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  • Call for papers - Religion

    Religious pluralism and social diversity: religions in the European public space

    “Identity”, wrote historian Tony Judt, “is a dangerous word”. Indeed identity politics today, often based on essentialized, ahistorical notions of religion and nation, call into question the bases of pluralistic, multi-ethnic and multireligious societies in Europe and beyond. This conference will explore some of the ways in which cultural and religious pluralism has always been a central element of European society and how it continues to be so today. We will look at how various European states have accommodated religion in general and diverse religious organizations, paying particular attention to questions of group identity and individual freedoms and of the distinctions between public and private space. We will remain attentive to the networks of exchange and the relations between societies and states in constant flux. We will bear in mind the constant question of the difficult definition of “Europe”, of which European states and societies we are discussing. Today’s Europe, often simplistically identified with a specific political project, the European Union, and with its relations with its Mediterranean and eastern neighbors, is not the same Europe as that of 1914, much less that of the Middle Ages or the 16th century.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Law

    Historical Capitalism and International Law

    From the refugee crisis to climate change, from international terrorism to the ascent of extreme right governments, from increasing inequalities to new identity-based conflicts: the promises of liberal economic globalisation seem to be under attack all over. As a result, reflections on the relations between economy and society are increasingly present in the public debate, notably from the perspective of a more radical critique of the very basis of the capitalist system.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Borders, circulation, daily life and illegality (1939-1945)

    L’historiographie de la seconde guerre mondiale s’est largement focalisée, depuis 1945, sur les particularismes nationaux et les perspectives régionales et nationales. Ces études mettent en lumière l’histoire ou la micro-histoire d’une société, plus ou moins étendue géographiquement, confrontée à l’irruption de la guerre souvent suivie par celle de la botte nazie. L'objectif de ce colloque est, à l'inverse d'explorer la perspective transnationale en prenant pour objet central les dynamiques liées à la proximité d’une frontière et des espaces transfrontaliers durant la seconde guerre mondiale.

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  • Lisbon

    Call for papers - Geography

    Post-soviet diaspora(s) in Western Europe (1991-2017)

    Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, millions of former soviet citizens crossed the national borders in search of better lives in new countries, in what was the biggest migration tide since the end of World War II. These Post-Soviet migrants were diverse in origins, strategies and expectations. They often represented a challenge to the orthodox views of migration processes, since in most cases these flows could not be easily described and analysed following commonly accepted theoretical frameworks. Everybody seemed to be on the move: labour migrants, political refugees, cross-border traders, “tourists” planning to forget their return... and in a short period, they spread all over Western Europe.

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  • Call for papers - Urban studies

    Migration and exile among architects, urbanists and landscape architects in the modern era

    Cahiers de la recherche architecturale, urbaine et paysagère

    À l’échelle des grands bouleversements tels que ceux connus par le monde au XXe siècle, la migration de l’architecte, de l’urbaniste, du ou de la paysagiste peut apparaître comme un épiphénomène. Pourtant, le nombre et la diversité de ces trajectoires révèlent sans aucun doute de riches enseignements à propos de la circulation des idées, des techniques et des savoir-faire à l’ère contemporaine. Qu’ils relèvent de la migration économique, de l’exil politique, de l’exode ou de l’évasion, ces « voyages subis » témoignent d’une histoire culturelle de ces différentes figures professionnelles qui nécessite d’être prise en considération.

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  • London

    Call for papers - History

    New approches to Ruskin on Art and Architecture

    In advance of his bicentenary in 2019 this conference will provide the opportunity togather together, present and exchange new approaches by emerging scholars to the work of the nineteenth-century art critic, art writer, art historian, artist and social commentator John Ruskin, with particular emphasis on his work on art and architecture as understood to constitute the kernel of Ruskin’s engagement with human society and experience.

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  • Issy-les-Moulineaux

    Call for papers - History

    The punk scene in France (1976-2016) - moshing in the city

    L’objectif de cette journée d’étude est de déconstruire l’image d’un punk parisien strictement parisien pour regarder au-delà du « périph » – questionnant simultanément l’histoire des musiques populaires en banlieue qui ne se réduit pas à celle du rap.

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  • Rennes

    Call for papers - History

    The punk scene in Rennes (1976-2016)

    Cette journée d’étude a pour objectif de questionner les enracinements rennais du punk tant au point de vue de leur singularité, de leur originalité géographique et culturelle, que de celui des influences et tensions entre centre et périphérie, voire entre régions. Il s’agira d’éclairer l’activité punk dans la ville et dans la région de Rennes (musiciens, créateurs, artistes, gens de radio, magasins de disques, organisateurs de concerts, labels, etc.), de questionner la spécificité et l’identité propre du punk rennais et de ses ancrages bretons, de susciter des études autour des transferts culturels qui participent d’une traduction du punk à l’échelle locale, voire régionale. Enfin, certains aspects comme les rivalités et porosités entre villes et réseaux de musiciens et d’acteurs (Rennes et Nantes, Rennes et Saint-Malo, Rennes et la capitale) pourront faire l’objet d’approches particulières.

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  • Rome

    Summer School - History

    Writing the history of urban societies. Antiquity - Middle Ages (Rome, Italy, and the West)

    Research initiation workshop (masters)

    Ce deuxième atelier d'initiation à la recherche organisé par l’École française de Rome à destination des étudiant(e)s de Mmster 1 et 2 inscrit(e)s dans une université française, sera consacré à l’histoire sociale de Rome au cours des périodes antique et médiévale. Plus largement, cette semaine de formation peut intéresser les masterant(e)s dont les recherches portent sur l’histoire des sociétés urbaines d’Italie et d’Occident, dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge.

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  • Jequié

    Call for papers - Modern

    Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration

    "Odeere" Journal

    Since mental health is perceived as a result of ethnic relations within a societal context, the Editors of this special issue are inviting authors from diverse areas of knowledge to submit their papers on the theme “Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration”. The objective of this Special Issue is to offer a perspective about the aforementioned facets of the Brazilian and international contexts grounded from the experiences of researchers from multiple disciplines. This will inspire the debate about this field of research and the development of reflections about social policies.

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  • Ghent

    Call for papers - Representation

    Male bonds in nineteenth-century art

    Male Bonds is a two-day international conference that aims to explore the place of male bonds in nineteenth-century artistic practice and visual arts. The conference invites participants to reflect on the ways in which changing notions of masculinity and male sexuality impacted forms of sociability between men in the artistic scene of the long nineteenth century. In so doing, it seeks to build a bridge between traditional art-historical scholarship and the fields of gender and gay and lesbian studies.

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  • Marseille

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    Corpses in our rubbish bins

    Human Remains & Waste Spaces from Prehistory to the Present Day

    In both modern and archaeological contexts, many human remains are uncovered from structures that contain waste (such as broken pottery, food waste, and so on). These depositions are probably not merely evidence of a simple abandonment, or of depriving somebody of a grave. They are often associated with a deliberate intention to consider the body negatively –in whole or in part–, or to liken it to a piece of rubbish. For what reasons is this done? Where, when, and in what contexts do we find these depositions? Denying somebody a funeral seems in some cases a double outrage. Is this the case always and everywhere? How, by whom and why are some individuals deliberately thrown into rubbish dumps or landfill sites? Who are these individuals? Interpreting these configurations—whether they arise from archaeological or forensic discoveries –is always difficult, and has up until now impeded a wider understanding of this phenomenon.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Engineers and appraisals - technical and management knowledge through the prism of industrial compatability (1850-1950)

    Cahiers d'histoire du Cnam journal

    Ce numéro spécial des Cahiers d’histoire du Cnam portera sur l'orientation des missions des ingénieurs vers la rationalisation du processus productif au niveau des approvisionnements, dans l’écoulement des produits et dans la mobilisation du capital humain, et ce dans la phase de développement de la grande entreprise industrielle (années 1850-1950).

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