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  • Londres

    Informations diverses - Représentations

    Antoine Vérard's early printed books

    British Library

    Antoine Vérard was a major Parisian editor and publisher of the late 15th and early 16th century and is well known for his production of illustrated books. After the death of Caxton, he became the main provider of French printed books for the royal library of Henry VII

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  • Ypres

    Colloque - Histoire

    To end all wars?

    Geopolitical aftermath and commemorative legacies of the first world war

    Taking worldwide perspectives, this unique and prestigious conference brings together international specialists including Jay Winter, Nicolas Offenstadt, Carole Fink, Stefan Berger, Bruce Scates, Pieter Lagrou, Piet Chielens and many others. They will discuss and reflect upon the consequences of the new geopolitical order that came into being after the First World War, and how that war and its legacy have been remembered up to the present day.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    The old Babylonian Diyala: research since the 1930s and prospects

    The region around the river Diyala, which runs approximately 500 km, from the mountains between Iraq and Iran, down to the south of Baghdad where it joins the Tigris, was the home of dozens of cities, villages and communities during the long history of ancient Mesopotamia. In the first centuries of the second millennium BCE, the strategic position of the region turned it into a point of articulation, dispute and mediation of the Babylonian area in the south and the Assyrian area in the north. Added to the growing power of the city of Eshnunna, this led the region to play a significant role in the international politics of those times.

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  • Budapest

    Informations diverses - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Call for Guest-Editors : Volume III, Issue I. 2019

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence is looking for a Guest-Editor for its May 2019 issue. Preferred topics are : (1) violence and technology; (2) philosophical perspectives on modern wars; (3) reflections on conflict and violence pertaining to the work of a modern western philosopher. 

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Using European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for demographic analysis in Europe

    The European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is a unique data source, due to its country coverage, the large set of socio-economic variables it provides and the possibility to merge household members. EU-SILC is not specifically designed to study demographic issues, but is becoming increasingly popular for demographic analysis. This conference aims to present different ways to use the EU-SILC to study fertility, marriage, and other aspects of demographic interest. The first part of the conference will be focused on the presentation of the dataset and on the quality of demographic measures. The second part will present demographic research based on EU-SILC.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Vérité et fiction

    15th annual conference of the International Medieval Society

    Le Ve colloque annuel de l’International Medieval Society (IMS-Paris) est organisé en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris (LAMOP) et le Centre d’étude et de recherches antiques et médiévales (CERAM), cette année sur le thème de « Verité et fiction ». 

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Économie

    Kidney allocation: Evaluation and perspectives

    These last years, the graft assignment schemes, in particular for kidneys, have experienced profound changes. Several of these changes have occurred through collaborations among researchers and practitioners. The program for the workshop “Kidney allocation : Evaluation and Perspectives” will be along these lines. The first goal is to present and assess the practices in France and in Europe as well as the perspectives of evolutions. In a second step, recent researches will be presented, at the frontier of economics and operation research, with the objective of understanding the theoretical properties of these allocation schemes and of developing tools for empirical analysis.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    La vie des objets en Chine

    Over the last twenty years, material culture studies have occupied a growing place in the social sciences. How does this growing interest in objects and material culture reveal itself in Chinese studies? Choosing from different disciplines and different periods, this AFEC workshop aims to examine how to approach objects in the humanities and social sciences—from everyday objects to natural objects, consumer goods, technical or scientific instruments, objects of study or devotion, or ritual objects and works of art. By bringing together specialists from different fields (history, art history, archaeology, technology, anthropology, literature, sociology, etc.), the workshop explores the life, trajectory and the possible metamorphoses of the value, status and function of objects, as well as the relationships these artefacts have with individuals—raising in addition questions of their social uses—by focusing on their religious, symbolic, political, economic, emotional or memorial dimensions.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Southwest Indian Ocean Islands : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development, security and regional cooperation

    Journal of the Indian Ocean Region

    For this special issue on the "Southwest Indian Ocean Islands: challenges and opportunities for sustainable development, security and regional cooperation", the Journal of the Indian Ocean Region would like to receive proposals on any of the three proposed themes as well as on one, several or all the island entities of the region.

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  • Cork

    Journée d'étude - Religions

    Mendicants on the margins

    A one-day symposium on the theme of “Mendicants on the Margins” will take place at University College Cork on the 27 June 2018. It is organised as part of the IRC-funded project “Spiritual Infrastructure, Space and Society: The Augustinian Friars in Late Medieval Ireland”. Speakers from Ireland and abroad will tackle a variety of aspects relating to the geenral theme on Mendicants on the Margins, from mendicant orders in geographical margins, the lesser-known orders such as the Augustinian friars, female communities and the Franciscan Third Order, to mendicant communities on the margins of the traditional model of urban mendicancy, such as foundations in non-urban environments, and aspects of mendicant studies challenging the traditional historiography of mendicant orders.

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  • Montréal

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Challenging migrant detention: Human rights, advocacy and mental health

    Join researchers, advocates, lawyers, clinicians, decision-makers and migrants from around the world to explore global trends and avenues for change in immigration detention. Drawing on experiences of detention and resistance in multiple countries, we will discuss strategies to challenge migrant detention, including research, litigation and community mobilization.

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    History of the computerization and digitalization of banking activities and services

    Doctoral candidate in Contemporary History

    The University of Luxembourg invites applications for its Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH): Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Contemporary History and History of the computerization and digitalization of banking activities and services.

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    Litany in the Arts and Culture

    Scholars representing various disciplines are kindly encouraged to submit paper proposals focusing on litanies and their forms and representations in different spheres of culture, including liturgy, literature, music, the visual arts, spirituality, and philosophy. The book Litany in the Arts and Culture edited by Witold Sadowski (University of Warsaw) and Francesco Marsciani (University of Bologna) and composed of selected best papers will be proposed for publication to the editorial board of the Brepols series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    Art, life and politics

    American printmaking from the 1960s to today

    The Terra Foundation is honored to collaborate with the Fondation Custodia and the British Museum on the exhibition The American Dream: Pop to the Present. Prints from the British Museum, a presentation of modern and contemporary American prints from the British Museum collection. To mark the opening of The American Dream, join us for “Art, Life and Politics: American Printmaking from the 1960s to Today” a two-day international conference organized in conjunction with the exhibit. Speakers will look at the ways printmaking has engaged with and often challenged American society and politics from the 1960s to today.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    La guerre comme zone de contact au XIXe siècle

    Cette journée d’étude se propose d’initier un débat sur les formes de la rencontre et celles des transferts en temps de guerre pendant un « long dix-neuvième siècle » (1789-1914). Nous souhaitons également travailler sur la manière dont les historiens utilisent les nouvelles méthodes numériques et transforment les études de cas de façon à rendre leurs résultats plus largement accessibles. Le choix de cette période est déterminé par la richesse de ses multiples innovations dans des domaines comme la communication, les transports de masse, l’armement, le droit international concernant la conduite de la guerre, qui ont alimenté une fructueuse réflexion sur le fait de savoir si le XIXe siècle ouvrait la voie à la totalisation de l’activité guerrière ou s’il devait être évalué en ses propres termes.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    One century of Diaspora

    Reflection day about emigration public policies

    It is suggested a day of reflection about public policies linked to Portuguese diasporas in order to identify its characteristics, its influences and its evolution and from a comparative approach, between the different communities in the world.

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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La presse francophone dans les Amériques

    La culture et la langue françaises ont joué un rôle important dans le monde, tout particulièrement dans la presse du XIXe siècle, phénomène qui s’étend jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle et s’est développée grâce à l’expansion des moyens techniques de production et de communication, permettant la circulation des modèles de presse et des sujets traités, ainsi que la constitution d’imaginaires mondialisés. Ce congrès est ainsi consacré à rassembler des chercheurs dédiés à l’étude de la presse périodique francophone dans les Amériques du XIXe et début du XXe siècle, comme journaux, revues et almanachs.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Health Literacy and Physical Literacy in Library Practice

    This special issue of Open Information Science seeks submissions related to the theme of "Health Literacy and Physical Literacy in Library Practice." We invite case studies focused on services and programs offered in particular libraries, as well as general analyses of how libraries support health and physical literacies. This special issue seeks to deepen our understanding of how libraries support health literacy and physical literacy through their programs, services, and spaces. We also invite submissions on challenges libraries confront, as well as philosophical and theoretical submissions on the place of health literacy or physical literacy within library practice. Finally, submissions focused on professional or continuing education programs focused on enabling library professionals to better support these literacies are invited. Submissions are invited on library practices in any type of library environment (i.e. academic, school, public). Submissions on public library practices are especially encouraged.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Représentations

    Femmes artistes à l’âge classique (arts du dessin, peinture, sculpture, gravure)

    Comment ces artistes sont-elles désignées, et de quelle manière préfèrent-elles se nommer ? Le siècle hésite à se saisir d’expressions pour les qualifier. Quelles sont les conditions de travail et de vie de ces artistes ? De quelles façons apprennent-elles leur art, où peuvent-elles l’exercer et l’exposer, avec qui à leurs côtés ? Quelle est la réception de leur art dans les Salons et les journaux de l’époque, en France et en Europe ? En quelle réputation – nationale et internationale, bonne ou mauvaise – sont-elles ?


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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Ordonner l’Église (II)

    Communautés cléricales et communautés monastiques dans le monde carolingien (VIIIe-Xe siècle)

    Ce colloque entend appréhender les évolutions des communautés cléricales et monastiques d’époque carolingienne afin d’interroger les effets concrets de la réforme de 816-819 et la notion même d’institutionnalisation de l’Église, dont on fait souvent un des traits caractéristiques de la période. Il s’agira d’observer de quelle manière étaient organisées ces institutions, entre le VIIIe et la fin du Xe siècle, sans préjuger d’une rupture en un temps donné, afin de mieux mesurer ce qui caractérisait les différents types de communautés (monastiques et canoniques / canoniales) et à quel point l'effort réformateur mené à l’initiative de la cour constitue ou non une inflexion majeure dans l’histoire de l’organisation de l’Église et des communautés ecclésiastiques.

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