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  • Paris

    Seminar - Representation

    1959-1985, through the prism of the Paris Biennial

    Cette session vise à discuter la valeur symbolique, culturelle et politique de la Biennale de Paris, des années 1950 aux années 1970, et sa réception dans deux contextes totalitaires de part et d'autre du rideau de fer. D'une part, une analyse critique de la Biennale de Paris par la presse polonaise du tournant des années 1950-1960 permettra de positionner cet événement par rapport au climat politique fluctuant de la période et aux débats locaux sur le statut de l'art moderne. D'autre part, l'étude de l'interaction entre les institutions franquistes, les artistes et la Biennale aidera à comprendre la position de cet événement (et son instrumentalisation) dans le contexte des politiques culturelles du régime aussi bien que dans celui de la montée des mouvements hostiles à la dictature et des luttes pour la construction de l'art moderne en Espagne.

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  • Frankfurt

    Conference, symposium - Europe

    New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships

    An International Symposium

    A symposium, New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships, will take place on Friday, October 13, 2017, at the German National Library during the Frankfurt Book Fair. The Symposium is sponsored by the Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) and the German-North American Resources Partnership (GNARP), both working projects of the Center for Research Libraries (Chicago, USA), with support from the German National Library and other French, German, and international partners. Session topics include: collections and collaboration; digital scholarship; the publishing revolution; new dimensions of service to scholars and students; and new strategies for services and partnerships.

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  • Call for papers - America

    Power and media, media power Insights on the Americas

    Insights on the Americas

    For its 11th issue, RITA proposes to interrogate the links between power and media in the Americas. Several areas of debate can be suggested, although they should not be considered as exclusive. Articles making a critical analysis of official media as well as opposition media, in varied historical and geographical contexts, will of course be welcome. Other articles may deal with the treatment of popular movements by the media. Critical reflections on the relationship between media and economic power are also encouraged. The Thema section can also include analysis of the current diversification of information media by focusing, for instance, on the emergence of “alternative” media on the Internet, or on the power of fake news over the construction of collective representations.

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  • Call for papers - Europe

    First issue of new journal “Early Modern Low Countries”

    In the spring of 2017, Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC) will publish its first issue. The new open access journal will appear in two installments every year, containing high-quality, original scholarship for an international readership on any aspect of the history and culture of the Low Countries between 1500 and 1800. The successor of two well-reputed Dutch-language journals (De Zeventiende Eeuw and De Achttiende Eeuw) EMLC aspires to publish papers by scholars from various disciplinary backgrounds working anywhere in the world.

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