

  • Colloque - Langage

    Empathy and the Aesthetics of Language

    For three decades, the question of the role played by empathy in the aesthetic apprehension of language, and notably in the experience of literature, has been the topic of a growing number of studies. A joint project of the University of Parma, Aix-Marseille University and the University of Texas at Austin, this two-day webinar brings together thirteen experts – philosophers, literary theorists, neuroscientists, psychologists, historians – whose contributions will be published in two special issues of Texas Studies for Literature and Language (TSLL). Taken together, the talks proposed aim at offering an updated and encompassing discussion of recent, but also older research in the field. The webinar intends to address the question of empathy and the aesthetics of language from a cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological perspective, by giving room to both theoretical and empirical approaches and tackling the concept of empathy in all its semantic diversity.

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  • Nimègue

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Passions and the Mystical

    Between Affecting and Being Affected

    This conference, jointly organized by the Mystical Theology Network (MTN) and the Titus Brandsma Institute (TBI) at Radboud University Nijmegen, aims to bring together theologians, religious studies scholars, philosophers, literary scholars, historians and scholars working in related fields to discuss and map out the wider semantic field of the ‘passion(s)’ across mystical traditions.

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  • Béja

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Délinquances, crimes et répression dans l’histoire

    La question de la délinquance, dans l’acception la plus générale du terme, se révèle particulièrement complexe car les criminologues, sociologues, psychologues, psychanalystes, médecins, juristes, historiens qui ont abondamment étudié ce sujet ont émis des opinions souvent très différentes, voire contradictoires. Les difficultés surgissent dès qu’il s’agit de qualifier le phénomène. En droit français, le mot délinquance désigne tous les types d’infractions. Celles-ci se répartissent en trois catégories : les contraventions qui constituent les infractions les plus légères, les délits qui se situent à un niveau intermédiaire et les crimes parmi lesquels on distingue les meurtres, homicides volontaires non prémédités, et les assassinats, homicides volontaires prémédités.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    L’éloge du féminin en poésie : penser l’exaltation rhétorique

    L’éloge se définit comme un discours épidictique né d’une vigoureuse admiration, impliquant une instance énonciative, productrice d’un discours évaluatif saturé d’amplification et de valorisation. L’éloquence de l’acte célébratif, éminemment rhétorique, établit ainsi la singularisation et l’élévation d’un objet, produisant un jugement mélioratif de l’objet visé. Omniprésent dans la poésie amoureuse et érotique (les odes et fragments saphiques, le cantique des cantiques biblique, la tradition du ghazal dans la poésie courtoise arabe et perse, les Amours et Odes ronsardiennes, L’union libre d’André Breton, l’hommage à la Femme noire de Léopold Sédar Senghor, The lesbian body de Monique Wittig se lisent comme autant de variantes encomiastiques), l’éloge a traditionnellement servi à chanter le féminin—geste qu’il s’agira d’interroger, tant sur le plan philosophique, énonciatif, rhétorique, genré qu'épistemologique.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Life and Mind. Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy

    Despite the interest in exploring Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy, there has been no coordinated attempt to survey or integrate the ways in which Aristotle’s approach to understanding life, mind, and the relation between them might inform and enrich our own. The objective of this workshop is to explore the way in which Aristotelian thought can brought to bear on contemporary research on the much-debated issue of the so-called mind-body problem and on its implications for the conceptualization of notions such as that of organism, animal and human perception and action, human moral agency, and the relation between mind and life.

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  • Szeged

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Sacred locations: spaces and bodies in religion

    The conference invites contributions on the conceptualization, interpretation, management or instrumentalization of religion with regard to space, geographical or personal from PhD students, as well as advanced Master’s students from all fields of humanities and social sciences including but not restricted to: Anthropology, Economy, History, Law, Philology, Philosophy, Political sciences, Psychology, and Sociology.


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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Enquêtes philosophiques sur la violence sexuelle

    « Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence » volume 2, n°1 (mai 2018)

    Le Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) est à la recherche de contributions sur les problèmes philosophiques soulevés par la violence sexuelle. Le journal peut prendre en considération des propositions d'articles en français. Les textes retenus seront publiés par Trivent au mois de mai 2018. La date-butoir pour la remise des articles est le 18 Mars 2018.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Art, aesthetics, psychoanalysis

    Artefilosofia Journal

    The first question that comes to mind when addressing the relationship between art and psychoanalysis is the following: By what right and on what grounds, or yet what entitles psychoanalysis to take upon itself to issue judgment upon art and/or upon artists? This first question immediately unfolds into many. To what extent can a theory of the psychological unconscious extrapolate its primary field of application to head down to theaters, museums, concert rooms, canvases, sculptures, installations and so forth? Being an eminently clinical discipline, do we run the risk of transforming psychoanalysis into a worldview? Into a totalitarian system capable of deciphering the meaning of everything that presents itself upon the suspicious gaze and attentive ears of the psychoanalyst?

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Pensée

    La notion de conscience

    À partir de William James

    Durant le mois de juin 2017, le labex TransferS et Mathias Girel (CAPHÉS) accueillent Alexander Klein, professeur de philosophie à l’université d’État de Californie, Long Beach (États-Unis)

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV), Second Issue

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) welcomes contributions from young researchers and established academics concerning the philosophical issues raised by violent crimes. The selected articles will be published open access by Trivent Publishing at the beginning of December 2017.

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  • Rennes

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Le spirituel : concept opératoire en sciences humaines ?

    Débat interdisciplinaire

    Ce colloque se propose de tenter une théorisation de la notion de spirituel afin d'en faire une catégorie scientifique utilisable dans le champ des sciences humaines. Depuis le poststructuralisme, la théorie, notamment littéraire, est devenue experte en matière d'analyse et de remise en question du soubassement idéologique de tout discours. Toutefois, cette « herméneutique du soupçon » (Ricoeur, 1975) se trouve démunie lorsqu'il s'agit d'élaborer une herméneutique « instauratrice de sens » (Ricoeur, 1965) permettant de penser l'humain au-delà de sa matérialité.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    The brains that pull the triggers

    The transformation of groups of previously nonviolent individuals into repetitive killers of defenseless members of society has been a recurring phenomenon throughout history. This apparent transition of large numbers of seemingly normal, “ordinary” individuals, to perpetrators of extreme atrocities is one of the most striking variants of human behavior, but often appear incomprehensible to victims and bystanders and in retrospect even to the perpetrators themselves and to society in general. This transition is characterized by a set of symptoms and signs for which a common syndrome has been proposed, Syndrome E (Fried, Lancet, 1997). The purpose of such designation is not to medicalize this form of human behavior, but to provide a framework for future discussion and multidisciplinary discourse and for potential insights that might lead to early detection and prevention.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    IV Congrès international de mythocritique

    Mythe et émotions

    Il existe une logique rationnelle mais aussi une logique émotionnelle, responsable de nombreuses actions que nous réalisons. La mythocritique aborde souvent les récits mythiques depuis une perspective structurelle, sociale, historique, etc. Cependant, elle ignore souvent le composant émotionnel. Il semblerait que la dimension affective, particulièrement présente dans notre société contemporaine, ne soit pas pertinente dans les études de mythologie. Le Congrès examinera le rôle que jouent les émotions aussi bien dans la structuration des récits mythiques que dans les procès de mythification de personnages et événements historiques. Le cadre de travail est l’étude des mythes anciens, médiévaux et modernes dans la littérature et les arts contemporains (depuis 1900).

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Theory in Love

    International Comparative Literature Association XXIst Congress - session 17327

    In The Politics of Friendship Derrida reflects on the question of the indecidable possibility, the “peut-être,” of love, of friendship, and of desire: “‘Je t'aime entends- tu?’; cette déclaration d'aimance hyperbolique ne pourrait donner sa chance à une politique de l'amitié que soumise à l'épreuve du peut-être, de l'indécidable” How then can we express a refusal, a no, without listening, without hearing? How can one express the divergent and differential possibilities opened by this phrase? And yet Derrida already has, in Envois, where he explores, theorizes and dramatizes a love affair, tracing the course of its refusal in the various postcards and letters which remain unsent, forever awaiting their destination. This panel concerns theory speaking in terms of love, seeking to establish the relationship between “ l’âmour” and theory.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    La phénoménologie et les défis de la « Philosophy of Mind »

    Études phénoménologiques

    The journal Études Phénoménologiques / Phenomenological Studies is seeking submissions in English and French for its 2016 issue on the topic “La phénoménologie et les défis de la Philosophy of Mind / Phenomenology and the Challenges of the Philosophy of Mind.”

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Žižek and Music

    Special Issue of the International Journal of Žižek Studies

    The International Journal of Žižek Studies intends to release a special issue on the topic of Žižek and music, thus offering a first forum for all those who working in music-related fields who have adopted Žižek’s theories for reflecting about music. The goal is to approach the subject from a broad range of different perspectives, not only by covering the fields of classical, pop, jazz and experimental music, but also by bringing together philosophers, musicologists and scholars from the field of sound studies as well as composers, dramaturges and opera producers. This special issue is intended to stimulate a truly interdisciplinary and multi-faceted dialogue, offering a starting point for a fruitful discussion on music from a fresh perspective.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Creating Characters, Inventing Lives: The Art of the Self II

    Vth international Sympnosium of the international Network for Alternative Academia

    This trans-disciplinary research project is interested in exploring the narrative construction of experience and self, the lessons we can derive from the creative process and identifying how productive it is beyond the boundaries of the work and creation itself. Regardless of our awareness, our understanding of our selves, we have always been the product of creation – the result of the playful and subversive blurring of the boundaries between fiction and life, between self and other, between fantasy and reality. Who we are – how we tell the story of our lives – has always traversed the divides between artistic invention, personal reflection and historic fact; being as much the product of the creative process as the characters depicted by artists in their works. 

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Shaping the Brain

    In the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

    The brain has, throughout history, been considered an important achievement in the creation of man, although often secondary to the soul and the heart. Our knowledge about how the brain has been conceived in the past is, however, very fractional, especially for the late Medieval and early modern periods. This conference looks to re-situate the question of knowing the brain anew in a dialogue between medicine (anatomy, physiology and pathology) and natural philosophy (inter alia physics, biology and psychology). 

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe


    Special issue of the South African Journal of Philosophy

    What is happiness and how do we know when we have achieved it? Why do we desire happiness, and should we desire it? Is happiness a mental state or a prudential value, a subjective experience or the fulfilment of objective criteria, the satisfaction of desire or a measure of overall well-being? Is happiness culturally determined? What is the relationship between happiness and the good? What can the history of philosophy teach us about the idea of happiness? This special issue of the South African Journal of Philosophy invites contributions on these and other philosophical questions related to happiness.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    1st International Symposium: Hope, Betrayal and Trust

    Part of the Research Program on: Lost Virtues, Found Vices

    This trans-disciplinary research project is interested in exploring the complex and fluid relationships between hope and trust, and how might betrayal play a productive role in this bond. As concepts, ideas or simple notions, hope and trust seem to have simultaneously lost contemporary currency while being ever more necessary in our every day lives. We seem resigned to a kind of hopelessness, seem unwilling to trust others and are ready and willing to betray whomever we might need to in order to advance our own careers or personal agendas. Yet new technologies require us to place personal information online, to communicate with strangers, and to hold onto the promise of happiness. How are our maintenance of hope, our need to trust and our willingness to betray intertwined? How are these concepts evolving? 

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