

  • Paris

    Séminaire - Sociologie

    Accessing Higher Education in the UK

    L'accès à l'enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni

    Seminar in English - Centre de recherche CREC/CREW (EA 4399).


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  • Bhubaneswar

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Gender and Autofiction

    Auto/Fiction 2:1

    The issue is open to all kinds of applied and theoretical papers on gender and autofiction. Contributions may be written in English and may vary in length from 3000 to 12000 words. Reviews should not be more than 1000 words. In addition to scholarly papers we invite contributions in the form of book reviews, calls for papers, announcements of conferences etc. All contributions must adhere to the MLA style sheet (7th Edition) with an abstract and key words.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Persistent Spaces

    Politics, aesthetics and topography in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century city

    This two-day conference brings together young researchers to explore the city and its ideologies from a fully interdisciplinary perspective. Persistent Spaces combines approaches from various fields in order to create a dialogue between disciplines and methodologies. This conference also seeks to establish a dialogue between the 18th and the 19th centuries, in turns highlighting the individual specificities of these two periods, and accounting for the echoes, continuities and breaks between them. 

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  • Johannesbourg

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Afrique

    French Institute of South Africa Fellowships 2014

    PhD / Postdoctorate

    One or two doctoral or post-doctoral research position are vacant at the French Institute of South Africa. IFAS is a French Research Institute Overseas (IFRE) under the supervision of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the CNRS, covering Southern Africa (UMIFRE 25, USR 3336). These posts are financed through non-renewable (save for exceptional reasons) relocation allowances (Aides à la Mobilité) for a maximum of nine months. Successful applicants will receive the scientific and logistic support of IFAS and will become involved in the scientific life of the Institute by regularly taking part in the ongoing activities (conferences, seminars, conferences, publications, etc.). The relocation allowance comes to €1 200 net per month and, in addition, includes one Paris/Johannesburg/Paris trip which will be refunded on the basis of the price of an economic class air ticket, and medical cover. Nationality will not be a condition for application. Applicants will be selected on the basis of scientific criteria only, although the integration potential of the project into the academic landscape of Southern Africa will be taken into consideration. Priority will be given to applicants whose research is in line with the research programmes of the Institute.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    La transnationalisation du religieux par la musique

    La transnationalisation du religieux se traduit par une délocalisation et une relocalisation des croyances, rituels et pratiques religieuses qui se réalise au-delà du cadre national étatique, dans des espaces réels ou symboliques, et le plus souvent au moyen de nouveaux imaginaires et récits identitaires. Si l’analyse de cette transnationalisation religieuse a permis de mettre en lumière divers processus par lesquels le religieux transcende les frontières, il est frappant de constater que la musique est rarement appréhendée pour le rôle qu’elle y joue. Or, ce dernier est essentiel dans la transnationalisation des religions à vocation universelle comme l’islam ou le christianisme. La musique contribue aussi activement à la migration des religions de terroir, des mouvements néo-traditionalistes et des cultes associés à une localité d’origine, tels que le vodou haïtien, la santeria cubaine ou le candomble brésilien. Ces phénomènes musicaux, loin d’être nouveaux, ont d’abord donné le jour à des proto-mondialisations religieuses.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Ethicomp 2014

    Liberty and Security in an Age of ICTs

    ETHICOMP 2014 (june 25 to 27) will be held in Paris at « Les Cordeliers ». The ETHICOMP conference series was initiated in 1995 by Professors Simon Rogerson and Terry Bynum. The purpose of this series is to provide an inclusive forum for discussing the ethical and social issues associated with the development and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Held every 18 months, the previous conferences have featured over 600 papers from delegates and speakers from all continents. ETHICOMP 2014 will be the first conference held jointly with the CEPE (Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries) conference (sponsored by INSEIT - the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology). Our conferences will be hosted by CERNA.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Computer Ethics and Philosophical Enquiry

    Well-Being, Flourishing and ICTs

    CEPE (Computer Ethics and Philosophical Enquiry) is a major conference in the field of computer/information ethics. It will be held, for the first time, in Paris, France, on the Cordeliers Campus, June 23-25 2013. Previous CEPE conferences themes include intercultural ethics, roboethics, social impacts of social computing, socio-technical and ethical change in ICTs, and social responsibility and ICTs. CEPE 2014 will be hosted by CERNA (Commission de réflexion sur l’Ethique de la Recherche en sciences et technologies du Numérique d’Allistene). As well, the last day of the conference (Wednesday, June 25) is co-sponsored by ACM SIGCAS (Special Interest Group, Computers and Society), and will focus on gender and technology.

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  • Bloemfontein

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Colloquium on Happiness

    Annual Conference Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA)

    We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a colloquium on happiness that will form part of the annual conference of Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA) in 2014. The colloquium will be run as a special parallel session throughout the conference. Participants are invited to submit papers related to the overall theme from within any philosophical sub-discipline, e.g. philosophy of economics, moral philosophy, aesthetics, political philosophy, neurophilosophy or philosophy of literature.

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  • Le Havre

    Colloque - Histoire

    Écrire sur l'esclavage


    Ce colloque proposera à la fois une réflexion théorique et la présentation d’études de cas sur le récit d’esclave dans les mondes anglophone, francophone et hispanophone. Les interventions examineront notamment le contexte et le rôle politique des récits : genre et périodisation, publication, circulation et réception, réécritures contemporaines du récit d’esclave. Faisant suite à cette présentation théorique et à ces études de cas, la dernière partie du colloque, qui ouvre également l’exposition Paul et Virginie, un exotisme enchanteur, organisée du 22 novembre 2013 au 18 mai 2014 à l’hôtel Dubocage de Bléville, est consacrée à l’étude des écrits de l’esclavage dans le monde indianocéanique entre l’époque de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre et le premier XIXe siècle.


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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    The Iraqi Kurdistan and the Kurdish Issue in Near Eastern Politics. New Dynamics and Challenges

    In partnership with Sciences Po-CERI, Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in France, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Aix-Marseille Université – CERIC (UMR 7318).

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Questioning Spaces of Citizenship in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Latin American History Graduate Student Conference

    Scholars often invoke citizenship as an analytic frame to understand the history of Latin America and the Caribbean. While the concept can encompass a broad range of topics, this conference will focus on the spaces where individuals and groups come into contact with the institutions and symbols of the state. These spaces may be physical places, institutional settings, discursive realms, or other fora. In this graduate student conference, we will ask how such spaces of citizenship are constructed, delimited, and at times rejected, and how the terms of interaction and negotiation in these spaces are defined and re-defined.

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  • Luxembourg

    Colloque - Histoire

    Reading historical sources in the digital age

    DHLU Symposium 2013

    This third edition of Digital Humanities Luxembourg will focus on the various ways in which online sources are used by humanities researchers, particularly contemporary historians and more specifically specialists in European integration. The Symposium will be structured around the following research clusters: "Data retrieval, analysis and visualization’’, "Community reading’’ and "Writing history & Assessing scholarship’’.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Mapping the History of the Bohemian Lands and the First Czechoslovak Republic (1880-1938)

    It seems that in contrast to the contemporary history of former Czechoslovakia, the research on the late 19th and early 20th centuries has remained static in the last couple of years. How can the recent historiography on the Bohemian lands be encouraged? Which approaches and research fields emphasizing the mutual relationships between local, national and transnational actors promise new perspectives and interpretations of multiethnic society? The workshop aims at critical discussions of the state of research and of ongoing research projects related to the Bohemian lands and the First Czechoslovak Republic, focusing on comparative or transnational questions in the given period.

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  • Dakar

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Politiques publiques et pratiques de développement mobile

    Opportunités, contraintes et rôle des acteurs

    Ce panel envisage interroger d’une part la place des politiques publiques (ou leur absence) à travers le rôle de l’État et des organes de régulation, et d’autre part les pratiques concrètes de développement d’applications mobiles pour le développement (santé, éducation, économie, agriculture etc.). On insistera sur les contraintes, les opportunités, les expériences concrètes de divers groupes formels ou informels de développement d’applications mobiles.

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  • Bayreuth

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Religious pathways to better futures

    Religious groups in Africa are not only an important source of imaginations of the future they are also remarkably active in their efforts to realize them. Thereby different religious groups articulate quite different visions on the future of their society, of Africa, the world or of mankind and follow different ways to pursue their goals: some groups might opt for public prayers, some for violence, some see in education the best way to realize their visions, some form political parties, and still others search for support in transnational networks or establish faith-based-organizations and try to link their future imaginaries to those of the donors in the world of development. Thus, looking at differing religious visions on the future and at the ways they are translated into practice, raises questions about the forms of public religion and interest articulation in a national and transnational setting as well as questions about religious diversity within a society.

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  • Princeton

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Pratiques, procédures, récursivités : la réalité des médias ?

    Quatrième Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies

    The Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies – a collaboration between the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, IKKM) and Princeton University (German Department) – returns to Princeton in 2014 for its fourth installment. The 2014 topic will be “Practices, Procedures, Recursions: The Reality of Media?”. The weeklong program will be hosted by Princeton’s German Department. It will be directed by Bernhard Siegert (Weimar) and Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton). Besides the directors the faculty will include renowned film maker Harun Farocki as well as scholars of media and literature such as Petra McGillen (Dartmouth), Grant Wythoff (Columbia), and Harun Maye (Weimar).

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  • Appel à contribution - Droit

    Realism, Rhetoric and Legal Studies

    Prim@ Facie journal is soliciting papers for its end-of-year issue: this thematic edition will focus on Realism, Rhetoric and Legal Studies. We aim to bring critical focus to a subject that deserves greater attention in the legal literature. We welcome papers on a topic of your choosing since it has been related with this call and journal's criteria.


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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Transnational Public Participation and Social Movement Activism

    Ambiguities of global spread, professionalisation and standardization

    The workshop is dedicated to questions linking transnational public participation research with transnational social movement activism research and pointing to dynamics of global spread, professionalization and standardization. It aims at discovering linkages, differences and ambiguities in both research fields and invites contributions from diverse disciplines.



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  • Bucarest

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    New Europe College International Fellowships

    Bucharest, Romania – 2014-15

    New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, Romania – announces the competition for Fellowships for the academic year 2014-15. The program targets young international researchers/academics working in the fields of humanities, social studies, and economics.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Dilemmas of political representation

    The journal Snodi. Public and Private in Contemporary History will devote its 13th issue to the theme of political representation; we invite submissions of papers which address in particular the dilemmas, the conflicts and the tensions that can arise between duties of representation and individual choices and inclinations. We are interested in explorations of the ways in which the conflict between the "self" and the "collective self" has broken out within the political sphere at different stages of the modern era, from the late eighteenth century to the present, and in differentgeographical contexts.

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