

  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Histoire et mémoire : réinterprétation épistémologique du passé de l’Afrique dans un contexte postcolonial

    “Práticas da História” journal

    This special issue of Práticas da História is interested in receiving contributions, referring to colonial and post-colonial African contexts. It is important to better understand what is happening in different African countries, at the level of the Academy but also in other spaces where social memory and history confront each other, and how political, ideological, economic and linguistic factors interfere in those situations. In the case of the former Portuguese colonies, which will soon celebrate 50 years of independence, there are additional factors, such as the later end of colonial rule and the delay in historiography about Africa that occurred until recent decades, both in Portugal and in Brazil.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Local knowledge and small-scale communities: social sciences perspectives on sustainability

    Journal «Forum Sociológico»

    Journal Forum Sociológico has an open call for papers on the scope of a special issue about local knowledge and small-scale communities throught the social sciences perspectives on sustainability. The issue, edited by Joana Sá Couto, Cristiano Pereira and Júlio Sá Rêgo, aims to focus on the importance of local and/or small-scale community knowledge in relation to everyday life and its elements, in the management of natural resources and its need to be valued at a political level.

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  • Lisbonne

    Séminaire - Europe

    The Colonization of Portugal

    Todos os anos, investigadores do Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHAC, NOVA FCSH) e da Universidade de Drexel reúnem-se para pensar em conjunto novas formas de escrever a história de Portugal. O workshop de 2023, com o título “The colonization of Portugal”, tem como objetivo olhar para as dinâmicas coloniais na construção do Portugal metropolitano.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Romance Languages in Medieval Latin Documentation

    Following recent discussions on the presence of Romance elements in medieval Latin documents, we propose this meeting, which aims at offering a new opportunity to reflect on all forms of manifestation of Romance languages in the mentioned texts, as well as to present the latest scientific advances made in their study in the wider European context. Thus, issues related to how, both morphologically and syntactically, the diplomas show the transition from Latin to Romance languages, the mechanisms for Latinizing Romance elements, or the presence of borrowings from other languages that were assumed by Romance languages, may be subject to analysis. Similarly, contributions will be welcome regarding the role that medieval Latin lexicography plays in relation to Romance language and how dictionaries and lexical databases contribute to their study.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies

    Knowledge, Public Policies and Social Justice

    Gender, feminist and women’s studies are currently faced with new challenges and the deepening of old obstacles that compromise their future or may even block it in some countries. Debate and controversy in the public sphere have grown increasingly polarised, often evolving into open conflict and intense antagonism. The Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies invites researchers from national and international institutions to contribute to enhancing knowledge on gender equality issues in different countries, but also on current challenges and future prospects for gender, feminist and women’s studies. the Congress will take place from January 31st to February 2nd 2024 , in Lisbon, at the Institute for Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP-ULisboa).

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Les femmes sur scène : Des coulisses aux feux de la rampe

    Women in theatre until the 19th century

    Since its origin, the History of Theatre has been built by male names. However, it is unthinkable that women have not also had an important role in this construction. Besides existing as characters, their contributions as performers, playwrights, composers, entrepreneurs, patrons, scenographers or costume designers, among a broad range of other functions, were fundamental to the development of the theatrical practice. This conference aims to recover the place of women in theatre since its origin until the 19th century, covering a wide variety of topics, which have women at their centre, either as the focus of a show or as marginal, as star or tertiary figure, as part of the audience or as producer of the cultural object. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive and transdisciplinary debate in order to rediscover the place of women in theatre in a global and historical approach.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Revolution and Cinema: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution

    The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by the deepening of social inequalities, the anachronism of authoritarian regimes and the political exhaustion of democratic systems. It should invite us to analyze the traces, myths, outbursts, failures, and eventual successes of past revolutions so we can attain a better apprehension of the links between cinema, art, and politics. This special section aims to contribute to the constitution of a “cine-geography” (Gray and Eshun 2011, 1) of the forms of “making” cinema and revolution. The aim is to update historical and aesthetic analyses that address the encounter between cinema and revolution.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Un temps après un échec : réverbérations persistantes de la Révolution des Oeillets

    Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal Nº 21

    À l’heure où les propositions de perspectives se multiplieront sur le cinquantenaire du 25 avril 1974, révolution marquée par une euphorie qui a dépassé la veille et qui a surpris le lendemain, dans un déblocage du futur, nous vous proposons un regard au seuil de plusieurs disciplines dans ce numéro transversal de Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, entre les sciences sociales et humaines, les arts, la littérature et d’autres formes d’intervention dans la réalité, à travers quatre domaines.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Deciphering censorship

    From regulation to the production of invisibilities, from the archive to the Internet: an interdisciplinary approach

    We invite all parties interested in the theme of censorship to participate in the conference across any of the four axes detailed below. Nevertheless, there is an openness to other proposals that set out new paths and, hence, the framework below is in no way exhaustive: Analytical models and methodologies; Framework for the factor of international circulation; Meta-analysis; Implications of censorship.

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  • Journée d'étude - Économie

    Transformations in food systems and agrifood value chains: How do work and employment come into play?

    International Association on Work in Agriculture’s Webinars

    Les transformations des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires et des systèmes alimentaires, tant au Nord qu’au Sud et dans leur articulation Nord/Sud, impactent et questionnent les dynamiques du travail et de l’emploi en agriculture et tout au long de la chaîne. La recherche sur les systèmes alimentaires et les chaînes de valeur aborde les questions de travail et d’emploi de différentes manières. D’un point de vue global, elle est principalement liée aux normes sociales et au travail décent. D’un point de vue local, d’autres questions relatives au travail et à l’emploi sont soulevées. L’Association internationale sur le travail en agriculture (IAWA) vous invite à partager vos connaissances et vos recherches actuelles sur la question clé suivante : comment les stratégies et les mécanismes de transformation des chaînes de valeur et des systèmes alimentaires abordent-ils les différentes questions relatives au travail et à l’emploi ?

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  • Buenos Aires

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Rythme dans l’art

    Rhythm is a central element in the creation of meaning in art, and its configuration is such that it requires a multi, inter and transdisciplinary approach. The difference of materials, procedures and events masks the resemblance of rhythmic phenomena that are similar in different arts and hides their identity or their homology. In the work of some scholars, the concepts do not seem to belong to a particular artistic discipline, being rather characteristic of the rhythmic phenomenon. The objective of this conference is to provide an instance for exchanging knowledge, concerns and aspirations for those who have been devoting themselves to the study of rhythm and artistic creation on the subject.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    What survives after death? Parish communities and death commemoration strategies in the medieval city


    The International Conference COMMEMORtis – What survives after death? Parish communities and death commemoration strategies in the medieval city invites all researchers working on the medieval urban parish and studying the history of death and the economy of salvation. We also encourage the participation of historiographical analysis based on Digital Humanities. We therefore invite the submission of proposals for communications that will scrutinise late medieval urban parishes and their parishioners, taking particular notice of the beliefs and behaviour predicated upon death.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Pensée

    Values Across Space and Time (VAST) - Research Grant for Master student in Psychological Sciences

    Values Across Space and Time (VAST) - Bolsa de Investigação para mestrando(a) em Ciências Psicológicas

    A call for tender is open for one Research Grant for Master students under the VAST: Values Across Space and Time project, of which IELT – NOVA FCSH is a partner, financed by European funds through the European Commission (H2020), in the scientific area of Psychological Sciences. The aim of the project is to study the transformation of moral values in space and time and their communication and perception by different audiences, capturing, digitizing, preserving and analyzing the stories and experiences of those exposed to these values.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Values Across Space and Time (VAST) - Research Grant for Master student

    A call for tender is open for one Research Grant for Master student under the VAST: Values Across Space and Time project, of which IELT – NOVA FCSH is a partner, financed by European funds through the European Commission (H2020), in the scientific area of Literature. The aim of the project is to study the transformation of moral values in space and time and their communication and perception by different audiences, capturing, digitizing, preserving and analyzing the stories and experiences of those exposed to these values.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The Materiality of Modernisms

    Within the framework of intertwining multiple approaches to the material and medial dimensions through which modernisms have been – and are being – studied, the conference will also offer an opportunity to revisit through this angle three events whose 100th  anniversary takes place in 2022. The publication of Joyce’s Ulysses, the organization of The Week of  Modern Art in São Paulo and the premiére of the Triadisches Ballett by Oskar Schlemmer, can be in fact set as clear examples of a broader and heterogeneous «discourse of the legitimation of change» (Osborne 2013), that only much later became known as “Modernism”. Round tables with guests and experts will be dedicated to these three topics as part of the conference program.

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  • Ançã

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Second Summer School in Economic and Social History

    This Summer School offers comprehensive courses on research methods and central themes in Economic and Social History, as well as a framework for paper presentations from Ph.D. students who are starting their theses and already have a chapter or paper to discuss, and post-doctoral researchers with more advanced papers, possibly in the pipeline for publication. We aim to put together researchers with different levels of experience. We will have lectures by distinguished scholars in the morning sessions, and, in the afternoon, we will have the paper presentations by the researchers.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Brazil: 200 years of Independence (1822-2022)

    The call for papers for the thematic dossier “Brazil: 200 years of Independence (1822-2022)” is open until 30 June 2022. The aim of this dossier is to publish texts on the antecedents and consequences of Brazilian independence in its several domains (political, social, economic or cultural), identifying permanences and ruptures. The articles, subject to scientific review, will be published in issue 19 (January 2023).

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Aging, life span and societal challenges

    This special issue of Forum Sociológico focuses on analyzing the challenges resulting from a longer life, as one of the greatest social problems in contemporary societies. We welcome and encourage the authors to submit original articles of an empirical nature or theoretical essays, nationally and internationally.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media

    ICA22 - 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics

    The 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics (ICA 2022) Belo Horizonte aims at the increasing and deepening of the discussion by today’s practitioners of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, about the modes, through which this field of knowledge could contribute to enhance peaceful and fruitful contacts among the most different people and cultures of the world.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Imago, Actus et Verbum. Challenges and Questions in Medieval Studies

    A crossdisciplinary dialogue between philology, philosophy, history, art and literature

    On the outset of the 21st century, cross-disciplinary studies on the Middle Ages seem to be in need of a careful reconsideration of their nature, scope and aims. This is specially so after the series of "turns" undergone by historiography in the last four decades. Despite their differences, philosophy, history, philology , literary studies and art are also bound through their work on texts; and all are currently faced with both methodological and substantive issues raised by important shifts in contemporary society. This congress is devoted to a global assessment of the current state of affairs in medieval studies, but also the upcoming challenges.


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