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  • Lissabon

    Beitragsaufruf - Ethnologie, Anthropologie

    Glazed Ceramics in Architectural Heritage

    Glaze Arch 2015

    Glazed ceramics are used in architecture since at least the 6th century BC, as the magnificent Ishtar Gate, partially reconstructed in the Berlin Pergamon Museum, testifies. Glazed tiles decorated with intricate geometric patterns and Arabic writing were for centuries, and still are, in widespread use in the Islamic countries and for westerners remain one of the most recognizable and constant marks of the beauty of mosques. From their origin in the Middle East and flourishing in the Islamic world, glazed tiles spread to Spain and Portugal, to Italy, the Low Countries and most of Europe. Modern majolica was perfected in Italy during the 15th century and saw an early architectural integration in the works of Luca Della Robbia. A representative work is the vault of the Capilla del Cardinal del Portugallo in the church of San Miniato al Monte (Florence) where the tondi protrude from a covering of patterned glazed tiles, curiously of the same pattern as later used in façade glazed tiles manufactured in Lisbon in the 19th century.

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  • Warschau

    Beitragsaufruf - Soziologie

    Digital Ecosystems

    The digital revolution is resulting in social, economic and political transformations. These changes are often conceptualized using the term "digital ecosystem" – understood/conceived as infosphere enriched by social and economic values. We propose the notion of "digital ecosystem" as the starting point of analysis for new interdisciplinary approaches, both theoretical and applied. Are the contemporary environments of work, economy, science, culture, politics and information becoming digital ecosystems?

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  • Paris

    Fachtagung - Afrika

    Travailler sur / avec les archives et l'écrit en anthropologie et en études littéraires

    Perspectives sur le monde swahili

    This theme is intended to reflect the rapprochement of the research objects and theoretical perspectives of anthropology and literary studies. This rapprochement offers opportunities to discuss commonalities and differences in how archives and texts are explored and analysed. It also intends to interrogate the relations between the written word and orality and performance. As historians and philologists working on Arabic and Swahili manuscripts have demonstrated, due to early Islamization and the preservation of documents, the Swahili world is characterized by the pervasiveness of the written word. As a result it is a particularly relevant site in which to engage in such theoretical and epistemological reflections.

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  • Oxford

    Kolloquium - Sprachwissenschaften

    Comment écrire la Grande Guerre ?

    Poétiques francophones et anglophones

    L'objet de ce colloque international sera d'interroger, à travers des perspectives littéraires, historiques, stylistiques et linguistiques, les littératures de témoignage anglophones et francophones de la Grande Guerre, en éclairant les moyens que mobilisèrent les écrivains pour répondre aux bouleversements occasionnés par le conflit. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux évolutions de la langue, des genres ou encore du personnel romanesque, mais aussi à leurs permanences respectives, tout aussi instructives dans l'optique d'une saisie des enjeux éthiques, esthétiques et politiques de la période.

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  • Manchester

    Beitragsaufruf - Soziologie

    Economic Life: From the Economy to the Economical?

    MANCEPT 2015

    Without living beings there would be hardly no economy. The crucial question is, however, how to conceptualize the relationship between different ways of comprehending life and different ways of understanding the economy. There seems to be at least two main possibilities, which we would like to discuss and confront with each other in this workshop.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Kolloquium - Soziologie

    Universities facing pressures for change

    Identity and organizational transformations

    Internationalization, excellence, rankings, branding, managerialization, accountability, professionalism, research development, ... In a few years it’s a whole new lexicon reflecting issues and concerns yesterday secondary or even unknown that has penetrated the University thus questioning its organization and own missions. Beyond the change of vocabulary do we know the effects induced by these injunctions and pressures to change? Are the universities seizing them to position themselves in the field of higher education, contributing to their dissemination and legitimation? The objective of this conference bringing together researchers from different countries will be to empirically document how universities are adapting to changes in their environment and transform their modes of functioning and their identities.

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  • Écully

    Kolloquium - Soziologie

    Managing hunger and satiety

    Consumers and producers' perspectives

    The eight edition of the International Research Symposium aims to share up-todate research on managing hunger and satiety both from the consumers and from the producer’s perspectives. This day will be devoted to address appetite and food intake mechanisms in relation to pleasure and health in a product context or a food service context. Normal and healthy eating will be discussed as well as some mentions of overeating and obesity or under eating and denutrition. A range of speakers from both academic and industrial sectors will share their knowledge and understanding of hunger and satiety and their relation to eating behaviors. The issue will thus be addressed on both physiological, psychological and social levels.

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  • Paris

    Thematische Schule - Soziologie

    Deviance and Criminal Justice

    Fourth GERN Doctoral Summer School on Crime

    Research students undertaking doctoral research on crime, deviance and criminal justice issues. This is an opportunity to present your research, have it discussed by leading European researchers and, if selected, published in an edited book. The summer school is probably most suited to research students in their second and third years.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Psychologie

    The Brains that pull the Triggers

    Paris Conference on Syndrome E

    The transformation of groups of previously nonviolent individuals into repetitive killers of defenseless members of society has been a recurring phenomenon throughout history. This apparent transition of large numbers of so called “psychologically intact”, “ordinary” individuals, to perpetrators of extreme atrocities is one of the most striking variants of human behavior, but often appear incomprehensible to victims and bystanders and in retrospect even to the perpetrators themselves and to society in general. This transition is characterized by a set of symptoms and signs for which a common syndrome has been proposed, Syndrome E (Fried, Lancet, 1997). The purpose of such designation is not to medicalize this form of human behavior, but to provide a framework for future discussion and multidisciplinary discourse and for potential insights that might lead to early detection and prevention. The Brains that Pull the Triggers, a special conference under the auspices of the Paris Institute for Advanced Studies, will bring together scientists and scholars from the human, social and brain sciences along with guests from literature, politics, and law to bear upon this tragic invariant of the human condition.

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  • Mons

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Festivals in Hainaut at the time of Jacques du Broeucq

    The aim of the conference is to bring to widespread public notice a famed series of occasions when, as the hub of Renaissance Europe, the Low Countries commanded the continent’s attention, with Hainaut and its capital Mons featuring as the site of the most famous and influential events. These took place in 1549 when Charles V, Count of Hainaut and Holy Roman Emperor, attempted to determine the continent’s dynastic, political and economic future by nominating as his successor his son Philip of Spain. With this aim in mind, Charles’s sister Mary of Hungary commissioned a series of magnificent festivals, the most lavish of which took place in September of that year at her palaces close to Mons at Binche and Mariemont.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Geistesgeschichte

    Formalism/Idealism: Comparative Literary History (1860-1960)

    The colloquium at the Paris Center will make a case that the practice and theory of comparative literature in the 21st century must be accompanied by ongoing reflection on the history of the discipline.  In particular, the participants will ponder the following questions: how did Formalism (attention to artistic form, either atomized or holistic) coexist with Idealism (defined provisionally as resistance to positivism, empiricism, and even to “rationalism”) in different varieties of comparative literary history, as instantiated by these and other scholars? What kind of insight might a reconfiguration of the field that examines (rather than merely instantiating) the tension of Formalism/Idealism provide into the history of literary scholarship which customarily is divided into separate schools (literary evolutionism, Russian Formalism, Czech and French structuralism, New Criticism)? In what ways may the dilemmas of the age of the “splendeurs et misères” of comparative literature reflect on the discipline’s recent agendas?

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  • Den Haag

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Towards a New History of World War II?

    The history of WWII has been being written for the last 70 years. Witnesses, historians, actors, writers and many others have constructed our representation of the event. How will the WWII historiography evolve in Belgium and the Netherlands? How should historians interact with memorial politics and new media? Is it still relevant to consider WWII as a separate topic for research? How do digital humanities play a role? The latter are but a small number among the many questions that will be discussed at this international congress.

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  • Bukarest

    Beitragsaufruf - Epistemologie und Methoden

    Qualitative Research in Communication (2015)

    This conference  is dedicated to exploring qualitative methodology as an approach which enriches interdisciplinary understanding of communication phenomena. It aims to provide a venue for discussing related theories and methods, for presenting the results of research projects, and for assessing emerging trends.  An additional goal is to provide international researchers with a stimulating environment for cultivating current and future collaborative projects. We invite communication scholars and interdisciplinary colleagues to contribute papers in all of these areas, but particularly welcome those addressing the following themes: mediated interpersonal communication, intergenerational communication, communication and emotion, language and social interaction, digital media, and applied communication.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Darstellung

    The "Visual Studies Attitude"

    Theories and Practices of Visual Culture Today

    The journal Revista de Comunicação e linguagens is inviting submissions of original papers on theories and practices of visual culture today. We welcome both theoretical and case-study articles in English and Portuguese engaging with (among others):Photography; Film, moving-images and time-based media; New media; Scientific, technical and medical imagery; Debates around the power and agency of images; Practices of looking and modes of spectatorship; The “pictorial” or “iconic” turn; Debates about the value of the image in modern and post-modern culture; iconoclasm, iconophobia, and different media’s contribution to the (perceived) proliferation of images ; Images and literary texts.


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  • Belfast

    Beitragsaufruf - Amerika

    The Future Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance

    A Research meets Policy

    This workshop, entitled "The Future Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance: A Research meets Policy" will gather scholars and policy experts from multidisciplinary fields to assess the merits of various current developments in military-focused Human Performance Enhancement.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Ignorance, Nescience, Nonknowledge

    Late Medieval and Early Modern Coping with Unknowns

    The conference seeks to address how ignorance about phenomena in different epistemic fields of the late medieval and early modern world was recognized (or not), used and coped with, differently from modern times. The Paris part is devoted to the history of coping with Ignorance within the realm of the history of economy, Travel, Communication, Politics and Geography. 

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  • Rom

    Beitragsaufruf - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    La Libye en transition

    Élites, société civile et segmentarités dans la reconstruction étatique

    La Libye est aujourd’hui un symbole de la complexité des bouleversements qui travaillent et redessinent la rive Sud-méditerranéenne depuis les printemps arabes. Elle se singularise à la fois par une très forte instabilité et surtout par un rare enchevêtrement de fractures multiples qui se croisent et s’alimentent. Mais au-delà, les incertitudes et les trajectoires bousculées de la transition en Libye expriment, en les exacerbant, les difficultés et les écueils du processus de mutations sociétales et politiques qui touchent l’ensemble des sociétés sud-méditerranéennes. Aussi, le colloque se propose de questionner le processus de transition en Libye en lien avec les grandes interrogations que soulève ce processus à l’échelle de tout le monde arabe.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Afrika

    Migration, mobilités et développement en Afrique

    Le cycle de conférences MIGDEVRI entend établir des échanges approfondis entre chercheurs, praticiens et agents publics dans le domaine des migrations et de la mobilité sous régionale au sein de l’espace communautaire CEDEAO. Il est focalisé sur les mobilités Sud-Sud quelque peu délaissées par la recherche scientifique. Cinq axes de recherche sont proposés en priorité, tant pour les participants aux Ateliers de recherche MIGDEVRI que pour les candidats aux bourses de résidence junior.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Fortress Europe, Border Lampedusa

    Migrations across the Mediterranean Sea in cultural perspective

    This book aims to explore political, social, cultural, economic and artistic expressions of, and issues around, Lampedusa as a metaphor of several (visible and invisible) powers that, at different levels (micro, meso and macro), impinges on the relations between Europe and Africa/Asia, etc. The intent is to propose a comprehensive reflection contemplating several approaches and perspectives regarding the relationship of this island as first/last border of the Fortress Europe. Migration is the core topic, but it could be approached with different materials.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Erziehung

    Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education

    Quality et conduite de la valeur pour l'enseignement du supérieur (pédagogie, organisation etc.)

    This book will aim to provide identified and relevant proposals of good practices to promote the outcomes and favor the issues of Higher Education providers; proposals that integrate all stakeholders dialogic expectations (the clients: trainers, trainees, companies and society) in a resolutely innovative optical within the sense of sustainability and the EFQM Excellence model. Within theoretical results into perspective by the concrete practice work, clues will be presented to help quality through design process, pedagogy, organization and management for WIL in Higher Education. Value management principles and standards are considered as a global framework to develop such trainings to achieve success in a European Environment (European Standards and Guidelines) but not only: facing uncertainties and constraints. Obviously strategy, policy and leadership have to be considered.

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