

  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Ambiances souterraines. Quel renouveau du débat ?

    Ce numéro thématique de la revue Ambiances vise à mettre en lumière des enjeux partagés et des passerelles possibles entre des acteurs qui privilégient usuellement des échelles d’intervention différentes. Nous invitons à des réflexions interrogeant les enjeux et les méthodes de fabrique de l’espace habité dans sa verticalité en réintroduisant la question du sous-sol non comme une sous-face, mais comme une interface vivante et évolutive. Le dossier fait appel à des chercheurs, praticiens du monde opérationnel et concepteurs de différents horizons disciplinaires à partager leurs travaux sur la question des sous-sols et tant ambiances, fabriquées, pratiquées, et expérimentées par l’humain en mettant en avant des études de cas, des expériences in situ et des nouveaux outils méthodologiques. Cet appel s’organise selon trois axes thématiques non exclusifs ouverts à des articles provenant des études urbaines, de l’architecture, de l’ingénierie et des sciences humaines et sociales.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie


    Domestic accumulation, decluttering, and the stuff of kinship in anthropological perspective

    We invite submissions of abstracts considering the following sorts of questions: What is the relationship between storage and the labor of kinship? What kinds of possessions are sources of obligation? Which are experienced as social or animate beings? What social practices and spatial processes surround waste, excess, and the riddance of objects from the home? How might local ethnographic concepts like hau orbrol inform the anthropological understanding of attachment to possessions, recycling, or the circulation of second-hand objects? When is accumulation a valued social practice, and when is it morally suspect? How is the space of storage constructed in relationship to the social space of the home, and how might this reflect on the local category of stored things? We invite authors to consider how practices such as storage, stockpiling, and purging of belongings can be approached anthropologically in order to provide both nuanced ethnographic depth and broader cross-cultural and historical perspective. Interdisciplinary perspectives are also welcome.

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  • Cres

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Re-inventing/reconstructing cosmopolitanism in contested spaces and post-conflict zones

    The purpose of this international conference is to encourage a multi- and transdisciplinary discussion of one of the core analytical and normative problems of our troubled present: the challenge of cultivating inclusive civic and social spaces at a moment when difference is ubiquitously threatened by exclusionary ethno-nationalisms, the construction of material and symbolic walls of separation, spaces of conflict, and violence-laden representations of the essential alienness of cultural, political, and religious others. 

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  • Erkner

    École thématique - Études urbaines

    Residues of the Past: (De)constructing urban histories

    2023 IRS Summer School

    The focus of the summer school is to examine how historical strata have been understood, constructed, and interpreted in different European cities from the post-war period to the present day. On the one hand, the participants will learn how historic buildings were integrated into the post-war reconstruction plans on both sides of the “Iron Curtain”. On the other hand, we will discuss how historical authenticity has been established in the preservation of monuments and what might have been overlooked in the process. Finally, participants will debate how people (individually and in groups) remember and what this means for our understanding of the past. The students should also investigate how digital methods can help to understand today’s memory landscapes.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Comprendre la guerre en Ukraine

    CFP Forum Ukraine - The American University of Paris

    The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention, and the American University of Paris hope to provide a virtual forum on May 9-10, 2022, for scholars from multiple disciplines and humanitarian activists to process the causes and consequences of the war in the Ukraine. Because of the urgency and ongoing nature of the conflict, we are not expecting polished academic presentations but short (10-15 minutes) thought pieces that help to elucidate various aspects and interpretations of the war. A primary aim is to give Ukrainian and Russian scholars the opportunity to express themselves and their point of view.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Armenian Genocide: New Interpretations and Cross-Disciplinary Conversations

    The study of the Armenian genocide often remains confined to restricted circles of specialists and interdisciplinarity is too rarely promoted. And, although comparative research is praised, it is frequently reduced to the juxtaposition of case studies. Research on the Armenian genocide is now ready to address more cross-cutting issues and to fully contribute to broader discussions on mass violence. Therefore, this conference asks: how can the social sciences, memory studies, and genocide studies contribute to a broader understanding of the Armenian genocide and its aftermath? And reciprocally: what is the contribution of research on the Armenian genocide to our understanding of mass crimes and to the social sciences?

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  • Colloque - Langage

    Empathy and the Aesthetics of Language

    For three decades, the question of the role played by empathy in the aesthetic apprehension of language, and notably in the experience of literature, has been the topic of a growing number of studies. A joint project of the University of Parma, Aix-Marseille University and the University of Texas at Austin, this two-day webinar brings together thirteen experts – philosophers, literary theorists, neuroscientists, psychologists, historians – whose contributions will be published in two special issues of Texas Studies for Literature and Language (TSLL). Taken together, the talks proposed aim at offering an updated and encompassing discussion of recent, but also older research in the field. The webinar intends to address the question of empathy and the aesthetics of language from a cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological perspective, by giving room to both theoretical and empirical approaches and tackling the concept of empathy in all its semantic diversity.

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  • Rochester

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Toys Matter: The Power of Playthings

    The overarching conference theme, Toys Matter: The Power of Playthings, is designed to span the role toys play in our individual and collective identities, the various ways they reflect and shape our worlds (both positively or negatively), and the impact of technology, environmental concerns and societal/cultural crises on toy design, manufacture and use. Sessions will provide toy scholars and industry professionals opportunities to reflect on extant toy research while looking forward to expand our understanding of what counts as a toy, the power of playthings, and the many ways they matter -- for both children and adults. We invite work that examines the power of playthings both historically and in our ever-changing worlds, especially as we navigate these precarious and even perilous times. All play objects (i.e., physical, digital or hybrid) are included in the scope of toys to be discussed including games and indoor and outdoor play spaces.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Pensée

    Values Across Space and Time (VAST) - Research Grant for Master student in Psychological Sciences

    Values Across Space and Time (VAST) - Bolsa de Investigação para mestrando(a) em Ciências Psicológicas

    A call for tender is open for one Research Grant for Master students under the VAST: Values Across Space and Time project, of which IELT – NOVA FCSH is a partner, financed by European funds through the European Commission (H2020), in the scientific area of Psychological Sciences. The aim of the project is to study the transformation of moral values in space and time and their communication and perception by different audiences, capturing, digitizing, preserving and analyzing the stories and experiences of those exposed to these values.

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  • Béja

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Délinquances, crimes et répression dans l’histoire

    La question de la délinquance, dans l’acception la plus générale du terme, se révèle particulièrement complexe car les criminologues, sociologues, psychologues, psychanalystes, médecins, juristes, historiens qui ont abondamment étudié ce sujet ont émis des opinions souvent très différentes, voire contradictoires. Les difficultés surgissent dès qu’il s’agit de qualifier le phénomène. En droit français, le mot délinquance désigne tous les types d’infractions. Celles-ci se répartissent en trois catégories : les contraventions qui constituent les infractions les plus légères, les délits qui se situent à un niveau intermédiaire et les crimes parmi lesquels on distingue les meurtres, homicides volontaires non prémédités, et les assassinats, homicides volontaires prémédités.

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  • Lisbonne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Psychisme

    Research grant for a master student under the project “VAST: Values Across Space and Time”

    A call for tender for one Research grant for a Master Student under the project VAST: Values Across Space and Time project is now open  in the scientific area of Psychological sciences. The research grant holder will develop tasks within the European project VAST: Values Across Space and Time (EU 101004949), whose main objective is to study the transformation of moral values across space and time, and how these are communicated and perceived by different audiences, capturing, digitising, preserving and analysing of the stories and experiences of those exposed to these values.

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  • Nimègue

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Passions and the Mystical

    Between Affecting and Being Affected

    This conference, jointly organized by the Mystical Theology Network (MTN) and the Titus Brandsma Institute (TBI) at Radboud University Nijmegen, aims to bring together theologians, religious studies scholars, philosophers, literary scholars, historians and scholars working in related fields to discuss and map out the wider semantic field of the ‘passion(s)’ across mystical traditions.

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  • Ifrane

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Assurer l’intégration des sciences sociales et de la santé en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient

    La huitième édition de la conférence internationale annuelle organisée par l’école des sciences humaines et sociales de l’université Al Akhawayn à Ifrane, prévue du 27 au 29 mai 2022, a pour but de créer un forum où les chercheurs en sciences sociales peuvent présenter les résultats de leurs études autour du domaine de la santé dans un contexte interdisciplinaire, dans l’espoir de conduire à des propositions concernant le futur du système de santé au Maroc. Pour ce faire, cette conférence est également ouverte aux personnes qui étudient les sciences de la santé en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient afin qu’il y ait des apprentissages et une communication efficace et qui va au-delà des frontières.

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  • Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Messianism, Apocalyticism and the End of the World

    Revista "Vegueta", Issue 17, 2017

    This dossier of the journal Vegueta aims to collect contributions regarding messianism, Apocalypticism, and the end of the world. All three notions, which embrace the idea of Millenarianism, have evolved whether as a result of research conducted in the field of history or works from the history of thought or social movements. The current historical moment represents a new return of all these three notions, at least from the religious, political, social, literary and philosophical perspectives not to mention the very dimension of the historical profession and its tools and humanities at large.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Think clean

    5th international congress “Sport, doping and society”

    The 5th international congress “Sport, doping and society” is organized by the Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sport (AEPSAD) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Under the theme “Think Clean”, there will be presented the results of scientific researches and new methodologies in the field of doping in sport from the specific perspective of Human and Social Sciences. We believe that this initiative will contribute to identify the factors that influence the use of doping substances and methods. From this knowledge we hope to foster future prevention and doping control and to promote ethical behavior in sport.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    The dark sides of the law in common law countries

    The Panthéon-Assas University “Law and Humanities” research centre (a part of CERSA) is pleased to announce its first international conference to be held in Paris (France) on June 15-17, 2017. As an interdisciplinary group working on the connections between law and politics, economics, and literature, we are seeking papers exploring the dark sides of the law from a wide range of perspectives in the United Kingdom, the United States and Commonwealth countries.

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  • Angoulême

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Industries culturelles et créatives de l'enfance et de la jeunesse

    VIIIe Colloque international « Child and Teen Consumption »

    Le colloque interdisciplinaire « Child and Teen Consumption » vise à faciliter un dialogue approfondi entre chercheurs de diverses disciplines : gestion, psychologie, sociologie, information et communication, anthropologie, histoire, sciences de l’éducation, droit, etc. La 8e édition centrée sur le thème « Youth and Creative Industries » vise à mettre en valeur les recherches dans ce domaine et invite les producteurs de contenus culturels à apporter leur point de vue aux débats.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Pensée

    La notion de conscience

    À partir de William James

    Durant le mois de juin 2017, le labex TransferS et Mathias Girel (CAPHÉS) accueillent Alexander Klein, professeur de philosophie à l’université d’État de Californie, Long Beach (États-Unis)

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  • Appel à contribution - Psychisme

    Social psychological perspectives on the gift, donation and giving

    Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

    This special issue considers the contribution social psychology can make to an understanding of the gift, donation and giving as psychosocial phenomena, situated in their social context. Paying particular attention to the social, ideological and cultural meanings that develop around such practices, it aims to consider the ethical, legal and also practical implications surrounding them, as experienced by different social actors with varying, and often competing, interests.

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  • Dijon

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Challenges of tourism development in Asia and Europe

    4th Euro-Asia tourism studies Association international conference

    The 4th Annual Conference of EATSA – Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, that will take place in France, next June 18-22th 2018, is an international forum for researchers and industry experts to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and application of tourism, hospitality and leisure management in the region of Euro-Asia.

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