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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Conquer your Future Now!” Youth and the Continuous Construction of Communism

    “History of Communism in Europe”, vol. 13/2022

    The relation between youth and communist parties can be analyzed from three major perspectives: policy, politics, activism. Firstly, there are youth policies implemented by the socialist regimes (education, sports, housing, employment, leisure) that were meant to respond to the needs of the young. Secondly, their political involvement (participation in elections, party membership, national and international youth organizations) was encouraged, sought for and sometimes even forced upon. And thirdly, the young’s activism, which was manifest in mass organizations or voluntary work, and which was preferred to be in support and not against the regimes. The latter includes young communists active in non-socialist countries such as Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, United States etc. along the 20th century.

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Culture for and with older people

    Culture and Aging. Understanding changes in social participation and cultural activities dedicated to older people

    Older people are becoming increasingly active,involved in social participation and culturalactivities, alongside with their increasedpresence in public discourse and media.Moreover, social perceptions of old age isshifting and adapting to new ways of living andsocial dynamics. This special issue of Culture. Society. Economy. Politics is focused on Culture and Aging and adresses the challenges and efforts made toward a better understanding of older persons and the way in which organizations, brands, policy makers, etc. are changing frameworks and means of interaction as to include this growing part of our society. 

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  • Informations diverses - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Call for good practices on caring communities

    The AGORAge project team is a european pilot project on citizen science funded by COESO project. We are collecting a list of good practices to be included in the AGORAge Caring Community Toolkit addressed to all those interested in implementing initiatives that enable the creation of caring communities in which the social inclusion of older people is given special consideration. The toolkit will be published into four languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and Catalan, and will be freely available from June 2023.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Pragmatic spaces, longitudinal studies and multilingualism

    CLARe 3 – Corpora for language and aging research

    The conference is dedicated to discussing major issues in language and aging research. The focus is on projects and research questions taking their point of departure in empirical approaches and the use of innovative methods to gather and analyze authentic material and samples of language data from older adults. Also, the subject of language in later life is deeply embedded in interdisciplinary contexts.

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  • Bruxelles

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    PhD Grant in Urban Anthropology of Youth in Laos

    EASt provides a PhD grant for a research titled: “Negotiating Identities in Public Spaces Among Old and New Groups of Young City Dwellers in Vientiane, Laos”. The research will explore how young migrants experience, use and appropriate public spaces, including cyberspace, in the Lao fast-developing capital, Vientiane. How are their social maps structured and negotiated in relation to public spaces? How do they interact and perceive their relationship with the local youth born and bred in Vientiane? How do they coexist and socialise in urban public spaces?

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  • Innsbruck

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Migration and Generation

    16th International Conference on Migration

    The 16th International Conference on Migration take place the 23–25th of June 2016 in innsbruck/Austria. This year, the conference will discuss the concept of generation in the context of migration, and will also examine the use of the concept of genera-tions in empirical research and in public discourse. Likewise of central concern here is to view the phenomenon of migration from an inter-generational perspective and to ask to what extent this can contribute to a better understanding of migration.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    South and east mediterranean youth policies on a tightrope

    The conference brings together a series of international researchers who examine youth policies within institutional structures and at the state level in six South and East Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey). It sheds light on the politics of youth policies, sociological and economic obstacles to becoming "adults", and questions the historical turn after the 2011 "Arab Spring". Youth policies are examined at a macro-level in the areas of employment, family, migration and spatial planning in an attempt to understand the emergence of youth as a category, oftentimes identified with a public problem. The question of how various forms of marginalization and domination such as gender, social, urban/rural, ethnic, based on citizenship, etc. intersect and generate inequalities among youth in South and East Mediterranean countries is central to inquiry.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Twelfth Conference of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce

    INED, the French National Institute for Demographic Studies, hosts the twelfth Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce. The conference will take a broad approach to union dissolution, considering both divorce and separation for non-married partnerships. We particularly welcome papers on the antecedents of union dissolution with a particular attention to the changing determinants overtime. Furthermore, we invite papers on different aspects of the consequences of separation and divorce. Separation and divorce concerns different protagonists: women, men and children, in different aspects of their life. The conference will be held in Paris, France on 2-4 October 2014.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    La vieillesse dans tous ses états : enjeux, paradoxes et perspectives

    Regards croisés en civilisation et littérature

    The Institute for Transcultural and Transtextual Studies (IETT) is organising a multi-disciplinary conference on old age, interpreted as a transitional period during which individuals have to face specific issues. The conference aims to explore three major themes. The first one will lead us to address a series of questions related to aesthetic norms and social models. The second theme will focus on forms of mental and physical degeneration and will encourage us to examine the consequences of age-related disability, segregation, and exclusion. The third issue is based on the related questions of memory and transmission. It will allow us to reflect upon the transmission of traditions and on relationships within the family, partly based on authority, and/or on inherited collective values.

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  • Rennes

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Les normes interrogées par le handicap

    Cette neuvième conférence propose d’interroger la construction de la normalité et, plus globalement, le système de pensée qui structure nos sociétés, selon lequel être « valide » serait la norme, au double sens de la situation la plus répandue et la plus souhaitable. Cette perspective critique entend ainsi mettre en évidence la manière dont nos sociétés sont structurellement construites en référence à cette figure de l’individu valide. Si l’injonction récente à construire des sociétés inclusives semble signaler un tournant radical, qu’en est-il concrètement ? En a-t-on réellement fini avec les représentations tendanciellement négatives, défectives, voire tragiques, du handicap ?  Les figures « héroïsées » du handicap, devenues omniprésentes dans l’espace public, ne prolongent-elles pas (en les inversant) ces approches du handicap comme écart à la norme ?

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Home Away From Home

    Seminar HOME II

    Après avoir exploré la relation du sujet aux lieux d’origine dans les narrations contemporaines au cours d’un premier cycle de conférences Home: Heaven and Hell, HOME pousse cette fois l’enquête du côté de la reconstruction d’un imaginaire domestique. Quel est ce nouveau foyer qui suit l’errance, l’exil ou la migration ? Portant cette fois le titre Home Away From Home, ce deuxième cycle de séminaires souhaite interroger les représentations littéraires et artistiques contemporaines des espaces adoptés afin de comprendre comment ceux-ci se construisent en interaction avec un sujet qui voit aboutir sa quête d’un territoire.

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  • Saint-Denis

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Toys and material culture : Hybridisation, design and consumption

    The predominant theme for the 8th ITRA conference is “Toys and material culture: Hybridisation, design and consumption”. Beyond toys, the conference will explore the place of tangible objects and novel forms of material culture in play. What are the similarities and the differences, the relationships, between toys and other material devices, such as board games, cards, digital games and media-connected objects? Are there, in play, or in the trans-mediated toys themselves, new forms of materiality?

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  • Appel à contribution - Économie

    Family and health in the age of inequality

    Topical Issue of "Open Economics" Journal

    The scope of this Topical Issue includes two main research areas – Family Economics and Health Economics. We are looking for both research and review articles about problems in those areas, preferably through the prism of social inequalities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Creating the child audience: media and the invention of modern American childhood in the late XIXth and XIXth centuries

    "Transatlantica" special issue

    This Transatlantica issue sets out to examine how, in the process of creating new audiences for its products, child-centric media crafted a homogenizing vision of childhood especially compatible with media consumption. As a result, in the course of the late XIXth and XXth centuries, media has made itself the vehicle of adult norms and expectations about children’s tastes, behaviors and development – be it to pander to existing tastes and behaviors or shape them to ideal standards, some civic-minded (with emphasis on social adjustment, character building, or good citizenship), some commercial, and others both at once.

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  • Rouen

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    La chambre d'enfant, un microcosme culturel

    Espace, consommmation, pédagogie

    Le colloque « La chambre d’enfant, un microcosme culturel » vise à dresser l’état des connaissances sur la culture matérielle de l’enfant dans l’espace domestique suivant trois axes principaux. Ils ont été retenus pour mieux saisir la chambre d'enfant aussi bien dans son histoire que dans le monde contemporain, dans sa matérialité que dans ses représentations. Le premier envisagera la chambre d’enfant sous l’angle de l’architecture, comme un espace délimité spécifiquement réservé à l'enfant au sein de l'habitat. Le deuxième axe s’attachera à la chambre comme lieu privilégié des biens de l’enfance et de la consommation enfantine. Enfin le dernier axe considérera la chambre comme un espace éducatif, dans lequel peuvent cohabiter perspectives scolaires et univers du divertissement, visées adultes et points de vue enfantins.

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Mineurs non accompagnés sans protection en Europe

    Appel à communications pour le colloque international « Mineurs non accompagnés et sans protection en Europe: Quelles raisons expliquent leur manque de protection? », MSHS, Poitiers, 23-24 octobre 2012. Merci de nous envoyer vos propositions de communications sur l'addrese avant le 13 février 2012

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  • Écully

    Journée d'étude - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Le comportement alimentaire des jeunes adultes

    Symposium du Centre de Recherche de l'Institut Paul Bocuse

    Each year, the Institut Paul Bocuse Research Centre welcomes researchers and professionals to exchange over a theme from various angles: biological, psychological, social or economic approaches.For its 2012 edition, the conference concerns the eating behavior of young adults. Indeed, youth is a critical phase that allows the transition from adolescence to adulthood, a period where individuals’ culinary and eating behaviors are constructed. The question can be raised of how far young adults are willing to go on with their family eating habits and how far they wish to break with transmitted values and build new schemes.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Violences juvéniles sous expertise(s), XIXe-XXIe siècle

    Ouvrage collectif

    Dans la construction historique du problème social que constitue la violence juvénile, que celle-ci soit exercée ou subie, le rôle de l’expertise est primordial. La violence, phénomène intime et social, étroitement associé avec l’état de jeunesse, oscille entre l’objectivité de ses manifestations et la subjectivité de sa perception. Elle se mesure à l’aune de son énoncé dans la sphère publique. L’expert, agissant au cœur ou à la lisière du système institutionnel de protection de la jeunesse, peut être celui qui recueille cette expression et celui qui la met en forme. Ainsi, l’expérience de la violence chez les jeunes est médiatisée par les formes de discours savants que produisent les experts.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Dynamiques familiales et parenté pratique en Afrique

    Appel à contributions

    By taking practical kinship as a point of departure, this workshop aims at reflecting upon current changes in African gender identities, in relations between generations on the continent, as well as in the place of extended families, or lineages, in the everyday life of African households.

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  • Taipei

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Bodily Cultivation & Cultural Learning

    8th International Symposium of CORPUS (International Group for the Cultural Study of the Body)

    Almost all cultures recognize as a means of achieving religious or spiritual goals, cultivating moral and emotional virtue, or transforming ideas into bodily practices. Some of the most common examples include fasting, meditation, vegetarianism, and qigong or taichi. Rather than focus on these obvious examples, conference attendees will examine culturally driven bodily practices such as proper ways to walk, sit, and gesture—all of which are often endowed with rich cultural meaning, information about cultural learning, and knowledge about the cultivation of values and merit. Bodily cultivation can also be analyzed as a channel for learning, manifesting, developing, or shaping cultural concepts and ideals.

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