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  • Veneza

    Colóquio - História

    Typical Venice?

    Venetian Commodities, 13th-16th centuries

    What are “Venetian” commodities? More than any other medieval or early modern city, Venice lived off of the trade of portable goods. In addition to trading foreign imports, the city also engaged in intense local production, manufacturing high quality glass, crystal, cloth, metal, enamel, leather, and ceramic objects, characterized by their exceedingly rich forms and complex production processes. Today, these objects are scattered in collections throughout the world, but little remains in Venice itself. In individual instances, it is often difficult to tell whether the objects in question were actually made in Venice or if they originated in Byzantine, Islamic, or other European contexts. This conference focuses on the question of how Venice designed and exported its own identity through all kinds of its goods.

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  • Paris

    Bolsa de estudo, prémios e ofertas de emprego - Época Contemporânea

    Bourses d'études et de recherches de la Fondation Napoléon

    Thèse en histoire (droit, économie, société, art) des deux empires napoléoniens

    Afin d'encourager la recherche universitaire sur les deux Empires, la Fondation Napoléon accorde, chaque année, six bourses d'études à des étudiants de troisième cycle préparant une thèse sur des sujets concernant le Premier ou le Second Empire.

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  • História urbana

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  • História da arte

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  • História économica

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