

  • Zagreb

    Séminaire - Information

    Opportunities and Needs in Case of Material Concerning Famous People in Science and Culture

    Cooperation Framework of Digital Infrastructure in the Region

    Introduction and collaboration methods between scientific and cultural institutions participating in this project: about the collaboration of institutions in the region, defining the topics to be included in the recommendations (general information, records and plans for digitization, standardization of practice - processing, use, copyright, etc., projects); examples of good practices from the region and the world (exposure to digital repositories, their own practices, projects etc.)

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Diffuse Cities & Urbanization Network (DCUN)

    Séminaires du Réseau international de recherche sur les villes et l’urbanisation diffuses

    The international research network “Diffuse Cities and Urbanization” (DUCN) launches a regular research seminar. Its objective is to address the debates surrounding the contemporary worldwide diffusion of urbanization, in order to contribute to the production of new epistemologies of the urban in a global and comparative perspective. Not only the territorial diffusion of urbanization poses major challenges in terms of governance, but it also offers an intriguing research object which stimulates the production of ‘new geographies of urban knowledge’...

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  • Oracle

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Biocosmos - Our sense of place, our sense of life in the universe

    Planet scientists and exoplanet astronomers are re-shaping our understanding of the universe, presenting a fascinating cosmos filled with places and destinations, not an empty void. At the same time, Earth physicists and biologists design models of self-sustainable ecosystems such as Biosphere 2 and the Mars/Lunar Greenhouse, with the goal of engineering bio-regenerative mini-worlds that can function on their own. As these scientific revolutions unfold, with distant spaces and global life systems as objects of “field work”, what counts as the “human environment”? How do we, as individuals and societies, relate to spaces, things, and processes we do not or cannot experience directly and which we see as “extreme” or “beyond” human?

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Spaces of circulation and colonial/imperial landscapes: criticisms and challenges

    8th European Society for the History of Science conference

    By bringing together scholars who have used the problematic of circulation in their work as well as those who have reservations as to its relevance, we would like in this symposium to develop the problematic through a dialogue between these different positions in order to not only to establish a better understanding of the problematic and methodological nature of the concept of circulation, but above all of the implied conception of spaces of circulation within which knowledges, know-hows, practices and norms are constructed and shared, and beyond which they need again to be negotiated in order to move.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Sacred science: Learning from the tree

    Symposium for the European Society for the History of Science's conference

    “Unity and Disunity” has been chosen as the main theme for the European Society for the History of Science's conference that will take place in London on September 2018. Within this framework, Trames Arborescentes has decided to participate by proposing a commented panel that will gather four speakers around the subject “Sacred science: Learning from the tree”. This panel traces the arboreal motif through time, using it as a means to reflect on unity and disunity of interaction between science, art and the sacred.

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  • Tartu

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Modernism, modernisation and the rural landscape


    The impact of the Modern Movement and modernisation processes on rural landscapes in Europe and beyond is a widespread but little known, recognised or understood phenomenon which still exerts effects today. Within the third joint research programme of HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) dedicated to “The uses of the past” which started in 2016, this subject is now being studied through several lenses within the MODSCAPES project. MODSCAPES welcomes proposals (full sessions, papers, trainnig/workshop) to its mid-event event, an international conference dedicated to Modernism, modernisation and the rural landscape.

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  • Varsovie

    Colloque - Histoire

    Image, history and memory

    Genealogies of memory in Central and Eastern Europe

    Images as witnesses to history, materialized memories or their active co-creators? The multi-faceted relationship between the past and its visual representations will be the main focus of the 7th edition of the international genealogies of memory conference to be held in Warsaw on 6-8 December. The agenda features inter alia lectures by Ernst van Alphen, Robert Hariman, Constantin Parvulescu and Wojciech Suchocki, as well as Mieke Bal leading the tour of her own video-installations entitled “Dis-Remembered: A Long History of Madness” and “Mis-Remembered: Reasonable Doubt”.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Labor market trajectories and life course of youth with a migration background

    Reaserch workshop panel - 15th International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) Annual Conference

    So far, comparative research on immigrants’ descendants and on migrants focus more on the comparison of cross-sectional indicators and on the degree of inequalities on those outcomes in education and the labor market. We invite submissions of papers tackling  questions related to the analysis of the trajectories of immigrants' descendants and/or young migrants on the labour market. The contributions might use qualitative or quantitative data but we especially welcome contributions based on a mixed methods design or on longitudinal (retrospective or panel) data. International or regional comparative studies are also welcome.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Euro-African memories: Colonial and postcolonial Spanish legacies in Morocco and Equatorial Guinea

    Despite the fact that there were significant differences between Moroccan and Equatorial Guinean colonisation, it is clear that a series of socio-cultural, linguistic and evangelising practices of Spanish colonialism did leave an imprint on these two countries as did other European colonial experiences. First of all, we know for a fact that socio-cultural policies created two separate legal frameworks (one for colonists and one for the autochthonous population), but we do not know exactly how most of the everyday conflicts and tensions that used to arise between the two groups were solved. Second, other practices that were carried out as part of the colonists' hispanicisation language policies lingered in Morocco and took root in Equatorial Guinea, eventually leading to unequal management in both territories.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    The right use of the Earth

    Knowledge, power and duties within a finite planet

    The advent of the Anthropocene concept and Earth system sciences – putting forward upscaled temporalities in the public sphere, the dramatization of warnings on planetary limits and boundaries and on the human impacts of climate change – provide a challenging context for the humanities and social sciences. Cropping up these developments and at the crossroad of world and connected histories, environmental history, human geography and social, political and legal studies, the conference will examine how ideas of a global, unified and limited earth played a role in human reflexivity, and how the “right use” of the Earth as a whole has become, and is increasingly becoming, an object of knowledge making and government practices.

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  • Constantine

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Heritage and experience design in the digital age

    5th hyperheritage international symposium

    The term hyperheritage covers every hybrid cultural heritage environment augmented with digital information inviting us to explore new ways of perceiving, experiencing and practicing cultural heritage. Massive developments on ICT and the unprecedented spread of mobile, location-aware and immersive (augmented and virtual reality) technologies and devices, advocate for the exploration of new forms of human to human, human-computer and human-environment interaction and information communication on cultural heritage. These advances also imply gradually establishing new ways and means to comprehend, access, process, experience and perceive digital and interconnected cultural heritage information on a variety of delivery platforms, devices and environments.

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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    AFLiCo JET 2018 : corpus and représentativité

    With the advent of corpus linguistics, the use of corpora has become central in linguistics. One underlying assumption is that the corpus is representative of the linguistic phenomenon under scrutiny. Of course, corpus representativeness itself is a methodological construct (Leech 2006, Habert 2010): language corpora are tools constructed by linguists, and their structural limitations constrain and condition the validity of linguistic findings.

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  • École thématique - Pensée

    Scaling. What happens when we scale things up or down?

    Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies 2018

    The 2018 session will be devoted to the investigation of scale and scaling as operative concepts for the analysis of media. What happens when we scale? Does anything really change? Can scaling ever impact the inner blueprint of an object? Are there laws of scaling? Or does scaling resist any attempt at calculability, such that, to investigate it, we can only ever look at individual events of scaling? As a media practice, scaling is widely used. But, in contrast to the ubiquity of operations, scaling is hardly ever viewed on its own terms as a basic concept of media analysis. The Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies 2018 will attempt to map out approaches to scaling as a basic media-analytical tool.

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  • Tokyo

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    “Wabi-sabi” (侘寂): Imperfection, incompleteness and impermanence in organizational life

    Standing conference on organisational symbolism (SCOS conference)

    Wabi-sabi is an approach to life based on accepting the transience and imperfection of the world. As a Japanese aesthetic derived from Buddhism, wabi-sabi embraces the wisdom that comes from perceiving beauty in impermanence and incompleteness. What might such advocacy of the harmony to found in the flawed, faulty, and weathered have to do with formal organisations, obsessed as they seemingly are with continually striving for perfection? The very ideal of perfection, as an antithesis of wabi-sabi, is embedded in managerial efforts as diverse as striving for continuous improvement, setting “stretch” targets, managing the performance of ideal employees, promoting organizational cultures of excellence, and even the romanticized perfect bodies of employees. 

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  • Valence

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Farm animals

    Husbandry, poultry and draught beasts in Late Medieval Europe

    Farm animals, now and in the past, are mid-way between production and household consumption. They can be a resource of meet and secondary products (milk, butter, cheese, eggs, honey, wax), or an investment in productivity (draught animals) and manure. They could be young, strong specimens or, conversely, old and weaker ones, which could be acquire in the second hand market for a lower price. In this two-day seminar, a number of scholars from Spain, Italy, France and England will share evidence of these phenomena in the light of the current debates of the rural economic and social history of the later middle ages in their respective areas under exploration. 

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Langage

    Meaning in space and time

    The main aim of the Evolution of Semantic Systems project (EoSS project) is to investigate how meanings vary over space and change over time, by combining recent advances in semantic typology, the systematic cross-linguistic analysis of meaning variation, with new evolutionary methods for understanding cultural variation in time and space.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Third international conference of young urban researchers (TICYUrb)

    The Third international conference of young urban researchers (TICYURB) is a collaborative effort of the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL), the Research Center on Socioeconomic Change and Territory (DINAMIA’CET-IUL), the Interdisciplinar Center of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA), the Institute of Sociology – University of Porto (ISUP) and the School of Architecture of the University of Sheffield (SSoA). We encourage the submission of theoretical and empirical works about these topics. TICYUrb wish to act as a bridge between social, human, natural and all other scientific domains, so every paper will be welcomed and accepted for consideration.

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  • Zurich

    Colloque - Histoire

    “Num’rous Uses, Motions, Charms, and Arts”. Fans as Images, Accessories, and Instruments of Gesture in the 17th and 18th Centuries

    This interdisciplinary conference discusses the cultural role of European folding fans in art, fashion, and material culture in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The conference aims to take a closer look at the pictorial and intermedial interplay of or- namental patterns, figurative elements, and artistic subject matters against the background of European fan manufacture, artistic net- works and international trade. Furthermore, it seeks to closer examine fans as gender-specific instruments of gesture and communication.

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  • Gérone

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Cathedrals and Mosques: Building Urban Memories and Landscapes in Southern Europe (12th - 14th centuries)

    This international conference will discuss interdisciplinary questions regarding the importance of cathedrals and mosques in the definition of memory and urban landscape in the medieval Mediterranean from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. Our research aims at analysing the role these two buildings played in configuring the urban fabric of the Mediterranean world. One of our primary objectives is to understand how these buildings defined medieval landscape and urban space. How did they modify and condition the social and functional organisation of their urban surroundings? What architectural features contributed to their place in civic memory (decoration, architectural style and building techniques)? We are interested in the place they occupy in their cities’ urban planning and topography.

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  • Bologne

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Litany in the Arts and Culture

    The litany derives from ancient religious rites. Throughout the ages, however, it spread across many countries and became much more than a mere form of prayer. As has been demonstrated by our recent studies on the litanic forms in European poetry it is possible to reconstruct a cultural and literary map of European regions that traces the level of their participation in and contribution to the litanic tradition. The litanic verse is marked by religious semantics, but it also bears the mark of inter-European divisions, such as those experienced between and within various denominations, countries and nations, as well as the original folk cultures. Therefore, the litany may be of interest to scholars specializing in areas such the emergence of national identities and religious minorities, the crossover between art and religion as well as between music and poetry, the history of liturgy and spiritual life, the cultural exchanges between various nations.

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