

  • Paris

    Séminaire - Sociologie

    Accessing Higher Education in the UK

    L'accès à l'enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni

    Seminar in English - Centre de recherche CREC/CREW (EA 4399).


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  • Bhubaneswar

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Gender and Autofiction

    Auto/Fiction 2:1

    The issue is open to all kinds of applied and theoretical papers on gender and autofiction. Contributions may be written in English and may vary in length from 3000 to 12000 words. Reviews should not be more than 1000 words. In addition to scholarly papers we invite contributions in the form of book reviews, calls for papers, announcements of conferences etc. All contributions must adhere to the MLA style sheet (7th Edition) with an abstract and key words.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    La transnationalisation du religieux par la musique

    La transnationalisation du religieux se traduit par une délocalisation et une relocalisation des croyances, rituels et pratiques religieuses qui se réalise au-delà du cadre national étatique, dans des espaces réels ou symboliques, et le plus souvent au moyen de nouveaux imaginaires et récits identitaires. Si l’analyse de cette transnationalisation religieuse a permis de mettre en lumière divers processus par lesquels le religieux transcende les frontières, il est frappant de constater que la musique est rarement appréhendée pour le rôle qu’elle y joue. Or, ce dernier est essentiel dans la transnationalisation des religions à vocation universelle comme l’islam ou le christianisme. La musique contribue aussi activement à la migration des religions de terroir, des mouvements néo-traditionalistes et des cultes associés à une localité d’origine, tels que le vodou haïtien, la santeria cubaine ou le candomble brésilien. Ces phénomènes musicaux, loin d’être nouveaux, ont d’abord donné le jour à des proto-mondialisations religieuses.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Ethicomp 2014

    Liberty and Security in an Age of ICTs

    ETHICOMP 2014 (june 25 to 27) will be held in Paris at « Les Cordeliers ». The ETHICOMP conference series was initiated in 1995 by Professors Simon Rogerson and Terry Bynum. The purpose of this series is to provide an inclusive forum for discussing the ethical and social issues associated with the development and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Held every 18 months, the previous conferences have featured over 600 papers from delegates and speakers from all continents. ETHICOMP 2014 will be the first conference held jointly with the CEPE (Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries) conference (sponsored by INSEIT - the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology). Our conferences will be hosted by CERNA.

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  • Bloemfontein

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Colloquium on Happiness

    Annual Conference Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA)

    We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a colloquium on happiness that will form part of the annual conference of Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA) in 2014. The colloquium will be run as a special parallel session throughout the conference. Participants are invited to submit papers related to the overall theme from within any philosophical sub-discipline, e.g. philosophy of economics, moral philosophy, aesthetics, political philosophy, neurophilosophy or philosophy of literature.

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  • Dakar

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Politiques publiques et pratiques de développement mobile

    Opportunités, contraintes et rôle des acteurs

    Ce panel envisage interroger d’une part la place des politiques publiques (ou leur absence) à travers le rôle de l’État et des organes de régulation, et d’autre part les pratiques concrètes de développement d’applications mobiles pour le développement (santé, éducation, économie, agriculture etc.). On insistera sur les contraintes, les opportunités, les expériences concrètes de divers groupes formels ou informels de développement d’applications mobiles.

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  • Princeton

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Pratiques, procédures, récursivités : la réalité des médias ?

    Quatrième Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies

    The Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies – a collaboration between the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, IKKM) and Princeton University (German Department) – returns to Princeton in 2014 for its fourth installment. The 2014 topic will be “Practices, Procedures, Recursions: The Reality of Media?”. The weeklong program will be hosted by Princeton’s German Department. It will be directed by Bernhard Siegert (Weimar) and Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton). Besides the directors the faculty will include renowned film maker Harun Farocki as well as scholars of media and literature such as Petra McGillen (Dartmouth), Grant Wythoff (Columbia), and Harun Maye (Weimar).

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Transnational Public Participation and Social Movement Activism

    Ambiguities of global spread, professionalisation and standardization

    The workshop is dedicated to questions linking transnational public participation research with transnational social movement activism research and pointing to dynamics of global spread, professionalization and standardization. It aims at discovering linkages, differences and ambiguities in both research fields and invites contributions from diverse disciplines.



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  • Bucarest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    New Europe College International Fellowships

    Bucharest, Romania – 2014-15

    New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, Romania – announces the competition for Fellowships for the academic year 2014-15. The program targets young international researchers/academics working in the fields of humanities, social studies, and economics.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Concilier expertise scientifique et participation : le défi posé par la Convention européenne des paysages

    L'Institut de gestion de l'environnement et d'aménagement du territoire – ULB (avec l'appui du département d'histoire-UNamur et de la Conférence permanente du développement territorial) organise les 28 et 29 avril 2014 un colloque portant sur « Concilier expertise scientifique et participation :  le défi posé par la Convention européenne des paysages ». Le colloque servira également à étudier la manière dont  les outils de caractérisation des paysages sont construits et dans quelle mesure ils aident les acteurs du paysage (décideurs politiques, gestionnaires,…) à prendre une position en accord avec les besoins sociétaux (économiques, sociaux, environnementaux). En plus des présentations et posters retenus, d’éminents intervenants enrichiront le colloque avec leurs perspectives/expériences spécifiques.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Implications of Migration on Emancipation and Pseudo-Emancipation of Turkish Women : 35 years later

    The point of departure of this conference, organized by the Paris Institute for advanced Studies, is the question raised by Nermin Abadan Unat in 1977 on the implications of migration on emancipation and pseudo-emancipation of Turkish women.

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  • Berne

    Colloque - Histoire

    The office as an interior (1880-1960)

    Au cours de la « deuxième révolution industrielle » augmente considérablement l’activité dans le tertiaire et se développent les services administratifs dans le secteur industriel et public. L’employé devient ainsi la figure sociale de la modernité urbaine, qui témoigne aussi du rôle croissant de la femme dans ce secteur professionnel. Le colloque The office as an interior (1880-1960) aborde l’essor du travail administratif entre 1880 et 1960 à travers l’analyse de l’émergence d´un espace nouveau, le bureau, qui par ses arrangements contribue à la diffusion de nouvelles formes de sociabilité et réalise des nouveaux modes d’organisation du travail.

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  • Tarragone

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Interdisciplinary strategies and collaborations

    This seminar is the first of a series of three talks which will take place in each of the cities explored. It offers a space for collaboration, reflection and exchanges where explorers, partners, associate members and other leading figures are invited to lend an outside perspective. It is an invitation both to reflect on the project itself and to promote a public discussion of its critical perspectives. For instance, what is “knowledge” for an artist, a researcher or an educator, and how is it constructed ? For what discourse and representations are artists, researchers in the humanities and educators responsible ? What research stance should be adopted to meet the challenges of interdisciplinarity and social space ? How do our disciplines of research, creation and social intervention revisit the historical motive for exploration and what relationship do they have with it ?

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    From silicosis to silica hazards: an experiment in medicine, history and the social sciences

    Quels sont les biais hérités de la constitution du savoir médical ? Peut-on retourner à la racine de la "vérité scientifique" pour ouvrir de nouvelles voies à la recherche contemporaine ? Expérience interdisciplinaire inédite, le présent colloque réunira médecins, épidémiologistes et historiens pour repenser les fondements des connaissances médicales actuelles en matière de « risques silice », afin de discuter de l'origine inconnue de toute une série de maladies systémiques.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Black Historians and the Writing of History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: What Legacy?

    As part of the project EHDLM (Writing History from the Margins) funded by the PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, a conference will be held in Paris, University Paris Diderot, June 12-14 2014, on “Black Historians and the Writing of History in the 19th and early 20th centuries: What Legacy?”

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Generations and Protests: Legacies, Emergences in the MENA region and the Mediterranean

    The recent events in the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere in the world brought forth the question of youth engagement and the development of new forms of protest (Jeanpierre, 2011). New social media have been regarded as the principal means that federated various groups with opposing interests and represented a novel way to entice and maintain popular mobilizations. While the focus on social media has been discussed and sometimes fiercely criticized, the demonstration of the interconnectedness between different protest “moments” in the long term or on a diachronic axis remains extremely thin if not absent. The aim of this collection is to inquire and problematize the relations that exist between different periods of protest, the type of actors they mobilize and the processes of memory they generate. Although there is no clear line between these periods, we argue that certain kinds of legacies and relations are at play in the configuration of popular protests.

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Cultures of Popular Culture

    Biennial conference of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern Languages, Literary and Cultural Studies

    Just as the term Popular Culture describes the widest range of practices, Popular Culture Studies cover the most heterogeneous objects. While this very diversity makes it exciting as a research field, it presents a challenge in terms of methods and approaches. To promote scientific exchanges at international level, Popular Culture Studies need elements of comparability and theorization. The biennial conference of the Royal Irish Academy, hosted by the School of Modern Languages at Queen’s University Belfast, intends to offer a forum for discussion between academics, teaching and researching in the fields of Popular Cultures. It will consider the benefits of studying Popular Cultures in Modern Languages Studies and seek to map current areas of research. It presents a distinctive opportunity to discuss corpora and contrast approaches.

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  • Denpasar

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Tourism in Indonesia

    The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the development of international tourism practices. This activity, that has deeply changed the relation to time and space in the western world since the XVIII century, is now conquering the expanding countries of Asia. This specific moment of adoption of an activity and its practices, give the opportunity to analyze the various aspects of its growth. Are we observing a phenomenon of transfers, mutations or creations? If the development of tourism inChina and India has been studied for several years, its development in Indonesia still requires an in-depth analysis. How is this new activity appropriated in the fourth most populous country in the world? What are the effects on the Indonesian society, whose distinctiveness comes from the diversity of its people, cultures, and religions, throughout its 17,000 islands, from Sumatra to Papua?

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  • Lisbonne

    École thématique - Époque contemporaine

    Lisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture

    LxS - Lisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture, to be held in Lisbon on September 9-20, 2013, is the summer event of the Pedro Hispano Doctoral Studies Programme, composed of 5 courses, workshops, and a graduate conference. The courses of the 2013 edition of the summer school focus on five research puzzles raised by current societal challenges: language hegemony and migrations, culture and heritage, social inequality, urban dynamics, and climate change.

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  • Bordeaux

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Historicising Deliberative Democracy

    7th ECPR General Conference

    The last thirty years have seen the burgeoning of political and academic speeches on the merits of participative or deliberative democracy. In parallel, in occidental democracies, various systems sharing the ambition to strengthen or increase citizen participation through collective discussion on public issues are being institutionalized. These devices are often viewed today as a novel cure to the present crisis of representative governance. This panel, at the crossroads of sociology, history and political science, aims at historicizing such deliberation necessity and at redrawing the genesis of the phenomenon as speech and political practice.

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