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  • Le Caire

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Diasporas, bienfaisance et fabrique des appartenances

    Une histoire connectée des pratiques du bien en Égypte à l’âge impérial (XIXe-XXe siècles)

    Egypt was a space of circulation in the 19th and 20th centuries; a pole of attraction for migrants from Europe and around the Mediterranean. Numerous individuals from Ottoman provinces choose it as a place of exile. Greeks, Italians and Maltese, to name the most numerous groups, swelled the ranks of populations of European origin, which was chiefly concentrated in urban centres. Numerous institutions and charities were created to support these mobile populations. A space of rivalry between different actors (consulates, associations, missionaries, philanthropists, etc), charity in the context of diaspora/diasporic communities/groups has not been sufficiently studied. Inspired by recent works in connected history, this workshop aims to approach charity from a relational perspective, through a comparison of the discourses on and the practices of ‘goodwill’ implemented by different groups.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Artistic, Digital, and Political Creation in English-Speaking African Countries

    Africa 2020

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. Even if this cultural focus cannot be abstracted from a broader geopolitical agenda marred by controversial presidential declarations, it nevertheless has the potential to offer a somewhat different coverage of the continent. One can only hope that it avoids the temptation to officially “curate into being” “exceptional” artists (Dovey), tapping into the all-too-familiar image of Africa as “the supreme receptacle of the West’s obsession with, and circular discourse about, the facts of ‘absence,’ ‘lack,’ and ‘non-being,’ of identity and difference” (Mbembe).


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  • Padoue

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Crisis and infrastructures: responses to change between materiality and immateriality

    A dialogue between Anthropology, Geography and History

    The purpose of the conference is to explore the interactions between crised and infrastructures starting from a pivotal question: is it possibile to consider transitional processes as moments of "a transformazion that includes some essential elements of the previous phase?" (Pombeni 2013: 12) Or are they to be intended just as a dramatic interruptions and breaks? PhD Students, Post-Docs and Research Fellows of historical, geographical and anthropological training are invited to partecipate in the construction of a moment of dialogue and excange. The aim is to stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion that will encompass all historiographical epochs, from antiquity to the present day, and question not only the role of infrastructure in the resolution of crises, but also the various implications of critical moments and of their conception.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Représentations

    Contemporary American Fiction in the Face of Technical Innovation

    Cette conférence se propose d'interroger les relations de la fiction américaine aux innovations qui ont marqué les premières décennies du XXIe siècle : internet, médias sociaux, objets et environnements intelligents, intelligence artificielle, nanotechnologies, ingénierie génétique et autres biotechnologies, transhumanisme. Ces innovations techniques redéfinissent la manière dont nous habitons notre monde, interagissons les uns avec les autres et appréhendons l'humain dans son rapport de plus en plus étroit à la machine, non plus, comme autrefois, soigné ou réparé, mais désormais augmenté ou remplacé. Qu'en est-il alors de nos pratiques artistiques et culturelles ? Ces avancées récentes modifient-ils la langue et la littérature ?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Digital research infrastructures in social and cultural anthropology

    Approaches and challenges for conducting, archiving and sharing research

    This panel addresses the debate about challenges and implications of digitisation and datafication in ethnographic research, by taking into account digital tools and services for social and cultural anthropologists that are currently under way.

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  • Hambourg

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Research Associates for the projet “romanization and islamication in late Antiquity”

    Two post-doctoral and two PhD positions at the Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”

    The Center for advanced study "romanislam - center for comparative empire and transcultural studies" funded by the german research foundation (DFG), invites applications for research associates (1 postdoc, 1 phd position ancient history, 1 postdoc, 1 phd position islamic studies) for the project “romanization and islamication in late antiquity - transcultural processes on the iberian peninsula and in North Africa”.

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Les réseaux littéraires de May Sinclair

    This international conference explores the diversity of connections, inspirations and influences in the work of modernist writer, May Sinclair (1863-1946). It will be held at the University of Nantes (France) on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th June 2019.

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  • Certaldo

    École thématique - Histoire

    New Dimensions of the Political: Gaia and the Republic

    The Spring School, organized by Alexander Etkind (European University Institute) and Oleg Kharkhordin (European University at St. Petersburg), will focus on three major concentrations: classical republicanism and its modern relevance; climate crisis and the modern state; nature in history and philosophy.

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  • New York

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Europe

    American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives Fellowship Program

    The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for its 2020 fellowship program.

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  • Clermont-Ferrand

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Thinking the future of work in agriculture

    IInd International Symposium on Work in Agriculture

    1.3 billion people work in agriculture, the sector representing 25 % of the total employment in the world. Work in agriculture faces continuities, such as i) the ongoing model of a dominant family-based activity but also with a high contribution of wage earners to the work (42 % of farmworkers are salaried); ii) the large diversity of work contents due to the various production systems (vegetables, crops, indoor or outdoor livestock, etc.) and to the various models of work organization (taylorism, cooperation, externalization of tasks). iii) the more and more meaningful contribution of migrants to farm work particularly in many OECD countries; iv) the end of ignorance of the negative impacts of chemicals on workers’ health ; v) the consolidation of global chains and its reflects on work and labor governance; vi)  the use of new technologies (robots, sensors, internet) that modify work rhythms, workload and the skills required under the paradigm of Agricultures 4.0.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Embodied interactions, languaging and the dynamic medium (ELDM 2020)

    The Embodied interactions, Languaging and the Dynamic Medium Workshop (ELDM2020) workshop is gathering interests and works in embodiment, languaging, diversity computing and human technologies, on 18th February 2020 in Lyon, France. Recent developments in these communities are ripe for focused conversations, and this workshop will be a coming-together for cross-pollination and explorations of possible common futures.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Africa 2020: Artistic, digital, and political creation in english-speaking African countries

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. The peer-reviewed journal of Aix-Marseille Université research centre on Anglophone Studies (LERMA), E-rea, has decided to seize the opportunity of Africa 2020 to dedicate a special issue to contemporary artistic, digital, and political creation in English-speaking African countries. Heeding Kenyan political analyst Nanjala Nyabola’s advice to eschew the too reductive ‘Africa rising’ and ‘Africa failing’ narratives in favour of ‘Africa being’ stories, this special issue wishes to focus on “stories reflecting the ambivalence, complexity, challenges and opportunities of African societ[ies] in an increasingly connected world”.

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  • Luxembourg

    École thématique - Histoire

    Oral History Meets European Integration Studies

    Testing new tools and methods in digital history

    The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) announces a Summer School co-organised with the European University Institute (Florence) and the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt), to be held at the Maison Robert Schuman in Luxembourg City from 22nd to 26th June 2020. This Summer School invites to test digital tools and methods for oral history and stresses how digital oral sources contribute to narratives in European Integration History.

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  • Dakhla

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Économie de l'énergie entre déserts et océan

    Troisième congrès international sur l'Ééonomie du désert

    The ultimate purpose of the International Congress on Desert Economy – Dakhla, is to be a scientific and multidisciplinary platform on desert and Sahara economy development, in order to contribute effectively to the good governance and in the sustainable development of desert regions, by stimulating meetings between all stakeholders on a global scale, with a view to fostering cooperation and partnership, among (Sahara) desert countries (Africa, the Gulf States, the United States of America, China, Australia...), with the aim of creating a conducive environment to the exchange of experiences, expertise and innovation, around themes related to desert and Sahara economy development, such as: Tourism and travel industry, agriculture, renewable energy, raw materials, transportation and logistics, sea and ocean economy, technology and innovation,  entertainment and sport economy, cultural and intangible heritage, nature and environment.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Le droit, l’éthique et le terrain : qu’est-ce qui change dans les pratiques scientifiques ?

    À la différence de l’ère analogique, où les règles juridiques n’étaient pas toujours connues, où leur interprétation se limitait à la question du droit d’auteur ou à celle du respect de la vie privée des personnes enregistrées dans les entretiens, et où l’anonymisation semblait la réponse à toutes les questions en suspens, le numérique a engagé une véritable réflexion sur ces questions, remettant en cause partie des méthodes de travail sur le terrain. Désormais, outre les nouvelles règles du RGDP – Règlement européen sur la protection des données, chercheur.e doit savoir comment mettre en œuvre un plan de gestion de données ou quand informer la CNIL – Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés – des traitements des données personnelles mis en oeuvre. Il.Elle doit aussi prendre en compte les questions de citation des témoins, connaître les règles de durées conservation des archives comme l’invocation de l’exception historique ou de destruction… Le/la chercheur.e. peut-il.elle prendre une décision éclairée sur le terrain en étant pleinement au fait des droits, des devoirs et des conséquences de leur constitutions de corpus, des contraintes sur l’exploitation, la diffusion ou la transmission ? Quelles conséquences cela peut-il avoir sur les phases de collectes, d’archivage et de restitution ?

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Evolving regional values and mobilities in global contexts

    The construction of ‘the New Asia’ and dialogues with Europe (7th Europe-Asie Conference)

    This 7th Europe-Asie conference (the first 6 were held in France, Korea, France, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan) looks at the cultural constructions for regions. It brings together scholars from both regions and analyses these constructions from a multidisciplinary perspective. Jointly organised by Warsaw University in Poland, Le Havre University in France, The KazNU university in Kazakhstan and the CEFIR research center in Belgium, this conference will bring together about 30 participants from a dozen countries of Eurasia and unfold over two days. Potential presenters are encouraged to submit papers based on ongoing research in Regional studies in Asia and Europe, focusing on the politics of identity of modern post-war regions.

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  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Transformations : traduction et langues

    Al-Kīmīya, numéro 18

    Le numéro 18 d’Al-Kīmīya, la revue de la faculté de langues et de traduction de l’université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, reprend la thématique du numéro 17 : « Transformations : traduction et langues ». Le concept de transformation est présent dans plusieurs disciplines en sciences humaines et sociales ainsi qu’en sciences exactes. Il revêt à chaque fois une acception spécifique avec toutefois une dimension constante liée au changement. Transformer et/ou se transformer est inhérent sans doute à toute activité humaine. Le concept est réfléchi et étudié dans divers domaines allant de la philosophie et de la sociologie à la linguistique en passant par la biologie, les mathématiques et la chimie et bien d’autres. Nous proposons, encore une fois, pour le prochain numéro d’Al-Kīmīya de nous intéresser à ce concept dans les domaines des langues et de la traduction.

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  • Cambridge

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    PhD funding, France and the Second World War: the Cambridge Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection (1944-1946)

    Cambridge University Library is delighted to have received an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Award, and invites applications for PhD studentships, starting in 2020-2021. The successful PhD candidate will receive funding to work on the Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection (1944-1946), as part of the Doctoral Training Partnership with The Open University.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    “Distinctiones” in the context of medieval preaching

    Marjorie Burghart (CNRS) and Lucie Doležalová (Charles University Prague) invite submission of papers for an upcoming conference on distinctiones in the context of preaching, to be held in Prague between 23-25 April 2020.

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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    9th PhD Student Conference in International Macroeconomics and Financial Econometrics

    EconomiX-CNRS and the Doctoral School EOS (Université Paris Nanterre), CeReFiM (University of Namur), LFIN (Université Catholique de Louvain-Louvain School of Management) and LEO (Université d'Orléans) are co-organizing the 9th PhD Student Conference in International Macroeconomics and Financial Econometrics. The conference will be held on March 20, 2020 in Nanterre, France.

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