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  • Nicosie

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Inter-disciplinary Approaches and (to) Political Science

    PhD Symposium of the Cyprus Association of Political Science

    The Symposium aims at giving the opportunity to PhD students based in Cyprus as well as abroad who are interested in inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches in the social sciences to present their work, critically discuss the work of their peers, as well as engage in a process of learning and developing further their ideas, skills and previous research. Particularly encouraged to attend are those who are motivated to integrate political science with other disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, social geography, social psychology, economics and history or those whose work is relevant beyond their immediate discipline. Three questions drive the collective explorations that constitute the Symposium’s logic. Are there connections between political science and other social sciences that remain unexplored so far? In which ways can the doctoral and further study of politics benefit and be benefitted by inter-disciplinary approaches? How can debates around research design, methods and more broadly the organization of scientific study be cross-fertilized most efficiently across the social sciences?


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  • Angoulême

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Industries culturelles et créatives de l'enfance et de la jeunesse

    VIIIe Colloque international « Child and Teen Consumption »

    Le colloque interdisciplinaire « Child and Teen Consumption » vise à faciliter un dialogue approfondi entre chercheurs de diverses disciplines : gestion, psychologie, sociologie, information et communication, anthropologie, histoire, sciences de l’éducation, droit, etc. La 8e édition centrée sur le thème « Youth and Creative Industries » vise à mettre en valeur les recherches dans ce domaine et invite les producteurs de contenus culturels à apporter leur point de vue aux débats.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Sociologie

    Les lundis de l'Institut national des études démographiques (Ined) (2017-2018)

    D'octobre à juin, l’Institut national des études démographiques (Ined) organise un séminaire hebdomadaire. Lieu d’échanges scientifiques pluridisciplinaires autour d’une grande diversité de questions de population, des chercheurs de l’institut ou des invités extérieurs y présentent leurs travaux qui sont discutés par un pair.

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  • 2017 - Octobre - 09

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  • Économie

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