses on mobility and insertion in the cities of the Mediterranean area, during the early modern age. Since the Ancient times, Mediterranean cities are centers for commercial and cultural exchanges, and crossroads of migratory streams. These "sedimented" cities have a long tradition of multi-cultural society and reception of foreigners while remaining, to this day pivotal centers for international circulation and migration, and gateways to Europe.

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  • Bâle

    Colloque - Histoire

    La fraude

    Normes, institutions et pratiques économiques illégales dans l'Europe méditerranéenne (16e-19e siècles)

    La relation entre normes, institutions et développement économique fait l'objet d'importantes recherches récentes de la part des historiens et des économistes. L'atelier sur la « fraude » affronte cette question en proposant d'étudier, à partir des fréquentes pratiques illégales des acteurs sociaux, la régulation croissante du commerce méditerranéen à l'époque du mercantilisme.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Associate Research Fellow for the ERC funded project "Sailing into Modernity"

    Sailing into Modernity: Comparative Perspectives on the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century European Economic Transition

    The Department of History at the University of Exeter seeks to appoint one Postdoctoral Research Fellow for two years (24 months), to work with Dr. Maria Fusaro and her team on her new project "Sailing into Modernity: Comparative Perspectives on the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century European Economic Transition", funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Captifs et captivités en Méditerranée à l'époque moderne

    Revue Les Cahiers de la Méditerranée

    Les Cahiers de la Méditerranée, revue à comité de lecture du Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine de l’Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, se proposent de publier un dossier thématique sur Captifs et captivité en Méditerranée à l’époque moderne.

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  • Thessalonique

    Colloque - Histoire

    Religions et politique dans les Orients d'Europe (XIVe-XXe siècle)

    The goal of this conference is to explore a number of aspects of the relationship between the religious phenomenon and politics through the historical framework of political developments in what progressively will become, through interaction, the Orients of Europe, i.e. Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as the Eastern Mediterranean, an area so unorthodox and difficult to examine in terms of essentialist definitions. It is no accident that Samuel Huntington believed that what we call the ‘Orthodox East’ does not form a part of the West, but rather a sui generis encounter between Christianity and Islam at the borders of Europe. This theoretical scheme is not overturned by drawing the borders of Europe a little further to the East, as many believe, but by historicizing the issue of the relationship between religion and politics in the given geographical region through the comparative prism of what was occurring during the same period in Western Europe.

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  • Berlin

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar (2009-2010)

    Post-Ottoman Cities

    What is the historical experience of cities in the former territories of the Ottoman Empire - in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, and North Africa - in dealing with the impact of global changes and the transformation from Empire to nation States? How did people of different cultural, social and religious backgrounds live together? How are such examples of conviviality, conflict, migration, and urban regimes of governance and stratification conceptualized? And how have urban traditions been reinterpreted, and what bearing does this have on modern conceptions of civil society, multicultural societies, migration, or cosmopolitanism. These and other questions will be addressed in this year’s Seminar in Ottoman Urban Studies. Séminaire organisé par Ulrike Freitag et Nora Lafi.

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  • Gand

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Communautés migrantes et espace urbain dans les ports de la Méditerranée, XVIIe-XIXe siècle

    Dixième conférence internationale d'histoire urbaine, Gand, 1er-4 septembre 2010

    Recent research on migrant communities has witnessed a clear shift towards a more sophisticated understanding of the variety of bonds that link minority groups to the society they live in, as well as to their places of origins. Yet, when it comes to the understanding of past migrations, historical discourse still depends in many ways on traditional categories of analysis, that often poorly reflect the profound originality of the situations under study. This session is an attempt to challenge traditional and “ready-to-go” views on the organization of community life among migrants who lived in the Mediterranean port-cities during the late modern period (17th to 19th centuries).

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  • Berlin

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar 2008-2009

    Daily Life in Ottoman Towns

    What is the historical experience of cities in the former territories of the Ottoman Empire - in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, and North Africa - in dealing with the impact of global changes and the transformation from Empire to nation States? How did people of different cultural, social and religious backgrounds live together? How are such examples of conviviality, conflict, migration, and urban regimes of governance and stratification conceptualized? And how have urban traditions been reinterpreted, and what bearing does this have on modern conceptions of civil society, multicultural societies, migration, or cosmopolitanism. These and other questions will be addressed in this year’s Seminar in Ottoman Urban Studies, with a specific focus on daily life issues. This seminar is supported by the research program ‘Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe’ EUME with funds of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.

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  • Nice

    Colloque - Histoire

    L’irruption des États-Unis en Méditerranée, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles

    Si les opérations navales américaines au cours des deux conflits mondiaux et la présence permanente de la sixième flotte en Méditerranée depuis bientôt un demi-siècle révèlent clairement l’intérêt porté par les États-Unis pour cet espace, cet intérêt s’inscrit dans la durée. Dans un temps long, l’irruption des États-Unis en Méditerranée peut apparaître au fond comme le dernier épisode de la mainmise des puissances atlantiques sur les commerces méditerranéens esquissée par F. Braudel. Ce colloque réunissant des spécialistes de huit pays se propose d’étudier comment la jeune république américaine appréhende et investit l’espace méditerranéen au lendemain de son indépendance, quelles représentations de l’intérêt et de la géopolitique de cet espace elle se crée, comment les acteurs politiques et économiques américains se sont positionnés dans cette région.

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