

  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Les femmes sur scène : Des coulisses aux feux de la rampe

    Women in theatre until the 19th century

    Since its origin, the History of Theatre has been built by male names. However, it is unthinkable that women have not also had an important role in this construction. Besides existing as characters, their contributions as performers, playwrights, composers, entrepreneurs, patrons, scenographers or costume designers, among a broad range of other functions, were fundamental to the development of the theatrical practice. This conference aims to recover the place of women in theatre since its origin until the 19th century, covering a wide variety of topics, which have women at their centre, either as the focus of a show or as marginal, as star or tertiary figure, as part of the audience or as producer of the cultural object. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive and transdisciplinary debate in order to rediscover the place of women in theatre in a global and historical approach.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Humanités numériques et études inquisitoriales

    Ce colloque marque la fin du projet de recherche exploratoire financé par le FCT « Transcrire les procès de l’Inquisition portugaise (1536-1821) » (TraPrInq), dans lequel une équipe luso-brésilienne de paléographes a créé un modèle d’intelligence artificielle basé sur l’apprentissage automatique pour la transcription automatique des procès de l’Inquisition portugaise. Le présent colloque répond à un double besoin : faire un bilan méthodologique des résultats du projet, et explorer les horizons et les possibilités de la paléographie numérique, qui a connu un développement marqué au cours de la dernière décennie. Dans ce sens, l’organisation du colloque invite les chercheurs intéressés par ces sujets à proposer des communications. 

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  • Bologne

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Les projets de recherche en terminologie : dynamiques et résultats

    La XVIIIe journée scientifique de REALITER (Réseau panlatin de terminologie) et le XXXIIe colloque Ass.I.Term (Italian Association for Terminology) se proposent de pouvoir présenter aux collègues, aux doctorant·e·s, aux étudiant·e·s et à la communauté des langues romanes la dynamique de la recherche terminologique actuelle bénéficiant de financements, dont les travaux sont en cours, récemment conclus ou dans l’attente des résultats d’évaluation. Ils veulent en outre réunir les réflexions les plus percutantes et les plus pointues sur les recherches actuelles en cours dans le domaine de la terminologie théorique et appliquée.

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  • Ançã

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Second Summer School in Economic and Social History

    This Summer School offers comprehensive courses on research methods and central themes in Economic and Social History, as well as a framework for paper presentations from Ph.D. students who are starting their theses and already have a chapter or paper to discuss, and post-doctoral researchers with more advanced papers, possibly in the pipeline for publication. We aim to put together researchers with different levels of experience. We will have lectures by distinguished scholars in the morning sessions, and, in the afternoon, we will have the paper presentations by the researchers.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Épuisements et réinventions de la fiction espagnole narrative en prose, au tournant des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

    Cette rencontre se propose de revisiter la thèse d’une première grande crise du roman entre la deuxième moitié du XVIIe et XVIIIsiècles, dans les différents espaces européens et américains, à partir du cas espagnol.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Childhood(s) in Latin America: diversities in tension

    Thematic Dossier vol. XIII, n. 2, 2021

    The focus of the dossier is on the processes and social spaces for the construction and implementation of ideas about childhood, as well as the debates and tensions around them: education (formal, non-formal or informal) the family and parenting networks (nurture and care), the dynamics of gender construction and the collective sense of belonging (ethnicities and intercultural relations), labour aspects (rural and urban marginality and the issue of child labour) and areas of cultural production of each social group (the imaginaries, games, literature, sports and children entertainment).

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  • Batalha

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Hydraulics in Monumental Buildings

    The hydraulic system is an architectural subsystem that can only be understood in view of the dual constitution of its structure: one at ground level, that referrers to potable water (lower hydraulic subsystem), and other concerning rainwater (upper hydraulic subsystem). They both involve aspects of major importance for the functioning of any building: catchment, distribution and evacuation of the waters. In the last decade, research was carried out on the hydraulic component of historical architecture, either religious or civil, considering technical and artistic issues, not only in Portugal, but throughout Europe.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Penser les liens sociaux en Amérique ibérique. Langages, expériences et temporalités (XVI-XXIe siècle)

    De l’époque de la Conquête et de la colonisation jusqu’à nos jours, les liens sociaux ont été extraordinairement intenses, complexes et conflictuels en Amérique ibérique. Il est possible d’explorer le langage social de la solidarité et de la désunion, et de se demander comment, depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, les sciences sociales et la psychologie sociale ont oscillé entre discours, enquêtes et conceptualisations selon une tentative toujours renouvelée de rendre compte des spécificités, des pathologies et des adaptations de sociétés de plus en plus diversifiées. En tant qu’élément substantiel du lien social, la mémoire collective peut être abordée selon une perspective historiographique qui explore la diversité de ses motifs et de ses manifestations tout au long des cinq derniers siècles.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    African Ivories

    In the Atlantic World, 1400-1900

    Since April 2015, the international team working on the project “African Ivories in the Atlantic World: a reassessment of Luso-African ivories” (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: PTDC/EPH-PAT/1810/2014), composed of 27 researchers from the University of Lisbon, the University of Évora and the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, has been researching the trade, circulation and production of raw and carved African ivory in the Atlantic area from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. The team has identified and listed objects from Portuguese and Brazilian (Minas Gerais) collections, also collecting references and descriptions extant in written Portuguese sources. For the first time a selection of ivory pieces was subjected to lab tests with a view to helping establish their age and origin. The project research team has submitted proposals for re-interpreting material culture in the framework of its African contexts of production. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Insularities and enclaves in colonial and post-colonial circumstances

    Crossings, conflicts and identitarian constructions (15th - 21st centuries)

    Historically, archipelagos were considered as rehearsal spaces for new social constructions. Since colonization and, afterwards, colonialism and imperialism, many of them evolved in association with the strengthening of international networks, while others did not escape isolation and forced unequal integration in different spaces. On the other hand, enclaves were the outcome of historical circumstances, often externally decided, which prompted some degree of insularity regarding the immediate geographical surroundings. When those territories did not become independent, there were demands for autonomy or, at least, some underlying emancipatory and anti-colonialist feelings. Even when these feelings did not mobilize relevant segments of the population, they disclose the alterity – above all cultural – in regard to sovereignty.

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  • Santa Cruz de Ténérife

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Património cultural e arquivos de família nos arquipélagos da Macaronésia

    Na última década varias linhas de investigação em história e arquivística, têm promovido novas perspetivas de investigação sobre a construção dos arquivos e das fontes históricas. Estas novas correntes, no campo da arquivística histórica e da epistemologia da história, colocam a questão da revalorização dos arquivos de família, não só como repositórios de fontes documentais alternativas aos arquivos institucionais da Igreja e do Estado, mas também como objetos de estudo em si mesmos, devido ao contexto específico de criação e transmissão do arquivo familiar construído à margem dos espaços oficiais do poder político-institucional coevo. Isto faz dos arquivos de família um património comum cujo valor transcende a sua dimensão histórica envolvendo a toda a sociedade, uma vez que resultam especialmente interessantes como expressão de identidades, memórias e discursos históricos plurais. Precisamente porque integram um património cultural comum, a proposta que fazemos é a de aprofundar o conhecimento dos arquivos de família dos arquipélagos da Macaronésia.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Changements et continuités. Histoire globale, culture visuelle et itinérances

    Dans la continuité des deux premiers workshops internationaux « Changements et continuités », réalisés en 2014 et en 2015, l’Instituto de Estudos Medievais, le Centro de História d'Aquém e d'Além-Mar, l’Instituto de História Contemporânea et l’Instituto de História da Arte organisent le troisième workshop intitulé « Changements et continuités. Histoire globale, culture visuelle et itinérances », les 14 et 15 septembre 2017.

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Écrire sous la contrainte. Mystiques, contemplatifs et le spectre du juge

    Pratiques et stratégies de discours. Espagne, Portugal, Amérique latine (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)

    Ce numéro des Cahiers d'études des cultures ibériques et latino-américaines (CECIL) invite ainsi à s'interroger à l’époque moderne sur les stratégies d'écriture, de réécriture et de construction du discours afin de  mystifier les censeurs de la fin du Moyen Âge et de la modernité. Par delà les pratiques d'écriture propres aux auteurs mystiques et ascétiques, les contribution d'études replaceront la médiatisation du texte ascétique dans son rapport à la norme juridique et canonique.

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  • Potsdam

    Journée d'étude - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Por uma Ciência Humboldtiana entre Polônia, Brasil e Alemanha

    Um simpósio transareal

    O evento dedica-se a Alexander von Humboldt, bem como aos contextos e circunstâncias de uma Ciência Humboldtiana entre Polônia, Brasil e Alemanha. O nome Humboldt evoca aqui tanto o objeto partilhado entre diversos trabalhos no âmbito das ciências da cultura, quanto o modelo de uma ciência transdisciplinar e transareal. Grupos de pesquisa que assumem para si o desafio transareal precisam contar não apenas com a competência intercultural dos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras em particular, mas também com a efetiva colaboração entre instituições, para além do intercâmbio bilateral.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Merchants, jurists and other "intermediate groups" in Early Modern Southern Europe

    Merchants, farmers, jurists, clerks in large institutions, secretaries, independent landowners, local elites and highly sought master craftsmen, among many others, are individuals with an ambiguous social status. Looking at who was not born exactly noble, nor exactly commoner, but stood on the border between one world and the other, is one of the goals of this initiative. As part of a project developed in Portugal focusing on the Holy Office’s familiaturas, it will be held on September 16 and 17, 2015, a workshop at Escuela Española de Historia and Archaeological in Rome. Our aim is to select a total of 8 applicants, that will be joined by 4 guest speakers, for a joint reflection on the dynamics and profiles of ‘intermediate groups’, as well as on the methodologies for their study in Early Modern Times.

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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Intermediate Groups in the Portuguese Dominions, 16th-18th century

    Revista de História (Universidade de São Paulo)

    The Revista de História of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) invites interested scholars to submit proposals for articles to be published as part of a ‘dossier’ concerning intermediate groups in the Portuguese dominions on the Early Modern Age. Throughout that period, ‘middle people’ strove to assert themselves in rural areas and helped to shape old and new urban centers in the Portuguese World, corresponding to an increased demand for specialized services and ensuring the necessary extensions of royal representation functions and Church activities. Even though almost non-existent in juridical or normative terms, those groups were recognized both by nationals and foreigners as a complex and vibrant intermediate social layer. Time has come to try and distinguish its specificities, trends of formation and effective roles in social dynamics.

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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Pour une étude transnationale de la presse en langues étrangères

    IIe rencontre Transfopress

    Le projet TRANSFOPRESS, initié par Diana Cooper-Richet en 2012, se fixe pour objectif de coordonner les études sur la presse publiée en langues étrangères dans différentes pays et de rassembler des chercheurs d’horizons variés autour d’une même ambition : identifier et organiser les fonds disponibles, mais également analyser ce corpus quasiment inexploré. La IIe RENCONTRE TRANSFOPRESS se situe dans le prolongement de la Ie RENCONTRE, organisée à Paris en novembre 2013. Elle se propose de réunir les chercheurs associés au projet afin qu’ils puissent présenter les résultats partiels auxquels ils sont parvenus

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