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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Resisting to urban changes: voluntary associations for protection and enhancement of cultural heritage in Europe (1880-1940)

    EAUH 2018 Rome – Urban renewal and resilience cities in comparative perspective

    La session veut explorer l'histoire des associations volontaires, se concentrant sur la période 1880-1940, et mettre à jour le rôle qui ont joué les mouvements civiques dans la construction d'une conscience commune fondée sur l'identité et la dimension mémorielle. Seront retenues les propositions qui s'intéressent à un des aspects suivants : les élites professionnelles locales ; les associations nationales et internationales comme arènes de l'engagement de la société civile ; les autorités locales.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Policing foreigners in European cities during the long eighteenth-century

    Cette session accueille les propositions de communication qui s'intéressent à la manière dont les « étrangers » sont appréhendés par les polices urbaines en Europe, dans un XVIIIe siècle entendu largement, des années 1670-1680 aux premières décennies du XIXe siècle. Les communications peuvent porter sur la définition des « étrangers » et leur statut, l'apparition de catégories nationales, les pratiques policières et les interactions entre police et étrangers dans l'espace urbain, les transformations policières face aux étrangers, les interactions entre les pratiques locales et les politiques nationales. Nous souhaitons encourager à l'occasion de cette rencontre les comparaisons européennes.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    The Visual History Archive, Research Experience

    Founded by the film director Steven Spielberg in 1994, the Visual History Archive is a collection of testimonies recorded in order to preserve the words, faces, gestures and histories of genocide survivors. Digitized and indexed to the minute (with more than 62 000 keywords), the Visual History Archive is now reachable in full access in 66 universities and libraries in 14 countries. In France, it is fully accessible at the George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention of the American University of Paris and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon. Now more than ever, scholars can search the Visual History Archive for research on the Second World War or on the other crimes of mass violence which have been more recently appended to the collection. The aim of this journée d’étude is to gather scholars from different disciplines who have carried out research on or with the Visual History Archive. Participants will have the opportunity to share their research results and experiences.

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  • Utrecht

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Post-doctorate researcher in Coinage in Ancient Greece

    Anchoring Work Package 4

    The use of minted coins was one of the major innovations in the ancient world of the first millennium BCE. Invented in Lydia in the seventh century, coinage spread rapidly throughout the Greek world, first in the Greek cities in Asia Minor, next to Aegina and Athens and soon to the other cities across the Aegean and Mediterranean area. Before the introduction of minted coins, exchange was largely based on weights of precious metals, in smaller amounts weighed on scales, a practice to which striking fixed weights of metal seems just a small and logical step. Yet the swift success of coinage, evidenced by rapidly increasing number of Greek poleis adopting the new medium, shows that the potential of coins to surpass weighed bullion in practical use for all kinds of transactions was recognised early on.

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  • Sasso Marconi

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Africa narrates itself: media, opinions, influential figures

    These days communication and information are characterized by immediacy, speed, and interactivity. Facebook and Instagram accounts, YouTube channels, and blogs transmit a perpetual flow of information, shared videos, pictures, and other content which creates networks and incentivizes sharing in a constantly evolving language. Contemporary mass media therefore ensures that, today more than ever, people in African countries are at the same time autonomous producers and users of a debate, through partly traditional, partly innovative channels, about life in Africa and African communities’ identity, with a tale that travels across the borders of individual countries and the continent itself.

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  • Hilversum

    Colloque - Représentations

    Video Tracing and Tracking in Digital Humanities Research

    Symposium at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision

    During the past decade, a massive body of audiovisual heritage has become digitally accessible, on websites of archives, through initiatives such as and, and on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. The symposium Video Tracing and Tracking in Digital Humanities Research explores the possibilities of using fingerprinting and video tracking technologies in this area in general and for research into the circulation and appropriation of digital audiovisual heritage in particular.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Post-soviet diaspora(s) in Western Europe (1991-2017)

    Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, millions of former soviet citizens crossed the national borders in search of better lives in new countries, in what was the biggest migration tide since the end of World War II. These Post-Soviet migrants were diverse in origins, strategies and expectations. They often represented a challenge to the orthodox views of migration processes, since in most cases these flows could not be easily described and analysed following commonly accepted theoretical frameworks. Everybody seemed to be on the move: labour migrants, political refugees, cross-border traders, “tourists” planning to forget their return... and in a short period, they spread all over Western Europe.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Hermeneutics of symbol, myth and “modernity of Antiquity” in Italian Literature and the Arts from the Renaissance up to the present day

    The hermeneutics of the “modernity of antiquity” is a still pioneering branch of research in Italian literature and art studies. Its aim is to discover the hidden meaning of works of literature and arts where other approaches failed or proved unsatisfactory.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Border towns and the resilience of frontiers in Early Modern cities

    The session welcomes contributions that deal with questions of shifting borders and how these shifts impacted the political, social, economic or religious organization of a given city or cities in Europe. Papers may focus on questions of practice, concerning the resilience of local political elites and administrations or the local population. They may also deal with the contemporary considerations to change the space of both cities and states, political agendas, procedures to implement them and the 'instruments' to control these implementations.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Cosmopolitanism revisited

    Comparative Perspectives on Urban Diversity from the Gulf and Beyond

    This conference aims to revisit the notion of cosmopolitanism in Gulf cities and other regional areas from a comparative perspective. It will be a unique opportunity for scholars of the Gulf and other world regions to engage with cosmopolitanism or otherwise probe the intersection of global studies, urban studies and migration studies from a range of disciplines. More specifically, panels will be organized around the following research themes:“cosmopolitan canopy”, cosmopolitanism in theoretical and comparative perspectives, new geographies of cosmopolitanism in Gulf cities.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Contextualizing bankruptcy

    Publicity, space and time (Europe, 17th to 19th c.)

    Although bankruptcy is a rather exceptional situation in the life of a merchant, it has explanatory power for routines of economic stakeholders. Considering the long, non-uniform and unsteady transition from merchant capitalism to industrial and financial capitalism, we suggest to start a dialog between modernistes and contemporanéistes. The workshop focuses on the various forms of contextualizing business failure and puts forward three major research axes: Covering and uncovering/secrecy and publicity; economic space and area of jurisdiction; temporal narratives of (in)solvency.

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  • Francfort-sur-le-Main

    Colloque - Europe

    Nouvelles orientations pour les bibliothèques, les chercheurs et les partenariats

    Un symposium international

    Un symposium, New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships aura lieu le vendredi 13 octobre 2017 à la Bibliothèque nationale allemande lors de la Salon du livre de Francfort. Le symposium est organisé par le Collaboratif international des fonds documentaires en langue française (CIFNAL) et le partenariat germano-nord-américain sur les ressources (GNARP), deux projets de travail du Centre for Research Libraries (Chicago, États-Unis), avec le soutien de la Bibliothèque nationale allemande et autres partenaires français, allemands et internationaux. Les sujets de session comprennent : les collections et la collaboration ; érudition numérique ; la révolution de l'édition ; nouvelles dimensions du service aux étudiants et étudiants ; et de nouvelles stratégies pour les services et les partenariats.

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  • Washington

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Franciscans in Mexico

    Five Centuries of Cultural Influence

    Generations of scholars have studied the multi-faceted experiences of the Franciscans in Mexico and the ways in which the Franciscan order shaped New Spain and the early Mexican republic. This conference examines the range of Franciscan influence and analyzes new scholarship that focuses on the multiple discourses with which friars engaged native peoples, creole populations, the vice-regal authorities, and other actors throughout the Spanish empire.  The conference brings together junior and senior scholars to study the long Franciscan experience in Mexico on the eve of the commemoration of the quincentenary of the Spanish — and thus the Franciscan— presence in Mexico.

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  • Jequié

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration

    "Odeere" Journal

    Since mental health is perceived as a result of ethnic relations within a societal context, the Editors of this special issue are inviting authors from diverse areas of knowledge to submit their papers on the theme “Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration”. The objective of this Special Issue is to offer a perspective about the aforementioned facets of the Brazilian and international contexts grounded from the experiences of researchers from multiple disciplines. This will inspire the debate about this field of research and the development of reflections about social policies.

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  • Sheffield

    Colloque - Asie

    New research on the History of Chinese gardens and landscapes

    Organised by Dr Jan Woudstra in conjunction with the Gardens Trust, the event will look at new discoveries in the field from both professionals and post-graduate students from around the world. Dr Alison Hardie will introduce the conference and outline the importance that Maggie Keswick’s 1978 book The Chinese Garden, History Art and Architecture has played in the subject. It is a unique opportunity to hear speakers from UK and International institutions to present their new research in the field. Talks will cover subjects as wide-ranging as Jesuit water landscapes, gardens as museums, Feng Shui symbolism and botanical watercolours.

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  • Melbourne

    Colloque - Océanie

    Nouvelle-Caledonie et l'imagination intellectuelle

    This symposium co-convened by Scott Robertson (ANU) and Ingrid Sykes (La Trobe University) will draw together leading researchers from a variety of different backgrounds to discuss the way in which contemporary and historical New Caledonia reconfigures our understandings of key-defining areas of Western humanities and social scientific thought. It will be held in French.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Pouvoirs et médias, pouvoir des médias

    Regards sur les Amériques

    A l’occasion de son 11ème numéro, RITA propose d’interroger dans sa section théma les liens entre pouvoir et médias dans les Amériques. Plusieurs pistes de réflexion peuvent d’ores et déjà être évoquées sans pour autant êtres exclusives. Des articles qui porteront sur l’analyse critique des médias officiels ou sur les médias d’opposition, dans des contextes historiques et géographiques variés, seront naturellement les bienvenus. D’autres contributions pourront porter sur les effets des différentes formes de traitement médiatique réservées aux mouvement populaires. Des analyses critiques sur les relations entre médias et pouvoirs économiques sont également encouragées. Le dossier pourra également intégrer des réflexions sur la diversification récente des médias d’information, en se focalisant par exemple sur l’émergence des médias « alternatifs » sur Internet, ou traiter également du pouvoir des fake news dans la construction des représentations collectives. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe

    First issue of new journal “Early Modern Low Countries”

    In the spring of 2017, Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC) will publish its first issue. The new open access journal will appear in two installments every year, containing high-quality, original scholarship for an international readership on any aspect of the history and culture of the Low Countries between 1500 and 1800. The successor of two well-reputed Dutch-language journals (De Zeventiende Eeuw and De Achttiende Eeuw) EMLC aspires to publish papers by scholars from various disciplinary backgrounds working anywhere in the world.

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