

  • Coimbra

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    The semantics of tolerance and (anti-)racism in Europe

    Public bodies and civil society in comparative perspective

    Competition to a Research Fellowship (with a master degree and doctoral student) to work within the European project TOLERACE – “The semantics of tolerance and (anti-)racism in Europe: Public bodies and civil society in comparative perspective” (SSH7-CT-2010-244633).

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  • Luxembourg

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Multi.Pluri.Trans. Emerging Fields in Educational Ethnography

    The conference picks up recent tendencies in ethnographic research that respond to the diversifying social conditions of educational practice by addressing issues such as the translocality and pluricentricity, the multilingual, intercultural as well as multimodal nature of educational realities and the complex relations between local practices and national / global transformations and policies in the fields of education and social work. In different formats of contributions we will present and discuss theoretical and methodological conceptualizations, empirical research findings, as well as questions of research practice and methods.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Visions of Socialism(s) in Eastern Europe: Visual Cultures and the Writing of History

    Visions of Socialism(s) in Eastern Europe: Visual Cultures and the Writing of History, CERI Sciences Po, December 13-December 14, 2012.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Electricity and Imagination

    Seminar Machines and Imagination, 2012-2013

    Throughout the nineteenth century the astonishing technical success of electricity had a great impact on the contemporary imagination. The Volta’s battery which impressed Napoleon, the telegraph system that linked Europe and United States and later the electric light and the x-rays fascinated not only physicists but also artists, men of letters and eclectic intellectuals. The lightning  that gives life to the doctor Frankenstein’s creature in the Mary Shelley novel is the most known case. But also the photographs representing Duchenne de Boulogne’s studies of human facial expressions produced via electrical stimulation and the ‘futuristic’ arc lamp painted by Giacomo Balla are emblematic examples of reactions and interactions between technical development and artistic creativity. The aim of the seminar is to explore how, in a period that was later defined the age of electricity, both science and arts contribute to the representation of electrical technologies.

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  • Prague

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Europe

    Doctoral and Post-doctoral Fellowships in Social Sciences in Prague (CEFRES)

    The Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES), based in Prague, invites applications for Doctoral and Post-doctoral Fellowships in Social Sciences with a research focus on contemporary Central European issues starting from January until July 2013. Candidates should be Ph.D. students or Post-doctoral researchers from 4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia) or from France.

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  • Abu Dhabi

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Boom Cities: Urban Development in the Arabian Peninsula

    Cities in the Arabian Peninsula are at the intersection of global energy markets, local and regional politics, international investment, religious networks, and labor migrations. This conference convenes international specialists of urban studies to map the latest evolutions in the field.

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  • Bucarest

    Informations diverses - Europe

    Hypercultura: Reviewers needed

    The recently founded Journal, Hypercultura, of the Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania, now at his second number, is looking for reviewers for articles that have been submitted in the areas of literature and cultural studies, especially for French-written articles on French Literature and Culture.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études du politique

    Les méthodes de synthèses de connaissances

    Les outils de l'Evidence-Based Policy

    Le Réseau des chercheurs en évaluation des politiques publiques de la Société française d’évaluation vous convie à un séminaire de recherche sur les méthodes de synthèses de connaissances, le 10 décembre 2012 à l’Université de Paris Dauphine, Amphithéâtre 11. La promotion des politiques publiques basées sur la preuve par un nombre croissant des gouvernements nationaux et d’organisations internationales soulève les questions de l’identification de connaissances disponibles sur les impacts des interventions publiques, de l’appréciation de leur crédibilité et finalement de leur synthèse pour éclairer la décision publique. A ce jour, deux méthodes reconnues ont émergé. La première emprunte aux outils de la « médecine des preuves » : revue systématique et la méta-analyse. La seconde, appelée synthèse réaliste, est inspirée des méthodologies des sciences sociales. Le séminaire de recherche, organisé avec l’aide de plusieurs partenaires, proposera une présentation et une discussion des méthodes disponibles (voir programme ci-dessous). Merci de noter que les présentations et échanges se feront exclusivement en anglais afin de faciliter le dialogue entre participants de différents pays. Le réseau des chercheurs en évaluation des politiques publiques.

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  • Liverpool

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Rails and urban development. A Comparative Approach between France and the United Kingdom

    In many countries, the challenges of sustainable urban development along with preoccupations about energy costs, are leading developers and urban planners to place rail transport at the centre of their concerns. During 2012 members of the French and British Planning Studies Group based at the University of Liverpool and University of Paris 1-Sorbonne have been collaborating on hosting two seminars dedicated to the theme of rail transport and urban development. The intention has been to bring together academics with practitioners and also incorporate visits to view rail investments ‘on the ground’. The first event took place in Paris in May 2012 and addressed light rail development in Europe with a particular focus on the situation in the UK and France. The second seminar will take place in Liverpool on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2012 and consider heavy rail as a means of serving urban development in metropolitan areas.

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  • Édimbourg

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    The Seventh Century: Continuity or Discontinuity?

    The 2013 Edinburgh University Seventh Century Colloquium

    We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 2013 Edinburgh University Seventh Century Colloquium, 28-29 May 2013. The colloquium is a two-day interdisciplinary conference for postgraduate students and early career researchers. The colloquium brings together scholars from different disciplines studying the seventh century in order to promote discussion and the cross-fertilisation of ideas. We will explore how wider perspectives can be used to formulate new approaches to source material, drawing out fresh perspectives on both the familiar and unfamiliar. Our general theme will be an examination of whether the seventh century can be studied as a unit across regions or whether the period represents a break in the longue durée. What was the level of discontinuity between the "long sixth" and "long eighth" centuries?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Southeast Asian Cities’ Expressions of Modernity in Their Relation to Local Heritages

    EuroSEAS Conference, Group 6: Popular culture, museums and heritage

    The panel will explore spatial configurations created in these contexts, questioning the forms of modernity expressed by architectural and urban projects. With the purpose of challenging a general assumption according to which Asian and especially Southeast Asian urban landscapes affected by recent developments tend toward irremediable standardization and “Westernization”, the panel will explore local expressions of modernity through the examination of projects pointing to a reinterpretation of forms of local heritages.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Armed Forces in Times of Decolonisation

    Workshop international organisé par l’IHA (D. Leroux, S. Prauser) dans le cadre du réseau européen "Armed forces in the Times of Decolonisation" en coopération avec l’université Paris 1 (R. Branche), l’université de Birmingham (P. Gray) ainsi que l’université de Sienne (N. Labanca).

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Journée d'étude - Droit

    After-Fukushima, a franco-japanese overview

    It aims at understanding the political, social and especially legal consequences related to the Fukushima nuclear accident. Its goal consists in developing a global vision of these consequences by comparing how risk is being perceived both in Japan and in France at the occasion of this collaboration between French and Japanese researchers. What are the legal  and social policies as regards nuclear power  in France and in Japan ? Do both populations perceive differently the related risks?  Does the  Fukushima nuclear accident change mentalities ? What are the legal consequences of this accident and will they have any impact on international law and French law ? What could have been the legal consequences of such a drama in France ? Trying to answer these questions will enable us to better identify the current perception of nuclear risk both in France and in Japan.

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  • Manchester | Salford

    Séminaire - Sociologie

    Thinking the present with Max Weber

    Weber study group of the British Sociological Association

    The recent publication in English of Weber’s complete writings (and speeches) on universities has thrown new light on his involvement in university politics and his concern with the "type of scholar" that universities were producing: Weber imagines a university system in which researchers are becoming workers "separated from their means of production", and academics "people of the trade".  Inspired by Weber’s observations, this seminar-workshop will reflect on the current state of the university and its attendant practices: what is the meaning of scholarly work when the scholar is faced by a series of sometimes contradictory conditions and imperatives? What is the meaning of the new regime under which universities are put to work, with its "quality" indicators and debt-incurring devices, in terms of the pedagogy practised, the kinds of reason relied on, as well as the type of human being presupposed by such regime and resulting from its implementation? What kind of scholar, what kind of student, what type of human being, is produced by these practices?   

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Europe

    Bourses de la Chambre des députés de Berlin

    La Chambre des députés de Berlin a créé en 1994 une Fondation d’études et un programme de bourses en guise de remerciement tardif aux anciennes puissances alliées. Puissances d’occupation ou de protection, elles ont marqué notre ville, sa vie culturelle et politique, pendant près de cinquante ans après la fin du second conflit mondial. La Chambre des députés de Berlin a chargé sa Fondation d'études de maintenir, d’approfondir et d’étendre les nombreux contacts et liens d’amitié avec la France, la Grande-Bretagne et les USA, ainsi qu’avec les États successeurs de l'Union soviétique. La Fondation d’études soutient de jeunes chercheurs originaires de ces pays souhaitant réaliser un projet de recherche portant sur Berlin, et plus généralement sur l’Allemagne.

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Gender and the Periphery. Grammatical and social Gender from the Margins

    This call for chapters aims to bring together studies on the morpho-syntactical phenomenon of gender through its relationships with social gender, focusing on its periphery. This periphery can be understood either in the sense that the studied languages are so called minority languages and thus less described, or because this morpho-syntactical dimension has not received the interest it deserves in the languages studied. Propositions including a focus on the peripheral uses of gender to open the horizon of possibilities concerning gender configurations are also welcome, as far as they are tied to a linguistic periphery.    

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    User Behavior in Ubiquitous Online Environments

    As ubiquitous online applications are increasingly used in various contexts, new models of user activity emerge. The behavior of users is changed in unprecedented ways that are yet to be explored, as our knowledge with respect to the ubiquitous user is still limited. There is an emerging need for researchers and practitioners to fully understand the potential of ubiquitous environments for successful commercial, educational, entertainment, or any other type of activity and the changes they impose to existing to user behavior. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Les villes morcelées : quelles approches alternatives pour la rénovation urbaine ?

    Tackling Urban Fragmentation. Alternative Approaches to Urban Regeneration

    This one day conference invites researchers working on initiatives aiming at introducing innovative urban regeneration projects in cities across Europe, particularly cities affected by radical re-modellings over the last twenty years. We are looking for instances of administrative traditions being challenged towards exploratory strategies by lobbying groups of architects/designers, or local communities, or even local governments. This conference wants to explore if and how the expertise of uses from inhabitants and field workers in urban regeneration processes may be integrated to learn about possible ways of challenging the emerging patterns of urban fragmentation.

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  • Berlin

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Constructing Norms and Disputing the Boundaries of Expertise

    Interrogating the Legacy of Georges Canguilhem and Michel Foucault

    Constructing Norms and Disputing the Boundaries of Expertise: Interrogating the Legacy of Georges Canguilhem and Michel Foucault, Tuesday, 30th October 2012 at 10:00 at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Democracy Promotion and Nation Building in United States Foreign Policy

    The U.S. Model Reconsidered, From the Post-Cold War Balkans to the Arab Revolts

    Le  German Marshall Fund of the United States-France et l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, sont heureux de vous convier au colloque international « Democracy Promotion and Nation Building in United States Foreign Policy. The U.S. Model Reconsidered, From the Post-Cold War Balkans to the Arab Revolts », les jeudi 18 et vendredi 19 octobre 2012, à France-Amériques (9 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, Paris 8e).    Cette conférence sera l’occasion d’examiner les évolutions du débat sur la ‘Democracy Promotion’ de la fin de la Guerre froide jusqu’à l’administration Obama, ainsi que de comprendre  la manière dont les  évènements récents en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient ont refaçonné les concepts et la pratique de la  ‘Democracy Promotion’. Les réponses que peuvent apporter le partenariat transatlantique à ces défis seront tout particulièrement examinées.  Les intervenants présenteront et analyseront les grandes problématiques du sujet telles que l’adaptation de la culture stratégique américaine aux transformations  du contexte international, la capacité du modèle de la démocratie américaine à inspirer ou à façonner les transitions vers la démocratie, s’interrogeront sur le rôle de l’armée américaine comme un vecteur  de ‘Democracy Promotion’ sur certains théâtres d’opérations, ainsi que sur les nouveaux instruments de politique étrangère employés par l’administration américaine pour promouvoir la démocratie. Les panels discuteront ainsi de l’avenir de la pratique américaine de la ‘Democracy Promotion’ et privilégieront une approche comparative en consacrant un panel à la conception et la pratique européennes de la ‘Democracy Promotion’ ainsi qu’à l’émergence d’autres modèles de démocratie, dans un contexte où le modèle américain se trouve de plus en plus contesté.   La conférence réunira des experts et chercheurs américains et européens reconnus. Toutes les sessions se déroulent en anglais. 

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