

  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Picturing Tomorrow: Future-directed Imagination in American Art

    Comment comprenons-nous le concept d’avenir ? Est-il inévitable et formé par une longue séquence d’événements et occurrences accidentelles interconnectées ? Ou le concevons-nous comme quelque chose déterminé par nos actions et nos décisions présentes ? Est-il une pure potentialité, la promesse d’un monde radicalement différent et tout à la fois inimaginable ? Ou est-il considéré comme à jamais inaccessible, définissant notre expérience du présent comme un état perpétuel du sursis et de l’éphémère ?

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  • Hambourg

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Fellowships (post doc) — Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”

    Starting in the year 2020, duration between 1 to 12 months

    As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, co-operative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally. The Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam. Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), invites applications for Resident Fellowships (post doc) starting in the year 2020. The fellowships are available for a duration between one and twelve months.


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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Études du politique

    VII Lisbon Arctic International Conference and Workshop

    The event will bring the debate over the future of the Arctic region to the Institute of Social and Political Sciences, and the theme will be “And if the Arctic Region could speak? Multidimensional security changes in the Arctic – Global Geopolitics and Geostrategy”.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Seeing politics through intermediation and intermediaries

    This study-day is about exploring the conceptual expanse of intermediation at local, national and international scales. The neo-liberal transformation of regimes of accumulation greatly affected the arrangement of political and state power (Jessop, 2007), functional logics of political actors, governance mechanisms and international diplomacy. Simultaneously, the type of competencies demanded in these fields also adapted to this new configuration. In the process, forms, meanings, and roles of intermediaries morphed into a mass of actors ranging from individuals (brokers, patrons, fixers) to NGOs (national and transnational) and Think-Tanks to nation-states. In this study-day, researchers will present their work about envisioning intermediation not as a peripheral activity but something that connects different fields and scales of socio-political activity together. The sinews of intermediation connects the citizens with state, policies with governments, ideas with political imaginaries and fields of domestic policy and politics with international diplomacy and migration management. 

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  • Mestre

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    History is a common good

    4th National Conference of the Italian Association of Public History

    In line with the Italian Public History Manifesto, approved after our association’s meeting in Pisa in June 2018, AIPH intends to contribute to the affirmation of a greater awareness of the value of historical knowledge, an essential resource for understanding the present, planning of the future and exercising full citizenship. The 4th AIPH National Conference of Venice-Mestre will create new opportunities for discussion and reflection between those who work with the past. The conference will examine ways in which history is present in society today, from universities to public places, in schools and learning institutions, in high and in popular culture and, finally, in the daily life of our communities.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Succession d'artistes

    Préservation, Étude, Dissémination, Institutionnalisation

    S’occuper de la succession d’un artiste dans les différents domaines dont cette action relève, constitue une grande responsabilité, partagée entre les différentes parties impliquées dans la gestion du patrimoine qui découle de cette succession. Tout d’abord les artistes, puis leurs héritiers ou représentants légaux, les galeries, les musées, les fondations ou les institutions académiques, sont les principaux moteurs du travail de préservation, d’étude, diffusion et gestion des fonds artistiques et documentaires qui permettent d’établir de façon systématique le parcours et la carrière d’un artiste.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Towards a New Social History of Sudan

    The historiography of modern and contemporary Sudan has been shaped by its political history. Indeed, historians have often been called upon to respond to contemporary crises – civil wars, regime changes, international conflicts – often according to criteria of urgency, at the risk of falling into a certain presentism. In this context, social history, which often requires a slower and punctilious form of research, which does not produce ready-made solutions to the multiple crises in the country, and which put at the centre stage the lives of “ordinary people” has struggled to assert itself on the academic scene. This conference, which is also a research program, aims to put “ordinary people”, women and men, back at the center of Sudan's modern and contemporary history. From the outset, we wish to emphasize that the term “ordinary people” should neither hide nor flatten the teeming complexity of Sudanese society.

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  • Catane

    École thématique - Histoire

    Contesting authority: knowledge, power and expressions of selfhood

    MIDA/ENIS Spring School 2020

    The ENIS Spring School 2020 addresses two closely interrelated aspects of Islam in the digital age. Firstly, how (past and contemporary) technological revolutions have informed the performance of selfhood (including gender), the modes of engagement with society, and the political consequences of shifting boundaries between public and private spheres. Secondly, it addresses the construction and transformation of religious authority and religious knowledge production, and concomitant questions of legitimacy, power and discipline, under changing circumstances.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Identités désirées

    Métamorphoses et nouvelles technologies au Japon

    Au Japon le phénomène estampillé kyara-ka – « se transformer en personnage » – donne maintenant naissance à ce que Nozawa Shunsuke (2013) nomme « un art émergent de l’auto-modélisation ». Basé sur des techniques de déguisement élaborées, le phénomène kyara-ka recouvre une grande variété de stratégies et de pratiques liées à la présentation de soi : cosplay, kigurumi, V-tubing, banques de voix synthétiques, utilisation de filtres vocaux-graphiques pour mettre en ligne des vidéos où les humains ressemblent à des personnages… En explorant les différentes manifestations de ce processus social de « chosification de l’humain », le colloque entend questionner les raisons pour lesquelles un nombre croissant de personnes se customisent en personnages. L’objectif du colloque est de traiter dans leur complexité les questions que soulèvent ces actes volontaires, et peut-être ironiques, d’oblitération. Quel est le profil de ces hommes et ces femmes qui se métamorphosent en créatures produites par infographie ? Comment vivent-ils le fait d’être aimés non pas pour eux-mêmes mais pour leur alter-ego numérique ? Quels récits, petits ou grands, accompagnent la production de ces doubles fictifs ? Est-il toujours pertinent d’analyser le phénomène en termes d’authenticity (original) ou d’artificialité (copie) ? Quelles négociations, quels refus sous-tendent l’usage des personnages comme masques sociaux ?

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  • Lyon

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Estimating, Locating, and Comparing Mental Disorders in the Second Part of the Twentieth Century

    Psychiatric Epidemiology in Historical Perspective

    Psychiatric epidemiology – the study of the distribution of mental disorders within a population – emerged on the scientific scene during the second half of the 20th century. However, unlike the fields of psychiatry, psychology, and psychoanalysis, psychiatric epidemiology has yet to be studied by historians, largely due to the fact that it was only professionalized much later. Several factors can explain the field’s relative “invisibility”: the still recent standardization of its methods, the diversity of local scientific traditions, nations’ varying public health policies, the range of different sites for observation (rural or urban studies, comparisons between neighbouring communities, insular populations, cohorts) as well as the varieties of interdisciplinary studies implemented within the scientific community (medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology, biostatistics). These elements highlight the diversity of potential sources, and thus necessarily bring forward the question: how should one go about writing a history of this largely unrecognized field?

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  • Strasbourg

    Journée d'étude - Géographie

    Géoarchéologie et archéologie de la ville de Cadix, Espagne

    This workshop-seminar organised in Strasbourg will be focusing on the archaeology and geoarchaeology of Cádiz. New sedimentary cores drilled in a marine palaeochannel crossing the city in Antiquity will be discussed. Researchers from the University of Cádiz, the CNRS, the ENGEES, and the University of Strasbourg will be present.

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  • Amiens

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Diplomatic departures: negotiating Britain’s international outreach in the contemporary world

    In recent years, the expansion of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office network into new countries has generated increasing interest in the role of the places and spaces where diplomacy is made, in the international outreach of the United Kingdom and in the interactions between state and non-state actors and initiatives in delivering foreign policy objectives. What has received perhaps less sustained attention is the impact of diplomatic departures in Britain and in the British diplomatic network on the rethinking of Britain’s influence and power (hard, soft and smart). These departures - from the more dramatic to the more mundane - will be the focus of this conference, which will reflect on the adaptability and resilience of Britain’s international networks, and on what characterises both British diplomacy and Britain as a diplomatic space.


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  • Clermont-Ferrand

    Colloque - Europe

    Paradigms, models, scenarios and practices in terms of strong sustainability

    Bien que la notion de durabilité continue d'être associée au rapport Brundtland (1987) et au concept de développement durable, une communauté de chercheurs et de praticiens de la durabilité cherche de plus en plus à émanciper le concept pour être en accord avec les connaissances et les aspirations du moment. L'enthousiasme et les attentes à l'égard d'une plus grande durabilité vont au-delà des simples questions environnementales. Ils abordent également des questions sociales cruciales. Les communications du symposium visent à remettre en question les paradigmes, les modèles, les scénarios et les pratiques qui incarnent la durabilité. On peut se demander quel sens donner à l'idée même de durabilité et aux représentations qu'elle véhicule.

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  • Budapest

    Colloque - Religions

    Imperial Mysticisms: Piety and Power in Early Modern Empires from a Global Perspective

    Comparative research on the world-wide manifestations of mysticism in the imperial practice and performance of power seems promising for several reasons. It will enable us to highlight the appeal mystical spirituality had within the different religious traditions of the period; to point out historical contacts and transmission lines of a direct or indirect character and to discuss whether these religious and political developments fit into a common historical narrative. Regardless of what the answer to this question will be, we are certain that the elaboration of global perspectives, terminologies and research agendas is a goal worthy of being pursued in its own right. The conference will thus be part of approaches in historiography that aim at overcoming old epistemological boundaries between the study of the Orient and that of the West.

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  • Naples

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Historiography of the Perception of Islam through Manuscripts, Korans and their Displacement

    The aim of this workshop is to approach the question of the relationship between Christianity and Islam through the study of the production, circulation and uses of Arabic manuscripts, and mainly Korans, in the late medieval and early modern Mediterranean Europe. Our assumption is that the Balkans, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula form an axis of circulation which is especially significant for our understanding of the Mediterranean Sea as a comprehensive space of cultural, political and religious contact.


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  • Bucarest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    New Europe College Fellowships

    New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, Romania – announces the competition for Fellowships in the academic year 2020-21. The program targets early career Romanian and international researchers/academics working in the fields of humanities, social studies, law, and economics.

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  • Hambourg

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts”

    Research associate for the project on Early Medieval Diplomatics (Universität Hamburg)

    As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, co-operative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally. Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures” invites applications for a Research Associate for the Project on Early Medieval Diplomatics - Salary level 13 TV-L.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Études du politique

    How "European values" unite and divide. Rule of law, identity and morality politics in the European Union

    Final Conference of the ValEUR research project

    The conference addresses the role, effects and meanings of values at the crossroads of politics, culture, market and law. It documents the circulation and shaping of values between the different spheres of the European multi-level governance (local, national, supranational, transnational). It investigates the EU as a container of values politics as well as its interactions with external entities (Council of Europe, UN, rest of the world). A secondary purpose is to map the research using values as an exploratory framework of wider transformations of politics, policies and polities in Europe. Leaders of scientific projects having developed such agendas in recent years figure among the contributors.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    International Seminar on Environment and Society

    Current challenges and pathways to change

    The Environment and Society Section of the Portuguese Association of Sociology, in collaboration with the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and the PhD program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, organizes its first International Seminar, under the motto: Current Challenges and Pathways to Change.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Sociologie

    New obstacles to migration, new tactics among migrants

    This conference will explore the transformation in the access to territory, mobility and rights. We will explore how the public image of refugees is transformed by xenophobic discourse and the everyday management of asylum rights, including the role of the private sector and the subsequent mobility of refugees. We will further explore the functioning of the access to rights of EU-migrants and the everyday functioning of other migration policies, including the access to healthcare, the detention of migrants and the access to citizenship. Finally, we will explore the political and electoral mobilisations of and in solidarity to migrants and minorities, including artistic expression, developed in answer to the new obstacles to migration.


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