

  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    "Altralang Journal" – Varia 2024

    Volume 6 (June & december 2024)

    Altralang is an international peer reviewed and open access journal. It aims to publish high quality theoretical and practical papers that donate genuine knowledge and research in a variety of fields. Altralang Journal publications cover, but not limited to, the following topics: translation studies, linguistics, literature, didactics, civilisation.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Hartmut Rosa as a sport philosopher?

    Today, the endless and chronic acceleration seems to constitute a “totalitarian power” that fundamentally alters the nature and the quality of our relationship with the world, with others, with ourselves and with our bodies. If acceleration is set up as the main cause of our alienation (which can take the form of indifference or hostility), the answer would lie less in deceleration than in resonance. This concept describes a specific form of relationship with the world, that is as fulfilling as transformative. Rare and precious, resonance remains unpredictable; the world is thus described as “unavailable”, escaping any overzealous attempt to make it emerge or even to control it.

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  • Béjaïa

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) - varia

    The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, free-of-charge, open-access, and multidisciplinary journal that is published three times a year and edited by the University of Bejaia. The main objective of JSLCS is to provide a platform for national and international scholars, academicians, and researchers to share contemporary thoughts in the fields of linguistics and languages, civilization and literature, sociology, psychology, translation, anthropology, education, ICT, history, cultural and intercultural studies, communication, pedagogy, history, philosophy, religion, etc.

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  • Dakhla

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    La recherche scientifique au service du développement économique du désert, du sahara et des zones rurales éloignées

    Cinquième Congrès International sur l'Economie du Désert

    Ce congrès est une plateforme de recherche scientifique interdisciplinaire  sur l'économie, le management, et le développent du désert (développement rural), du Sahara et des régions arides (zones arides, semi-arides, hyperarides,  sèches,  oasis et zones rurales éloignées), afin de contribuer efficacement dans la bonne gouvernance et le développement durable des régions désertiques, partout dans le monde, en passant par l'encouragement et la promotion des investissements dans le Sahara et les déserts, et en suscitant des rencontres entres toutes les parties prenantes à l’échelle mondiale: Universitaires, professionnels, décideurs politiques, société civile et les ONG,  en vue de favoriser le dialogue, le partenariat et la coopération entre les pays désertiques : l’Afrique et les pays du Golfe (MENA et Sahel ...), les États-Unis d'Amérique, l'Australie, la Chine,  l’Inde, l’Amérique du Sud…, dans le but de valoriser et de promouvoir la connaissance du désert et les conclusions et recommandations des études et conférences qui y sont en relation, et de créer un environnement propice d’échange d’expériences, d’expertise, de formations, de pratiques pédagogiques et d'innovation,  autour des thèmes relevant de l’économie du désert et du management des régions arides.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Transformational Experiences

    The Role of Immersive Arts and Media in Individual and Societal Change

    In a time of humanitarian and environmental crises, a better future depends on the willingness to embrace systemic changes with unknown consequences for each of us and for society as a whole. In this issue of AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images, we welcome any contributions investigating the role of the arts and media in these processes, focussing on immersive experiences in particular.

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  • Vilnius

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Move as a child

    Motion, enactivism and meta cognition

    The conference “Move as a child: motion, enactivism and meta cognition” is a scientific project initiated by Vytautas Magnus University to explore the “mobility turns” various extensions in cultural research. This online conference emphasizes mediation between the environment, bodies, and institutions to produce social, cultural, and material effects through the terms of enactivism and meta cognition. 


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  • Auckland

    Appel à contribution - Océanie

    The Role of Popular Dance in Higher Education in Australasia and the Asia Pacific Region

    In this localised / regionalised in-person special topics symposium, we are seeking to think and move through the role that popular, social, and vernacular dance plays (or does not play or only marginally plays or should ideally play) in higher education institutions in the Australasian as well as the broader Asia Pacific region, and to further reflect (on) the reality of how our dance communities interact as well as how our dance scholars interact in between and across these areas.

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  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    “Altralang” Journal vol.5 n°1 - varia

    Altralang Journal is now inviting the scholarly community - at both national and international levels - to submit their papers. It is an international peer reviewed and open access journal. It aims to publish high quality theoretical and practical papers that donate genuine knowledge and research in a variety of fields.

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  • Biskra

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The First National Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (NCLLC)

    Todd (1987) defined literature as "language at full stretch". Stretch, here, refers to all the different practices of language by its users, and the common or even rare stylistic features of those users. Thus, a deep understanding of literature, especially the specific usages by writers and poets requires the mastery of the sentence’s internal mechanisms and beyond.

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  • Lyon | Paris

    Séminaire - Sociologie

    Toward an integrative cognitive science of social inequalities

    The goal of this seminar series is to discuss research coming out of the fields of cognitive science and sociology, with the hope of articulating the social and cognitive dimensions of inequalities. Are there bridges between these two fields? What are the challenges for interdisciplinary research? Although the differences between the fields of cognitive science and sociology cannot be denied, the goal of this seminar is to facilitate scientific exchange among communities of researchers interested in questions that relate to social inequality.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    La transition vers les didactiques immersives

    De solutions éducatives pendant le confinement de covid-19 à l’enseignement dans le métavers

    Didactics, like any other fields of science, has embarked on a process of transformation that has been the product of the fourth industrial revolution. It has delivered most educational programmes to the student in an interactive way, ostensibly taking a cursive form in its relations with users regardless of the diversity of their educational field, while hiding a very complex form at the level of programming. We aim, through this international conference, to question the transition observed by the didactics of teaching, regardless of its scientific, literary or artistic field, to provide teacher-interactive lessons, as limiting the presentation of lessons to “PowerPoint” slides or PDF files uploaded on teaching platforms, no longer meets the requirements of the learner.

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  • Rochester

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Toys Matter: The Power of Playthings

    The overarching conference theme, Toys Matter: The Power of Playthings, is designed to span the role toys play in our individual and collective identities, the various ways they reflect and shape our worlds (both positively or negatively), and the impact of technology, environmental concerns and societal/cultural crises on toy design, manufacture and use. Sessions will provide toy scholars and industry professionals opportunities to reflect on extant toy research while looking forward to expand our understanding of what counts as a toy, the power of playthings, and the many ways they matter -- for both children and adults. We invite work that examines the power of playthings both historically and in our ever-changing worlds, especially as we navigate these precarious and even perilous times. All play objects (i.e., physical, digital or hybrid) are included in the scope of toys to be discussed including games and indoor and outdoor play spaces.

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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    « Verbum et Lingua », Numéro 21 (Janvier-Juin 2023) - Varia

    Verbum et Lingua : Didáctica, lengua y cultura est une revue académique du département des langues modernes du Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de l'université de Guadalajara. Elle a été conçue comme une publication spécialisée dans l'étude des langues d'un point de vue linguistique, didactique et culturel. Cette revue, qui répond aux besoins du milieu professionnel au Mexique, est publiée tous les six mois, de janvier à juin et de juillet à décembre. Elle publie également des articles, des essais, des entretiens et des critiques en cinq langues : espagnol, anglais, français, allemand et italien, sans restreindre l'étude ou l'inclusion d'autres langues. La revue prolonge l'appel à contributions pour le numéro 21 et invite les chercheurs et les spécialistes de la didactique, de la linguistique et des études culturelles à lui envoyer leurs contributions.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Éducation

    Teaching and Learning Series

    This indispensable series is aimed at new lecturers, postgraduate students who have teaching time, Graduate Teaching Assistants, part-time tutors and demonstrators, as well as experienced teaching staff who may feel it’s time to review their skills in teaching and learning. Sessions in this series will provide teachers in higher education with practical, realistic guidance on the various different aspects of their teaching role, which is underpinned not only by current research in the field, but also by the extensive experience of our individual speakers.

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  • Örebro

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    International Symposium on Comparative Didactics (ISCOD)

    The symposium provides a unique opportunity for researchers in the emerging field of comparative didactics to meet across national, cultural, and disciplinary borders, and to initiate collective and individual projects. Whether conceptual or empirical, research in comparative didactics relates teaching and learning to curricular documents and to various societal and cultural matters. While subject didactics has several active networks, there are few meeting points for scholars in comparative didactics. Featuring state of the art keynotes, the suggested conference is designed to become a starting point for the development of a comprehensive communication infrastructure for European researchers in comparative didactics.

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  • Lausanne

    École thématique - Moyen Âge

    Moyen Âges d’en haut et d’en bas : perméabilités, interactions et débats entre recherche académique et cultures populaires

    Medieval studies and medievalism both focus on the same object, the Middle Ages. Yet their approaches are different. Long separated, medieval studies and medievalism are now challenged to rethink their links in research, teaching and social dissemination of knowledge. The summer school aims to help young researchers to strengthen their understanding of these scientific developments, to position their research effectively, and to develop networks with international researchers. The school, in French and English, proposes lectures by world-renowned specialists, debates, meetings with professionals and practical workshops.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    École thématique - Information

    Research on Digital, Media and Information Literacy - Doctoral Summer School

    The ReDMIL 2022 doctoral summer school aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them. The summer school is an international training program that will alternate between framing presentations by senior researchers and the in-depth discussion of emerging research by participating PhD students. The goal of this summer school is to allow PhD students engaged in the field of digital literacy, media literacy or information literacy to benefit from the expertise of renowned researchers in their field, to present their own research to an audience composed of these experts, to work collectively to the enhancement of their research work with other participants, to improve their knowledge of the research undertaken by their peers.  

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  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    “Altralang Journal” - varia

    Altralang Journal is now inviting the scholarly community, at both national and international levels, to submit their unpublished papers for publication. The main objective of Altralang Journal is to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge by providing an intellectual platform for national and international scholars including postgraduate students, professors, and researchers operating in academic circles, government departments or socio-economic institutions.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Climate and ocean literacy

    Helping people to care ethically within planetary boundaries

    The 2020 EGU Declaration of the Significance of Geoscience highlights the need for massive and widespread action to help people around the world to become literate about the changes affecting their and their offsprings’ and communities’ lives. The more people are literate about these changes, the more they can make informed decisions, adapt and mitigate. Previous General Assemblies have addressed climate change literacy (CL). Ocean literacy (OL) has developed strongly in recent years, especially with impetus from the UN Ocean Decade. Ocean-climate literacy (OCL) is an imperative that needs to be addressed massively and urgently, both within and beyond the EGU. We invite colleagues to submit contributions on any aspects of OCL; this can, of course, include CL (without the ocean) and OL (without the climate).

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    La formation à distance, résolument ?

    Modalités, enjeux, ouvertures et perspectives

    Depuis la fermeture, en mars 2020, des établissements scolaires et universitaires imposée par les gouvernements du monde entier pour endiguer la pandémie de la covid, l’utilisation des outils et plateformes numériques est devenue l’unique manière d’assurer la continuité de l’enseignement et des apprentissages. Ainsi une formation à distance d’urgence s’est-elle partout, brutalement et durablement, imposée aux enseignants, aux apprenants et à ceux qui, avec eux, mettent en œuvre des activités de soutien, de documentation, d’orientation, d’administration et de support logistique. Ce colloque interroge les enjeux et les perspectives de la formation à distance pendant et après l’épidémie de covid-19.

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