

  • Aix-en-Provence

    Colloque - Histoire

    Écrire le désert

    Enjeux, sources, analyses

    Comment écrit-on l’histoire du désert ? Et de quel désert s’agit-il, en fonction de quelle aire culturelle ? Alors que les études consacrées aux espaces sahariens ont pris de nouvelles directions ces dernières années – notamment autour de questions négligées auparavant telles que la mobilité ou les réseaux  et l’émergence de nouvelles identités sahariennes à la suite des décolonisations, ou dans le cadre de nouvelles explorations des relations entre colonisés et colonisateurs, ce colloque a pour ambition de créer un espace de réflexion autour du matériau fondamental de toute recherche académique : d’un côté les archives qui nourrissent le travail du chercheur, et de l’autre les questions autour desquelles s’articule son enquête.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Europe

    Exchanges in European Landscape Design, 1945–1975

    The symposium Exchanges in European Landscape Design, 1945–1975 assembles a group of leading scholars from Europe and North America and asks them to examine the relations and transferences that influenced the course of landscape architecture in the postwar period. 

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Armenian Diaspora(s) in Motion

    Places, Stakeholders and Practices in the 21st Century

    This 2-day international colloquium which will take place at Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers) will bring together scholars, from a variety of disciplines and perspectives, who observe Armenian diasporic dynamics in the 21st century. The event will provide an opportunity to compare views and examine the contemporary reshapings of the Armenian dispersion, which, 40 years after the emergence of diaspora studies, has undergone numerous spatial, structural, social, political, economic and cultural changes.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Géographie

    Changement climatique et interaction homme-environnement dans le Caucase

    Perspectives géo-bio-archéologiques et littéraires

    Dans des moments de crise comme celle que nous vivons aujourd’hui, il est indispensable que les scientifiques de différentes disciplines et pays unissent leurs forces pour enregistrer les données et préparer des solutions pour cet avenir proche. Afin d’estimer toute la chaîne d’événements (probablement catastrophiques) qui pourraient affecter un pays comme la Géorgie – le pays mythique de la Toison d’Or –, il faut considérer tout le cycle de l’eau, depuis la fonte des glaciers jusqu’aux lacs de haute montagne, les bassins fluviaux, leurs deltas et la mer. Les modélisations climatiques, géomorphologiques et écologiques doivent être mises en relation avec les informations transmises au fil du temps par les textes littéraires, afin d’anticiper les changements sociétaux proches. En s’appuyant sur des recherches antérieures des participants, sur la géohistoire et la géo-bio-archéologie de la mer Noire, des basses terres de Colchide, des rivières – y compris du mythique fleuve Phasis, cette rencontre se veut un coup d’envoi pour de futures collaborations internationales et interdisciplinaires.

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  • Zagreb

    Colloque - Europe

    Digital Humanities and Heritage

    Heritage Matters: Fostering Collaborative Infrastructure

    The DARIAH-HR conference “Digital Humanities and Heritage” endeavors to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among scholars, humanities experts, and professionals specializing in library and information science, archival studies, and museum cultural resource management. By highlighting the interdependent relationship between digital humanities and heritage, this conference aims to promote the adoption of digital technologies as both a methodological approach and a powerful tool within the realms of heritage, humanities, social sciences, and arts.

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  • Venise

    Colloque - Pensée

    On Matter

    Venice Issues

    Matter is said in many ways. From its constant presence along the history of philosophy, through the emergence of contemporary theoretical attempts to redefine it, to its central role in political and pedagogical debates, the concept of matter resists any fixed and unambiguous characterization. The main objective of this conference is to open up a debate, encouraging different disciplinary approaches, on the subject of matter. For this very reason, the structure of the conference has been articulated into four different panels which not only are aimed at fostering reflections on the conference topic, but also to represent a real ground for disciplinary exchange and dialogue. To this regard, we propose to explore the semantic constellation of matter in the fields of History of Philosophy and Science, in contemporary philosophical debates both theoretical and practico-political and, finally, from the perspective of Education Sciences.

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  • Innsbruck city center

    Colloque - Histoire

    Limits of Europeanness? Contested Notions of Difference and Belonging (16th–21st Centuries)

    Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe

    A basic tension inherent in any idea of Europe is that it links some set of “cultural values” to a geographical space on the western fringe of the Asian landmass, but at the same time allows for a significant degree of internal diversity. There is ample evidence for the force of visions of centre and periphery in this context. The variety of ways in which such mental maps have served to underpin notions of difference and belonging in the light of Europeanness are at the core of this conference.

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  • Palerme

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Problematizing Migration: Mobility and Vulnerablization in an Age of Abandonment and Inequalities

    The conference analyzes the entanglement of official classifications and life-as-lived in the context of migration and human mobility. What happens to practices, poetics, and grammars of migration at points of encounter between state and non-state relations? Authors across disciplines and those outside of academic institutions (eg, but not limited to: activists, artists, etc.) are encouraged to submit and the organizers are committed to hosting work that contends with the topic across multiple modalities and methods.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Représentations

    The Agency of Plants in the Literature and the Arts of the French and English-Speaking Worlds (19th-21st century)

    Puissances du végéter dans la littérature et les arts des mondes francophones et anglophones (XIXe-XXIe siècle)

    The aim of this international conference is to reflect on the active role of plants in texts and visual representations in the literature and arts of the anglophone and the francophone worlds from the nineteenth century to the present day. We will think about the aesthetic, political, and epistemological implications of this form of agency and analyse the way in which plants act upon and with the human world from an anthrodecentric perspective. We will look at how plants can organise or disorganise our world, call into question established truths, and shape power relations, including political ones.

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  • Vienne

    Colloque - Europe

    Racism, Justice, Environment

    Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond

    The conference Racism, Justice, Environment : Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond is dedicated to the topic of environmental justice. People in Eastern Europe have higher chances of dying as a result of pollution than those in Western Europe. The highest rates of pollution-related deaths are in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Romania, all countries with significant Roma communities. Across Europe, numerous Roma communities live in environmentally hazardous areas. Critical Romani Studies therfore proposes a paradigm shift and challenges the dominant academic and policy discourses and suggests inquiries into forms of oppressions Roma are facing, highlighting the importance of structural forms of injustice.

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  • São Paulo

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Urban Injustices: Normative Ideas and Practices

    Hosted by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) at the University of São Paulo (USP), this event aims to create a forum for novel academic debates by combining reflections on concepts and theories in contemporary political philosophy with empirical claims by groups that suffer from such injustices, along with normative justifications that support fairer and more egalitarian cities.

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  • Fribourg

    Colloque - Europe

    (D’) Après nature

    Aesthetics & Critique, V

    Pendant des siècles, les artistes se sont employés à peindre d’après nature. Que reste-t-il de ce projet esthétique dans un monde où la nature se révèle comme étant déjà intégralement « anthropisée » ? Que reste-t-il de la nature, lorsque celle-ci a perdu le statut de Grand Dehors ? Face à l’urgence climatique, d’autres politiques – mais aussi : esthétiques – de la nature sont nécessaires. Comment concevoir une nature qui n’est plus située au-delà de nous, mais qui nous traverse ? Comment penser, en retour, une nature déjà traversée par la récursivité, bref : par la technique ? Car la nature après la nature n’est peut-être rien d’autre que cela : une nature qui se découvre comme ayant toujours été nature seconde. Une nature en tant qu’art.

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  • Erkner

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Mapping “Post-Conflict” Cities

    Building on the knowledge gathered from academic literature as well as from the first UrbanMetaMapping conference “Cartographies of Catastrophes” in Bamberg (2021) this conference will examine mapping of “post-conflict” cities from the 19th century until the present day in different geographic settings. Firstly, we want to focus particularly on the question of continuities and ruptures relating to urban planning in those cases when end of conflict coincided with a change of socio-political regime. Secondly, we want to move away from the iconic cities, capitals in particular, and focus instead on less known case studies. We are therefore particularly interested in mapping of “peripheral” cities and their experience of “post-conflict” periods.

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  • Lausanne

    Colloque - Géographie

    Decolonizing geography and environmental studies?

    Over the last two decades the decolonial turn has swept across academic disciplines, exposing the configurations of power that have survived the formal end of colonial rule. Decolonial perspectives call into question prevalent modes of producing scientific knowledge, critically addressing theoretical approaches, methodologies, fieldwork practices and citational politics. Yet, as calls to decolonizing the university have circulated widely, significant questions have been raised about the incorporation and watering down of this notion in institutional contexts. The international conference will consider the implications of the decolonial turn for the fields of geography and environmental studies. 

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  • Graz

    Colloque - Europe

    Territorial Turn!

    Towards just, ecological and collaborative urbanism

    Join us for the International Symposium Territorial Turn! held by the Institute of Urbanism, TU Graz, and elaborate together with our our keynote speakers and presenters on changes, values and framework conditions of urbanism. The discussion on theoretical concepts and ideas, as well as pioneering practical urban design propositions will contribute to actively think, plan, design, and implement an ecological and equitable urban future on a territorial scale.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Early Islamic Agriculture and Water Management: Talking about a “Revolution”

    Second Ḥajar Online Workshop

    In the workshop organized by Hajar, three archaeological case studies which relate to agriculture and/or water management during Early Islam will be presented, followed by responses and a discussion. These will enable another examination of Andrew Watson’s arguments from the 1980s about an “Arab agricultural revolution” or “green revolution” - this time from an archaeological perspective.

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  • Détroit

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Reinventing Public Space in Business Improvement Districts

    Over the last two decades, public space renewal in downtown Detroit, as in other cities, has undergone phases of experimentation in response to emerging phenomena that put pressure on existing governance models. This includes most notably “metropolitanization,” referring to the increasing geographical scales of interdependence developing in response to the stalemate coming from increasing partisan bickering and shrinking subsidies that have negatively impacted the provision of public services at local levels. New public space governance models based on a large range of partnership forms have emerged in this context and in response to the need to reimagine urban identities, which are critical in ensuring global competitiveness.

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  • Prague

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Displaced memories and memories of displacement

    Vanquished Others, Silenced Past, and the Burden of Implication in the 21st Century

    This two-day workshop seeks to provide a comparative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary platform to discuss many cases of how the silenced heritage of the displaced populations in Europe and beyond is being negotiated in the present day.

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  • Rouen

    Colloque - Europe

    Kick-off meeting ANR HIGH-PASM

    The Kick-off meeting of the ANR High-Pasm is set on the 29 and 30th april 2021. The launching of the porject in a hybrid format, will gather all the team members within UMR IDEES 6266 CNRS together with the collaborators from Cyprus, Germany and Lebanon. A keynote speaker Pr. Gilles Grivaud, from the research group Grihs, will bive us an interesting insight on the Hisotircal context of Cyprus since the 12th century.

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  • Padoue

    Colloque - Europe

    Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality

    A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History

    PhD students from the XXXIV cycle of the joint PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical, Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari Venice, Verona) are happy to invite you to their conference, titled "Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality. A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History". We will be exploring the interactions between various examples of Crises and Infrastructural response, trying to push for an interdisciplinary dialogue. We aim to reflect not only on the role of infrastructures as means of problem-solving, but also on the varied outcomes of critical moments. For more information, please see the detailed program attached.

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