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  • Amman

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Puppets on screen

    In this symposium project, puppets are considered through their tangible links with a manipulator who could be visible, hidden by a classical stage device (curtain, base...) or acting off-camera, “between the frames” (stop motion). It excludes, at first glance, the 3D modeled figurines, even if they often are mentioned as “puppets”. These creatures, made of foam, wood, paper, and who can be realistic or abstract, are considered through a media existence (television, cinema, web) which has enriched the subgenres of post-war fiction, deals with subjects that could not be filmed in real capture, or offers the opportunity to experiment a great variety of tones and points of view in video practice, without geographical or temporal restrictions. Thus, the symposium will provide the opportunity to explore fields on the margins of research as well as to present the current knowledge on the topic, eventually opening new perspectives in the studies.

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  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Challenging Power and Inequality: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East

    Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the 2021 issue of the Civil Society Review on Challenging Power and Inequality: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East. This CSR issue is interested in exploring the current landscape of gender and social justice activism both in Lebanon and across the MENA region through the lens of the myriad power dynamics embedded within the fields of “gender” and “gender equality” work and activism. 

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  • Paris | Kyōto | Villeneuve-d'Ascq | Tokyo

    Séminaire - Asie

    Spatialité au Japon

    Séminaire du réseau scientifique thématique Japarchi, années 2019-2020

    Le séminaire annuel « Spatialité au Japon » du réseau scientifique thématique Japarchi se poursuit en 2019. En s’intéressant à un ensemble de notions et de dispositifs fondamentaux de la culture spatiale du Japon, il s’inscrit dans la continuité de l’« encyclopédie ouverte » publiée en 2014 Vocabulaire de la spatialité japonaise. Les interventions prennent appui et se concentrent sur un terme ou une expression. Cette année les entrées thématiques proposées portaient sur : 1) la notion de paysage au Japon, 2) des termes désignant des lieux, moments, rituels associés à l’hospitalité et à sa spatialisation (architecture, ville, milieu rural, paysage, jardin), dans l’histoire et aujourd’hui, 3) la notion d’espaces publics au Japon et de l’ensemble des termes et expressions usuels propres à qualifier ces espaces et définir leurs usages, 4) la ville et l’architecture soutenables, 5) les mobilités urbaines 6) la rétraction urbaine 7) les effets du tourisme dans les espaces. 

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  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Économies politiques de la recherche en sciences sociales dans le monde arabe  

    Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the 2021 issue of the Civil Society Review on Political economy of research in social sciences in the Arab world. Axes of reflection identified and that can guide contributions: Institutional configurations and actors’ rationale in the Arab world: how are political economies of research in social sciences organised?, Research agendas, methods and paradigms: the constrained choices of research., Researchers’ trajectories in the Arab world: functions, carriers, values.

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  • 2019 - Novembre

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  • Asie

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