

  • Szeged

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Les relations internationales en Europe centrale et orientale depuis 1990

    L’Europe dite centrale et orientale, cette Europe de « l’entre deux », est souvent décrite comme le parent pauvre de la recherche en langue française, or il est possible d’assister ces dernières années à un retour sur le devant de la scène de cette « autre Europe », et tout particulièrement depuis l’éclatement de la guerre en Ukraine. Depuis 1989-1990, les relations internationales en Europe centrale et orientale ont connu d’importants bouleversements pour cet espace longtemps considéré comme périphérique. Cette journée d’étude invite ainsi à prendre les pays postsocialistes comme objet de prospection dans le domaine des relations internationales et d’interroger leurs dynamiques propres et leurs spécificités, en dépit de leur hétérogénéité. La coopération, les tensions, les trajectoires empruntées, les dynamiques géopolitiques, de même que les interactions avec d’autres espaces, sont autant de thématiques placées au cœur de la journée d’étude.

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  • Budapest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Postdoctoral Position - Project “The Aggressor”

    Self-Perception And External Perception Of An Actor Between Nations

    We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position within the project “The Aggressor.” This three-year international interdisciplinary project investigates the identity-forming construction of national images of the enemy, which are shaped by aggressors from neighbouring countries throughout Europe.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence and Conflict in Hegel’s Philosophy

    Special Edition of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Guest-edited by Tomáš Korda, this special issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence will be devoted to reappraisals as well as critical perspectives on Hegel’s thoughts on violence and conflict.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Agency and Perception

    The Roma in East Central Europe

    Much scholarly attention has been paid to visible forms of historical anti-Ziganism/anti-Gypsyism/anti-Roma racism, hostility, discrimination, hate crime, harassment, and racial violence in east central Europe. Significantly less scholarly attention has been paid to the ways in which historical invisible prejudice and anti-Roma perceptions were constructed and shaped educational, health, employment, and housing policies targeted at and/or impacting Roma. This symposium Agency and Perception: The Roma in East Central Europe focuses on the intricate relationship between perception and agency through Roma-targeted and related policy discourses and practices, which were informed by specific academic knowledge and disciplinary lenses.

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  • Budapest

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Exploring Racial Capitalism

    Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe

    “Exploring Racial Capitalism: Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe” is the closing conference of the research project ‘Precarious labor and peripheral housing. The socio-economic practices of Romanian Roma in the context of changing industrial relations and uneven territorial development’ conducted at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 2020-2023. Embracing PRECWORK’s approach, the conference opens up a dialogue about the condition of impoverished Roma in the field of housing, labor and migration, viewed in the wider political economy context that affected them through deindustrialization, uneven development and racialization processes.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    History and Legacies of Slavery in Romania

    Critical Romani Studies Journal

    Critical Romani Studies (CRS) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for scholars to critically examine racial oppressions, different forms of exclusion, inequalities, and human rights abuses of Roma. In this thematic issue, we invite contributions focusing on the history and legacies of Roma enslavement in Romania.

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  • Budapest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Lessons of the Cold War?

    Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives

    We invite historians, researchers, political scientists, sociologists, and socially engaged artists to reflect on the Lessons from the Cold War by taking cues from the Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA) collections. The applicants are encouraged to reflect on the connections as well as on the differences between current times and the past by following some recommended sub-topics. The current call is part of a reflexive-research program at OSA interested in connecting past issues related to oppressive regimes, censorship, violence and information manipulation to current phenomena. We would like to assess the potential of a genealogical project linking the contemporary epistemic and political crisis of democracy to past modes of inquiry and activism.

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  • Vác

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Fifth Interdisciplinary Student Conference for Religious Studies

    The aim of the conference is to provide an academic forum for students and young researchers working in religious studies and its auxiliary sciences, where they can present and discuss their current research topics and their initial results on a yearly basis, but in a different location every year.

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  • Szeged

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Religion and Identity

    Intersections of collective and private identity with religion and spirituality

    Ever since the very first human social formations, the spheres of religion and identity have intersected significantly. Examples of the endless forms by which collective and individual identities are interwoven throughout the entirety of our human existence are embedded in our historical records. How is identity constructed, shaped, and maintained by religious activities? How do religions change the identities of their converts? The upcoming conference hosted by the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Szeged aims to open a symposium where topics concerning the intersections of religiosity and identity – should it be private or public – can be discussed in a broader sense.

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  • Szeged

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    L’empathie dans les arts et les littératures de langue française

    Loin d’avoir été élucidée, la relation entre la fiction et l’empathie reste d’actualité et pose encore de nombreuses questions. Nous aimerions ainsi inviter les chercheuses et les chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce sujet à explorer le lien entre l’empathie, les arts et les littératures de langue française – qu’il s’agisse de la littérature française « hexagonale », de celle d’autres pays et territoires francophones, ou de celle produite par des écrivains translingues.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence and Conflict in Alexandre Kojève’s works

    “Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence” - Special Issue

    Alexandre Kojève is well known for having initiated a whole generation of intellectuals into a certain reading of Hegel. From the claim that the struggle for recognition must be necessarily a “bloody” one to the assessment that the replacement of those elites whose authority has expired may call for their annihilation, not to mention his equation of biological “death” with human freedom or his interpretation of revolutionary terror as a pedagogical tool to bring forth the perfect citizen of the post-historical age, Kojève´s corpus offers not few topics in which to ground such a reexamination. The special issue of Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) seeks cutting-age articles from contributors which openly explore the aforementioned topics as well as others along the same lines.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The Ethics of “Racechange” in Performance, Adaptations and Tradaptations of Shakespeare’s plays

    This seminar, hold by European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA), aims to analyse race through a “racechange” embodied by the actor on stage and on film through the use of racial prosthetics and language – “Ethiop words”. To what extent does the phenomenon of “racechange” show the intrinsic paradox of race, being the product of an essentialist constructivism, or a constructivist essentialism? How do adaptations and tradaptations reveal the polysemy of race through the dynamics of “racechange”? How is the meaning of race fluctuating depending on the cultural context and the language chosen for the tradaptation? What are the consequences of “racechange” in the interactions between the characters and how does it change the meaning of the play?

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  • Budapest

    Colloque - Représentations

    Naturalism in Painting 1870–1905

    Conference of the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

    Perceived as the dominant artistic trend of the last third of the 19th century, yet, still difficult to delineate, Naturalism raises a number of conceptual issues. Naturalism, perhaps the most significant trend in European painting in the 1880s and 1890s, was present simultaneously in other European countries only a few years after its emergence in France, and appeared in equal quality from Scotland to Russia and Spain to Hungary. In order to better understand the current of Naturalism, the research group “Realism and Naturalism in Hungary and in Europe based at the Hungarian National Gallery is organizing a 2-day international conference.

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  • Budapest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Lessons of the Cold War?

    Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives

    We invite historians, researchers, political scientists, sociologists, and socially engaged artists to reflect on the Lessons from the Cold War by taking cues from the Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA) collections. The applicants are encouraged to reflect on the connections as well as on the differences between current times and the past by following some recommended sub-topics. The current call is part of a reflexive-research program at OSA interested in connecting past issues related to oppressive regimes, censorship, violence and information manipulation to current phenomena. We would like to assess the potential of a genealogical project linking the contemporary epistemic and political crisis of democracy to past modes of inquiry and activism.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Digital Religioscapes: Current Methodologies and Novelties in the analysis of sacr(aliz)ed spaces

    The study of ancient religions – their materiality and practices – was subject to enormous changes, over the past years. However, the digital humanities have yet to find a meaningful way to integrate the resulting qualitative data into existing digital infrastructures and correlate it with quantitative data. The session therefore aims to bring together experts working with different methods of gathering, modelling/visualising, presenting, and analysing data to discuss the diverse ways in which heterogeneous methods and tools can be usefully combined. Approaches that use mixed data (qualitative and quantitative), are just as welcome as the presentation and discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of various individual tools and applications.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Philosophical Perspectives on Crime, Violence, and Justice

    The Criminal Justice and Philosophy series, published by Trivent Publishing and edited by M. Blake Wilson, is calling for proposals and papers for its inaugural edited volume, Philosophical Perspectives on Crime, Violence, and Justice. We are soliciting abstracts, completed papers, and a limited selection of previously published papers from philosophers, legal scholars, political scientists, sociologists, and criminal justice researchers. 

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Tradition, constitution et intégration européenne

    En Europe, des avocats spécialisés en droit constitutionnel ont démontré un intérêt particulier pour les traditions constitutionnelles nationales, ainsi que leurs effets sur la pratique du droit constitutionnel dans leurs droits nationaux. Plus précisément, ils ont mené des recherches sur les pratiques et la jurisprudence de l’Union européenne, fondée sur les traditions constitutionnelles communes des États membres. La question se pose de savoir s’il existe une méthode plus transparente quant à l’application et la compréhension des différentes traditions constitutionnelles des États membres et si ces pratiques jurisprudentielles peuvent être utilisées et retenues par l’Union européenne dans sa jurisprudence et son droit.

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  • Budapest

    École thématique - Europe

    Confronting the Crisis of Expertise: Historical Roots and Current Challenges

    In the post-Covid-19 world, the problems already experienced by democracies with regards to social divisions and diminishing trust in public institutions are exacerbated by a growing epistemic crisis concerning the simultaneous need and contestation of expertise for public policy purposes. The existence of uncertain statistical data, the search for past models in dealing with hidden enemies, the public attempts to translate scientific knowledge and to make sense of decision-making processes, all point to a persistent need for advanced skills for working with governance data and discourses.       Our course enhances participants’ skills in analyzing the incorporation of techno and scientific knowledge into public governance and discourses. The summer school seeks to provide the tools and categories to critically assess systemic responses in times of both contested expertise and scientificization of politics.  

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Methodologies of Working in Cold War Archives

    Facts, Values and Archival Ecologies

    The workshop aims to contribute to the discussion on knowledge practices in times of reflexive disbelief by addressing the role of scholars with regards to different truth regimes. Michel Foucault once remarked that the analysis of “truth” should go beyond the evaluation of isolated statements: truth regimes are power systems which produce and sustain certain truths in a circular way, through political and economic institutions. William Davies of “The Guardian” traced back the current popular skepticism vis-à-vis professional expertise to a paradigm shift in truth regimes: the immediacy of self-revelatory data has been replacing, through a multitude of revelations, leaks and informational wars dating as far back as the Cold War, the interpretative work by experts and journalists

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  • Budapest

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Epidemics and Nation-Building in Interwar East Central Europe

    The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic prompted a quest for historical parallels that help us contextualize this traumatic event. The voices of historians, sociologists, and philosophers of science are vital in this debate. The event, consisting of an expert panel and a seminar, focuses on the experience of interwar East Central Europe to explore these historical parallels.

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