

  • Journée d'étude - Langage

    Metaphor and Manipulation

    The Linguistics Research Center (CEL - EA 1663) will host a Conference in English on "Metaphor and Manipulation" at University Jean Moulin (Lyon 3), on Friday, May 17th 2019.

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

    Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, an open-access and peer-reviewed international journal published by Çankaya University

    Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, an open-access and peer-reviewed international journal published by Çankaya University in Ankara, is currently accepting submissions of articles and book reviews for its forthcoming issue devoted to translation studies.

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  • Mulhouse

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Langage, Cognition, et Créativité

    8e Colloque international biennal de l’Association française de Linguistique cognitive (AFLiCo)

    Nous encourageons la soumission de contributions sur le rôle que joue la cognition dans la créativité verbale dans des contextes divers (e.g. dans les conversations, dans la rhétorique, dans l’humour, dans la communication interculturelle, dans les arts, etc.). Seront également bienvenus les études sur la créativité dans des gestes, dans la multimodalité, et des études sur le sujet par des approches diverses (e.g. linguistique de corpus, sociolinguistique, psycholinguistique, etc.). Les organisateurs encouragent la soumission de propositions de communication par de jeunes chercheurs. Les communications peuvent se faire en anglais ou en français, et seront de 20 minutes maximum, suivi de 8 minutes de questions.

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  • Paris

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Les langues de Paris – Poste d'enseignement à temps partiel à New York University (NYU) Paris

    NYU Paris is seeking a part-time lecturer to teach the following course in Linguistics: “The Languages of Paris”. This course presents the linguistic situation in greater Paris from the perspective of urban sociolinguistics. Topics include the range of French dialects spoken in Paris, their origins and their future; the linguistic situation of immigrants whose first language is not French, particularly immigrant communities from North Africa and Arabic-speaking communities; the connections between language and social and educational issues within and around Paris.

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  • Kaohsiung

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Euro-Asian Overlook on the Innovation and Development of the Teaching of European Languages and Literature

    2018 International Conference on European Asian Languages ​

    This symposium focuses on the Innovation and Development of the Teaching of European Languages and Literature in European-Asian, in which scholars and experts from Euro-Asian countries/areas focusing on various strands in French, German and Spanish are invited to deliver a wide range of talks on related topics.

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  • Colloque - Langage

    Language contact and translation in religious context

    Comparative approaches

    This conference brings together anthropologists and linguists working on conversion, cultural transmission and translation theory, as well as on various case studies, whose geography comprises Oceania, Amazonia, Yucatan, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Europe, Alaska and Chukotka (Russia), and whose temporal frame spreads from the Hellenistic era to the Spanish colonization of the Americas and to the present time. The main questions of the conference are the modalities of the ethnolinguistic encounter and translation accompanying religious conversion, whether, and how, the language gets altered as a result of these processes, and what are the broader cognitive and sociocultural consequences that accompany the linguistic transformation.

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  • Palerme

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The logics of persuasion. Between anthropology and rhetoric

    In this conference, we will study the logics of persuasion according to anthropological and rhetorical perspectives, exchanging insights and viewpoints. The question is: how do social sciences make use of rhetorical procedures to be more effective?

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Langage

    Christianity, language contact, language change

    The present workshop addresses questions of language contact and language change, as well as language standardization in the Christian context both in Europe and in the New World (Americas, Africa) through a study of diachronic and synchronic corpora. Special attention is paid, on the one hand, to the role of translation as a sight of language contact, and on the other hand, to register variation as an indicator of differential propagation of innovations appeared in Christian context.

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  • Sibiu

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Instances of power and cultural discourse

    Intercultural exchange in the age of globalization, second edition

    In the context of today’s social, political and economic changes, power is one of the governing principles of culture. Power comes in many shapes and sizes and it manifests itself under various forms: it can be tyrannical or a combination of forces (Foucault); it can be charismatic, traditional and rational (Weber) or the opposite – manipulative; it can also appear as a system of diluted forces that spring from the “social field” (Bourdieu); it can remain in the unconscious or it can manifest itself in the speech act. However it may appear, it has become clear that power shapes the course of the creation, interpretation and analysis of literary texts and other cultural products.

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  • Loughborough

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Représentations

    PhD Studentships, School of the Arts, English and Drama, Loughborough University

    The Politicised Practice Research Group in the The School of the Arts, English and Drama at Loughborough University is offering a three-year PhD scholarship for a practice-based research project starting in October 2018. We welcome the submission of high-quality proposals that have the potential to make a substantive contribution to research within the School and invite proposals that address the following research theme: Re-imagining citizenship through practice.

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  • Wrocław

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    International Quantitative Linguistics Conference

    QUALICO 2018

    Following the success of previous QUALICO conferences, organised by International Quantitative Linguistics Association (IQLA), we invite contributions on all aspects of quantitative linguistics and text analysis. The main topic of the conference is: Information in language: coding, extraction and applications.

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  • Tucson

    Colloque - Langage

    Arizona Graduate Conference in French

    Le Département de français et d'italien à l'université d'Arizona est ravi d'organiser ce colloque auquel tous les mastérants et doctorants en français sont invités à participer afin d'avoir l'opportunité de : présenter leur recherche lors d'une communication orale avec le format traditionnel de 20 minutes pour la communication suivie de 10 minutes pour les questions et commentaires, en français ou en anglais ; ou présenter leur recherche en cours dans une table ronde qui permettra une communication de 15 minutes suivie d'un véritable échange et retour d'information, en français ou en anglais ; s'inscrire à des ateliers ludiques de recherche sur deux thèmes différents (voir Ateliers ci-dessous) ; rencontrer d'autres étudiants et des professeurs ; assister à deux sessions plénières de chercheurs éminents portant sur des thématiques différentes ; assister à un film francophone pour l'ouverture du colloque le 23 février.

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  • Stockholm

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Discours d'identité et discours d'appartenance versus non-appartenance dans les pays de langues romanes

    Le groupe de recherche ROMPOL (Discours politiques dans les pays de langues romanes) du département d'études romanes et classiques de l'université de Stockholm, Suède, organise ses  IIIe journées d'études internationales à l'université de Stockholm les 15-16 novembre 2018 sur le thème « Discours d'identité et discours d'appartenance vs non-appartenance dans les pays de langues romanes ».

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    English Printed Books, Manuscripts and Material Studies

    14th ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) Conference, Seminar 51

    This seminar’s focus is on the physicality of English printed books and manuscripts, whether they be strictly literary or not. We are especially interested in how particular editions and manuscripts shape the text’s interpretation and reading practices. Research topics include, but are not restricted to: finding rare editions and manuscripts, archival work, book and manuscript collections, printing practices and scribal work, palaeography, manuscripts as books, the coexistence of manuscripts and printed books, editing printed books and manuscripts, electronic versus printed editions, editing and digital humanities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Corpora Monograph

    After a very successful conference on Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora for the in Bolzano (Italy) in October 2017 we are preparing a post-conference monograph to be published by Clermont Auvergne University Publishing House (France) in the fall of 2018 as part of their Linguistics collection Cahiers du Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage. An open-access version will also be made available. We invite unpublished original work focusing on the collection, analysis and processing of computer-mediated communication, such as exchanges on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), forum posts, news comments, wiki discussions and blog entries as well as e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, YouTube and discussions in multimodal environments.

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