HomeSubjectsSocietyGeographyMigration, immigration, minorities

HomeSubjectsSocietyGeographyMigration, immigration, minorities

  • Brussels

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    "Alala Yellali"

    Women, Musical Genre and Gender Identities in Chaabi Music, from Morocco to the Diasporas

    The aim of this conference is to take stock of knowledge about one of the most widespread genres of Moroccan popular music: ša‘bī ('popular', commonly written chaabi), as well as the role of women in its history, transmission and practice. We want to bring together academics (ethno-musicologists, anthropologists, historians, linguists), artists (musicians, dancers, singers, actors) and other specialists (instrument makers, cultural workers, event providers) as part of a wider event, the Habibi Chaabi Festival, which will include concerts, screenings, musical workshops and popular festivals.

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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - Political studies

    "It's a rich man's world?"

    Financing humanitarian aid and development in the Middle East since the mid-19th century

    Cet atelier exploratoire abordera les ressources financières de l’aide transnationale, leur gestion et leur circulation, en examinant les pratiques, les discours et les stratégies mises en œuvre, de l'émergence de l'humanitaire moderne, autour de la crise de 1860 au Liban, jusqu’aux récents bouleversements tels que la guerre en Syrie. L’analyse sera menée à diverses échelles, avec une attention aux réflexions sur le temps long et aux interrelations entre le local et le global. Il s'agit de mettre en dialogue diverses approches des sciences humaines et sociales, ainsi que savoirs académiques et pratiques. Sont particulièrement bienvenues les propositions portant sur un cas d’étude, un corpus de sources, un retour de terrain, des outils techniques et méthodologiques.

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  • Ariano Irpino

    Call for papers - Middle Ages

    The first generations of the conquest – 2: to settle

    Third meeting of the "Pax Normanna" programme

    These study days will consider  the issues surrounding the settlement of the conquerors, by comparing the different situations encountered in the Norman worlds in Normandy, in Great Britain and Ireland, in southern Italy and in Sicily, in Ifrîqiya and in the Holy Land.

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  • Pessac

    Call for papers - Asia

    “Walking” Practices and Trades in East Asia

    Traces and Techniques of Circulation on Foot: Modern and Contemporary Perspectives

    This conference is to revisit “walking” practices and trades in Asia from the 15th century to the present day – but without geographical and chronological exclusivity, and taking into consideration the essential participation of pack animals in human mobility. Some pedestrian practices have been decisive in the functioning of societies, in supplying towns and remote regions; others “marches” carry, in terms of protests, a powerful political dimension, leading to profound social transformations.

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  • Call for papers - Geography

    Portfolio: REMI’s Special Anniversary Issue

    In the framework of its 40th anniversary, the editorial board of the Revue européenne des migrations internationales (REMI) organizes a call for contributions for its portfolio section. The competition addresses young doctoral researchers and post-doctoral researchers in the fields of Social Sciences in France and abroad. A jury composed of the editorial board and the journal’s network members will select three proposals to publish in the anniversary issue (Vol. 40-2&3 - 2025). Texts will be placed around visual proposals such as photographs, drawings, plans, maps, cartoons, etc.

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  • Oran

    Call for papers - Africa

    Africanity on the move

    Ce colloque tente de mettre en lumière de nouvelles lectures relatives au phénomène migratoire en Afrique, ses enjeux économique, socioculturel et politique en s’appuyant sur l'analyse des médias, la littérature, les documents historiques, le cinéma…. L’objectif est d’interroger la question migratoire dans toute sa complexité, ainsi que la vulnérabilité de la personne migrante, eu égard à sa stigmatisation et aux différentes visions dévalorisantes et/ou valorisantes à son sujet, des discours et des images qui demeurent polémiques et pourraient engendrer des dérapages et des glissements sémantiques, constituant ainsi l’objet d’étude de chercheurs appartenant à différents champs disciplinaires.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Disasters, sociological questions

    Revue « L'Année sociologique » numéro 75-2

    This call for papers aims to contribute to the updating and renewal of sociological reflections on Disasters, as sociological questions. By inviting the presentation of cutting-edge research in the journal founded by Emile Durkheim, this special issue of L’Année sociologique aims to contribute to an effort to structure sociological research on disasters: disasters have become a common social experience; what can the sociology of disasters tell us today? Proposals for contributions may relate to contemporary or past events. In all cases, they should be based on solid empirical material, whatever the methodology chosen (qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods). Particular attention will be paid to their ability to operationalize contemporary issues in the sociology of disasters, articulating empirical elements with theoretical reflection.

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  • Call for papers - Geography

    Negotiating One’s Place in the Mountains: Radical Perspectives on Experiences of – and Challenges to – Domination

    Alors que les approches radicales constituent un champ important en sciences sociales depuis plusieurs décennies, elles restent peu représentées dans les travaux portant sur les montagnes. Ces approches entendent mettre en évidence les rapports de domination qui traversent les sociétés et la façon dont ils s’entrecroisent. Sans s’en tenir à une simple description des inégalités sociales, il s’agit, dans la lignée de la pensée marxienne, d’expliquer profondément ces inégalités en décryptant les rapports sociaux de domination qui les sous-tendent et en faisant pour cela appel à des pensées systémiques et à des approches matérialistes. Ce numéro vise à montrer la fécondité des approches radicales pour penser les processus de minorisation, sur lesquels repose la reproduction des modèles économiques et politiques dominants, comme leur contestation à l’œuvre en montagne.

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  • Paris 03 Temple

    Call for papers - History

    Réseaux obscurs

    L’imaginaire des mises en connexion secrètes et des bas-fonds transnationaux du XIXe au XXIe siècle

    Modern imaginations of an interconnected world often have a ‘dark’ side. In the nineteenth century there was an explosion in enthusiasm for the opportunities offered by new forms of international communication, trade, and travel, the emergence of cosmopolitan ideals, or the urge for international cooperation. Yet contemporaries also imagined a dangerous milieu of vice and crime generated by illicit flows and populated by a dubious cast of shady characters. Anxieties over espionage, conspiracies and secret plots became a widespread cultural pattern. Since then, a sinister mythology has never ceased to captivate the modern imaginary: that beneath the real world lies a connected underworld made up of clandestine threads and movements that transcend borders and stretch across continents and oceans. This international conference will investigate the imaginary of ‘dark networks’ from the nineteenth century to the present, intenting to move beyond simplistic success stories of globalisation and contributes to the growing interest of scholars in its ‘deviant’ sides.

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  • Montreal

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    Housing: Global Crisis, Seeking justice

    The aim of this international conference orgnanised by the Collectif de recherche et d’action sur l’habitat (CRACH) is to think about the housing crisis in an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective, using a variety of case studies to share knowledge and strategies for mobilization and struggle. Addressed as much to academic circles as to activist groups, this call aims to contribute to a collective reflection on the housing crisis and the capitalist logics that fuel it, resulting in an unprecedented increase in evictions and housing costs.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    On Migration Routes: Mobilities, Risk, and Uncertainty

    Drawing from studies that lie within the framework of major contemporary “migration corridors” (Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, North America), this topical collection aims to explore the relationship between risk and migration from the perspective of migrants, at a time when the perils associated with crossing borders reach an unprecedented intensity. The reflection will focus on how migrants perceive the uncertainties and risks related to the decision to leave, and on the practices and mechanisms they use to manage these risks. In doing so, the notion of risk itself, as a culturally situated relation to the present and future, can be subject to critical reflection by examining the very concrete effects of uncertainty on the structuring of biographical trajectories in migration. Finally, this collection also aims to understand the link between the practical management of risk by migrants on a daily basis, and the management systems of “migration risks” implemented by institutional players.

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  • Seville

    Call for papers - History

    At the heart of the transnational allophone press

    Production, financing, distribution, circulation and reception (XIX°-XX° centuries)

    Long ignored by specialists, the foreign-language press exists in most countries at the margins of the global media system. In some countries, especially in those that attract large flows of immigrants, exiles and expatriates, these periodicals are numerous and of a great variety. For the 10th Transfopress Encounter, we invite papers on the organization and functioning of the allophone press, its funding, its distribution, circulation and reception by its readres.

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  • Call for papers - Geography

    In the manufacture of mobility regimes in Africa

    In Africa, debates on the development of migration policies and borders are at the core of many studies. Over the past two decades, the transformation of mobility regimes, the strengthening of borders and the emergence of multiple actors in migration “management” have been addressed mainly through the process of externalisation of borders and the role played by actors of the international migration government. Without questioning the asymmetric and postcolonial dimensions of African-European state relations, this topical collection aims to take a different and innovative look at the historical, social and political trajectories of African states and societies in the government of mobility. It thus aims to interrogate the ways in which a wide variety of actors, both state and non-state, invest, contest and reuse the socio-political spaces of migration government through their practices, discourses or mobilities.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Social Movements

    Convergences of Popular Dance, Justice, and Media

    Au vingtième et au début du vingt-et-unième siècles, les mouvements pour la justice sociale ont souvent mis en avant les mouvements des corps : pour attirer l’attention sur les inégalités et la violence, pour célébrer l’altérité face aux régimes hégémoniques de la suprématie blanche, du patriarcat, de l’hétéronormativité et du capacitisme, et pour manifester des modes plus justes de communauté et de socialité. Les danses populaires, définies au sens large comme les danses exécutées par le peuple et/ou qui sont populaires dans les médias de masse, ont animé les mouvements activistes contre le racisme, la misogynie et les projets coloniaux de l’empire et du capitalisme néolibéral.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Mapping the Other

    In Western space, mapping the Other is not a prescriptive notion to assign ossified identities. Rather, it is about questioning the link between these intersectional identities of otherness and the specificities of the various Western spaces. In other words, it invites a reconsideration of how the Others autonomously define themselves in the dominant and marginal spaces of the “normative order” of hegemonic societies, and how they integrate them to make them theirs—therefore challenging the systems of oppression implemented.

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  • Call for papers - Language

    Formation en langues secondes face à l’urgence

    Revue « Lidil » n° 69, mai 2024

    Migrants today find themselves in an “emergency” context aggravated by the pandemic. The uncertainty of their condition, due to practical, legal and institutional matters, has been worsen by the current issues related to health and security, which is weakening their integration process even more. In such a context, it is also urgent to reconsider the language needs of migrants, in other words, to address, in terms of language training, the urgency of their integration through language as well as the new difficulties in meeting the needs that they express as learners. Thus, this issue of Lidil seeks to deepen the reflection on topics related to second languages for migrants in the context of pandemic and post-pandemic emergency.

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  • Concepción del Uruguay

    Call for papers - Language

    Afro Literature Conference

    Cuando decidimos abordar el estudio de la “literatura africana”, nos enfrentamos a una serie de problemas, en tanto campo complejo de tensiones, de núcleos constitutivos, de perspectivas, inherentes a toda etiqueta formada por la palabra literatura y un gentilicio. Una dificultad no menor la encontramos en los planes de estudios de las carreras de Letras en Argentina cuyo “patrón cognitivo” (Quijano 2017) aún persiste dentro de los rasgos de un patrón de poder fundado en la colonialidad: el centro no ha sido del todo desplazado, para decirlo con wa Thiong’o (2014).  El eurocentrismo académico en nuestro país perdura en el escaso interés que el pensamiento africano y afrodiaspórico ocupa en las carreras de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, con destacadas excepciones siempre individuales o colectivas pero rara vez institucionale.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Quantifying the Holocaust

    Classifying, Counting, Modeling: What Contribution to Holocaust History?

    This conference aims to bring together international researchers in Paris for two days (May 15th-16th, 2024). The conference will be organized around three main themes that will examine the history of how the Holocaust, persecution, and extermination have been measured: 1/ the history of numbers, which will question the practical production of statistics and counts contributing to the ordinary and scientific understanding of the Holocaust; 2/ the uses and controversies surrounding the measurement of the Holocaust; and 3/ the contributions and limits of methods for collecting and analyzing quantitative material for understanding the Holocaust.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Retour à la norm(al)e ? Réfugiés et déplacés pendant la paix violente (1944-milieu des années 1950)

    Cet appel à contributions pour un numéro spécial pour la revue Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire porte sur les réfugié∙es et déplacé∙es de l’après-seconde guerre mondiale. Il cherche à interroger le retour à la norm(al)e pour ces personnes, c’est-à-dire les normes explicites et implicites, juridiques et administratives, mais aussi familiales, sexuelles, raciales et, plus généralement, comportementales et affectives qui présidèrent à la vie collective et intime de ces personnes, au long de leur trajectoire de réfugié∙es ou déplacé∙es, du camp et de la zone d’occupation, jusqu’au retour au pays ou au lieu de réinstallation. Les articles en français et en anglais sont acceptés.

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  • Ziguinchor

    Call for papers - Political studies

    L’État : entre universalisme et variabilité des pratiques

    The State : between universalism and variability of practices

    From ancient times onward, different state models have been conceptualized and applied all over the world. The main objective of this colloquium is to enrich an intellectual and interdisciplinary discussion which is about observing and analyzing how the States are created, how they work, survive and are contested from ancient times onward.

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