

  • Durham

    Colloque - Pensée

    Time at the Turn of the Twentieth Century in American-British Philosophy

    Around the turn of the twentieth century, time became a major focus of American-British philosophy. Against a broadly Kantian-Hegelian backdrop, philosophers began developing new questions and theories about time. Shadworth Hodgson argued humans perceive a ‘specious present’, a short duration rather than an infinitesimally small one; this view was further developed by Mary Calkins and William James. J. M. E. McTaggart advanced a new argument for the unreality of time. A. N. Whitehead made time the foundation of his process philosophy. This event brings together philosophers from Europe and North America exploring this period that was to become defining for the contours of twentieth-century English-speaking philosophy of time. The event will deliberately be scheduled to be compatible with European and North American time zones.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Pensée

    Séminaire d'histoire intellectuelle 2014

    Paris Intellectual History Seminar, 2014

    Ce séminaire se veut un lieu de discussion des recherches en cours et des questions historiographiques et théoriques dans le domaine de l’histoire intellectuelle et de l’histoire des idées. Il est pluridisciplinaire et ouvert à tous. Il est co-organisé par le Groupe de Recherche en Histoire Intellectuelle (Centre de recherches historiques, EA 1571, Université Paris 8) et le Centre Roland Mousnier (UMR 8596, Université Paris Sorbonne) le mardi de 147h à 19h.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Modernist Communities

    The inaugural international conference of the French Society of Modernist Studies

    The aim of this two-day conference is to foster discussion on communities in the modernist period. As discursive constructs and historical practices, communities constitute a privileged phenomenon from which to understand the political and ethical regime of modernist texts, as well as the actual forms of collective experience in which writers and readers were involved. More than a decade after Jessica Berman’s landmark work on "the politics of community" in modernist fiction, we seek to explore the various ways in which communities were configured across genres and artistic media, but also to acknowledge the grounds of their historical and cultural specificity. We hope that this will lead us to distinguish various versions of the communal, from the ideal to the empirical, from the utopian to the everyday, from consensus to dissensus.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Époque moderne

    Qu'est-ce que les Lumières écossaises ?

    Journée d'études en Sorbonne

    Journée d’études organisée par le Centre Roland Mousnier (université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV) & le Groupe de recherches en histoire intellectuelle – université Paris VIII.

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  • Philosophie

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  • Amériques

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  • Îles irlandaises et britanniques

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